MB update

I live in the poor, rural South. We have a preponderance of two types of addicts here- pill billies and meth addicts.

Believe me, these people do not have gym memberships!


Yeah check the jail system! Tons of gym nuts who are addicts.


Well, it wouldn’t be (a problem) if it was the truth every time, everywhere. :wink:


Only two liars that had access to the office, and pre-knowledge of the gun, and got all the residents guarding the office kicked out the night before, can place MB with bringing the gun. Emphasis, sworn under oath testified to be liars.


Judge T didn’t allow arguing a defense of self defense because Barisone’s lawyers had not presented any evidence that would support the claim of self defense.

What is the evidence that it was self defense? If there is evidence that it was self defense, why didn’t Bilinkas present it?

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This is exactly my point. MB was not expecting a physical fight, and RG had him on the ground to choke him.


The fact that self defense wasn’t allowed in the criminal case has ZERO to do with the civil case.


Well, we don’t know since Judge T didn’t allow it.


Back on the ignore list. I’ve tried to have civil discussions with some users but that rabbit hole is way too deep and convoluted with denial to continue with this person further.

Back to the civil trials, I think JK has an inkling of what can/will be brought up without objection and I suspect he is doing his level best to find significant damaging evidence of bad behavior on MB to attempt to offset all that will be presented by Deininger and Bilinkas. In other words, buckle up buttercup!


And could RG even beat MB in the head if MB wasn’t on the ground, considering the height difference.
He beat his head/face, not his shoulder or chest.
So that had to happen after MB was on the ground.


That’s exactly what I think


If the jury discarded the testimony of LK and RG because they found it not credible (I don’t think that’s the case, but even if it were), then they were relying on the circumstantial evidence that MB removed the gun from the safe when he interrupted the meeting between MHG and the CPS worker.

You can create fantasy scenarios in which LK removed the gun from the safe the night before, dressed as the wicked witch of the west, and summoned MB telepathically in order to ambush him. The jury had to determine what they think happened. It’s not that.

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But we aren’t talking about that jury, in the criminal case. We are talking about a new jury, in a different arena, with a different judge, and quite possibly different evidence admitted, and what that might mean.


Didn’t allow evidence that MB acted in self defense? What evidence would that be?

Evidence that LK or RG were the ones who had the gun and MB arrived unarmed?

We. Don’t. Know. Because it was not allowed in that trial. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that in the civil trial we will hear different evidence.


If he thought she was dying, before he subdued MB, such that it enraged him to the point of beating MB senseless…

Why did RG tell her, the only person he could have been instructing to do so, to get the dog, repeatedly, on the 911 recording?



So you think JK will continue to fund the legal fight, and encourage an attempt to go on offense?

I would think at some point a sane person would see that there is a substantial risk that even if LK is awarded compensation for her medical bills, MB prevails on his counterclaims, and receives financial compensation. In that situation… attorneys fees might be a wash for both parties. But MBs damages will be substantial given his readily demonstrable loss of income…

And wouldn’t LKs health insurance then be able to claim part of whatever she was awarded in the way of damages for medical expenses?

Anyway… I just see major risks on the horizon for the Kanareks. More so than for MB. Finding a way to settle all civil claims and counterclaims ASAP after MB is released from AK seems like it might be a very wise move.


Probably, but circumstantial evidence is very very weak. Maybe something Taylor didn’t let in would have completely changed the jury’s thinking on that part. Like a more fully fleshed out view of how LK had access to the office.


If there is evidence of MB physically threatening others, that seems pretty pertinent.

“Significant damaging evidence of bad behavior on MB” prior to the shooting could not be used in the criminal trial, but seems appropriate in the civil trial.

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He actually yelled at her, very aggressively, using the f bomb.

It sure didn’t sound like he realized she was shot, or if he did, it didn’t sound like he realized her wounds were serious.