MB update

I’m sure Rosie was. And as a dog, I’m sure she was addicted to something. Bacon perhaps….


There have been several times I’ve wished I had recorded the hearing, but I was too busy taking copious notes to think about violating the clear notice on the screen.

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I agree, but some of them can be pretty scrappy when they think they could score some drugs or the finances to score some drugs. And some drugs induce violent, erratic behavior. Just saying…


But… we don’t know what other evidence might come into play during the civil trial. Texts that spoke to the alleged “plan” , all those recordings, various party’s prior arrest records, etc.

It sure seems possible for that MBs attorneys might try and defend him against the civil suit by claiming self defense. Why not? Couldn’t they argue he was a broken man, in the midst of a psychological crisis involving a delusional disorder involving a belief that these two people represented an imminent threat to MHGs children, thus he arrived at the scene with a weapon… at which point these two people, both of whom have a demonstrated violent criminal history (look at their arrest records), attacked him.

It seems possible to argue that. :woman_shrugging: Especially if there are texts out there speaking about some sort of pre-existing plan to frame MB for something…


This. All day long.


Actually, I believe MB’s quite competent attorneys have such significant evidence of wrongdoing that they will present a very solid case to the civil trial jury.

By the way, take a gander at the number of complete strangers posting on YT who, all on their own, came to the same conclusion about what happened that I and others have stated here. In other words, YOU are in the minority with your theory, but you be you, mkay?


Especially if one expects to fight being more of a street cat and the other is not being more of a house cat and so not expecting a fistfight.


The state psych in the criminal trial also testified to his, and others, very real fear and that LK’s behavior was fueling it.


You are consistent in your wrongness, I’ll give you that.

I’m talking about the CIVIL TRIAL where points like self defense WILL BE permitted and examined at great length and it is there that the tenants stories go to the dumpster.


Regardless of what RG and LK say happened when MB arrived at the farmhouse that day, my interpretation of the jury’s finding of fact is that MB, in a delusional state and a rage, transported himself and a loaded gun to their physical location”. We don’t need LKs testimony to know she was shot twice and nearly died.

If MB had succeeded in murdering both LK and RG, and we had exactly the same physical evidence (except we now have two dead bodies), the same testimony from all other witnesses such as the CPS worker and ED, and LK and RG said nothing (because they’re dead, right?), I’d have the exact same interpretation of what happened.

Despite LKs admitting to lying on SM, I believe their testimony as to what happened. I don’t believe it simply on the basis of their credibility, I believe it because it fits with all the other evidence.

So the fact that LK and perhaps RG are “known liars” is true, but not necessarily relevant to my, and the jury’s, interpretation of what happened.

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Which version?

And a whole new jury gets to determine that again.


Yeah people believe certain politicians too despite evidence.

You can believe as you wish but you must note that the overwhelming majority of people here, and who watched the criminal trial, and the jury do not and will not believe as you.

Eventually you will see the civil case is doomed as far as the plaintiff. Of course at that time you’ll post that you knew it all along .


Emphasis on the “don’t know”. There are a lot of modern-day addicts who are gym/fitness nuts or perfectly normal looking and you wouldn’t know they were addicts unless someone told you or you witnessed specific behavior associated with addicts. The historical notion that addicts are always skinny, shriveled up sacks of meat and bone is something that really went out of the textbooks decades ago and it only holds true with specific kinds of regular drug use, such as meth.


They are the only two that can say how that gun got there. And if they are unbelievable liars….then where does that leave them. I certainly got the sense that there is more to the office access than the small peek we got.


This. Just ask a cop or an EMT.


OK. MBs counterclaim was filed early on at a time when he was pleading both self defense and insanity in the criminal trial.

Time passes.

The self defense claim got zero traction in the criminal case, and the verdict in the criminal case indicates that the state proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he shot her while legally insane.

I understand that in writing the defense or counterclaim, one attempts to keep every option open.

I will rephrase by saying that, given the outcome of the criminal trial on the claim of self defense, it is very difficult for me to imagine his civil lawyers putting their effort into that claim.

Why? Just because Judge T didn’t allow any evidence of self defense in doesn’t mean Judge Sceusi will lean the same way. Plus, what’s allowed in is vastly different in the civil arena.

If I were his attorneys, I’d be even more determined to get that previously excluded info out there.


It got zero traction because of Taylor’s decisions! Did you even watch the trial?


It’s very difficult for a man who arrives at the physical location the others with a loaded gun to argue self defense.

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General comment that I wonder why certain posters here feel it is so important to push the narrative that RG is a “hero.”

Are they trying to convince someone that he is worthy of keeping around (so he can reap the benefits of a potential settlement in the civil suits)?

Or are they trying to schmooze him in hopes he can be depended on regarding his testimony during depositions, etc.?

Or both? Or other scenarios?
