MB update

Not enough to make it to the criminal trial though.


If LK and RG had rendered MB unconscious, it is entirely plausible that they planted a magazine in his pocket.


Do you think evidence of MB physically threatening people in the past would outweigh evidence of RG and LK ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING people in the past, and being arrested for it
 and the evidence that LK ACTUALLY fired a weapon at someone in the past, and was arrested for it?

I kinda think their arrest records are going to weigh more heavily in a juror’s mind than some sort of story or testimony about MB physically threatening someone once in the past
 but that physical threat having never resulted in an actual assault or arrest.


And the location of his shirt?


It would have been a very wise move for LK to just pack up and leave the farm before August 2019. But that did not happen, either.


It might be pertinent, but will it outweigh that super thick preliminary report the PI did at MB’s request? Because you better believe that’s coming in.

Significant to outweigh 19,000+ SM posts as of Aug 2019, not including all the problematic posts for the last three years, up to and including last night? If so, MB must be a mastermind at hiding that stuff up until now.

So, yeah, sure, maybe they’ll find something that shines him in a bad light. But will it outweigh everything we know about LK, much less whatever MB’s team has that was previously excluded? That will be interesting for sure.


I hope the jury for the civil trial will be prepared for quite a long slog.


Me too. I would imagine this will take twice as long as the criminal trial.


OK. I am disagreeing with you on the factual issue of whether evidence supporting a defense of self defense was “not allowed”. Since MB pled not guilty by reason of self defense, my interpretation is that the judge would have had to accept the evidence that it was self defense, or the defendant would have an excellent basis for appeal. But no evidence supporting a srlf defense claim was offered.

Given that the defense could not provide any evidence to establish a claim of self defense, as I recall, the judge “did not allow” Bilinkas to assert a claim of self defense to the jury.

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Also, if the only “evidence” was MB went to the safe and got the gun after CPS got there. Well

  1. No one was allowed to testify as to why CPS was really there for. There was testimony that RC (the gun owner) was asked to speak to them.
  2. No one testified that they saw MB leave with a gun. And he was apparently gone for a long time
much longer than the time it took for the described altercation.
  3. Considering circumstantial evidence is really weak, he could have just as easily seen the gun was gone from the safe and so he kissed MHG because he was going to be a hero and try to go get the gun back and thought he was likely to be killed in the attempt.

Oof. I can’t even imagine how the jury will be able to keep all that information straight.

I hope they can take notes!!


Ok. But you’re wrong on one key point. Judge T didn’t Have to accept anything, and if the jury went the other way, he very well could have lost on appeal, just like he has before.


Man, me too!

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Very true. Someone must be paying the attorneys fees to continue with this disaster though. Presumably it’s JK. Although maybe LK is using money from her theoretical trust to fund her battle?

If it’s JK paying the attorney, then it seems like he might be able to decide if/when it’s time to pursue a settlement.

After all, didn’t JK decide in early August of 2019 that things had gotten out of control, and didn’t JK hire ED, and speak with ED and Steve Tarshis to negotiate a place for LK to move all her horses? Apparently that’s why ED was calling her on the day the shooting went down.

Hopefully JK acts a little faster this time to drag daughter dearest down an off ramp


Which then tells us RG DID NOT rush out as a result of LK being shot. It’s significant proof MB was jumped first, RG engaged, the gun inadvertently discharged and LK was shot.

Thank you @CurrentlyHorseless without your input this connection wouldn’t have been made!!


I think JK may now realize considerable information may come out that might be devastating. Remember, they always assumed MB would jump at that ridiculous plea he was offered. When he didn’t they assumed he would be found guilty. When that didn’t happen and ALL discovery, discovery and personal histories can now be presented, it’s become a different, unplanned situation for the Kanareks. LK’s continued antics on social media definitely hasn’t and won’t help either.


It sounded like JK was also footing the bill for the horses’ board and the apartment at the farm in New Jersey, but he still did not manage to get her out of there before August 2019.

Time will tell what happens in the civil case.


People conceal carry all day, everywhere. Its rampant.
That doesn’t mean they have intent to shoot anyone.


This has always been what I think actually happened.


The record will show that Bilinkas argued with the judge that he had indeed presented evidence. It was solely the judge who decided he couldn’t risk an acquittal that way.