MB update

LOL. This is so quintessentially CotH.

Did you miss the repeated haranguing “a certain poster” received to state her thoughts on RG and her thoughts on the extent to which RG was being unfairly bashed?

When “a certain poster” ignores the haranguing, she is “sidestepping”. When responding as bidden, she is “pushing a narrative”. And of course anyone “pushing a narrative” must have a motive that needs identifying. Maybe two.

Perhaps I should change my screen name to @ACertainPoster.

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Why would JK be spending $$ on for attorneys now?

Like she was bleeding out, such that her hand was so blood covered she couldn’t dial the phone…

The amount of blood she claims was causing her not to be able to dial, would have alerted him to the fact that she wasn’t going to catch the dog.


Plus no one, other than two addicts with one admitting that she openly lies on social media, are the only people stating they saw him with a gun.

Are you going to believe the two addicts because I certainly would not?!?!?!


Every single time Mr B tried to discuss the timeline presented by RG and LK, he got shut down. Every single question he asked in that vein ended up in a sidebar.

Plus, as LK likes to remind us, we have no idea what evidence was excluded in the preliminary hearings that could very well come into play in the civil trial. MB’s team may have a mountain of previously excluded evidence for all we know.




Plus, didn’t she take the phone from him to dial 911 or something after climbing up and down the stairs several times?


Yes, because things won’t be limited to what MB knew or what “could have” affected his mental state.


Speaking of the Empress’ continued antics on social media, she had a cryptic comment somewhat recently where she “wondered” how MB funded his original attorney’s fees (it seemed like she was referencing fees paid in 2020, and 2021, and whether or not someone else had paid those fees for him, and whether the IRS might be interested in that…

It was an interesting comment. I don’t feel like going back and looking for it, but to me, it revealed a SIGNIFICANT amount of frustration that MB has been able to hang in there and wage a legal fight.

My impression is that the Ks are the sort of people who periodically aggressively threaten litigation, in order to push their agenda. But then this situation happened, and they made a decision to jump out early and file the civil claims in 2019. And my guess is they thought multiple parties involved might settle, instead of fighting, just to limit the total liability.

But… that’s not what has happened. Just like with the criminal trial.

When MB failed to take the plea deal he was offered, there was t a financial risk involved for the Ks. But… if MB doesn’t settle this civil case? And instead, stays in the fight and pursues his counterclaims? There is a serious potential financial risk to LK.

First thing is first… he has to get through his Krol hearing. But after that? Who knows. I think the Ks are VERY agitated that he has found a way and had sufficient funds to hang in there so far though. That’s the impression I get. A poster on these forums referenced LOs GFM in particularly caustic terms in the last day or two as well… and that added to my perception that the Ks are VERY agitated by MBs ability to hang in there financially as the legal fight drags on.


Plus someone went out of their way to have the direct link removed from the thread.


A continued civil case just brings in more donations for MB.


FWIW, I have always thought your screen name was actually pretty catchy and clever.


He will be as the civil situation ramps up, and discovery and depositions happen. I think one of the attorneys explained on a prior thread that is highly unlikely Nagel is working on a purely contingency basis. There are research fees and other expenses that will come into play, all along the way.


ST and JK were negotiating to reach an agreement for LK to leave and another boarding facility was found. SInce it was not accepted by LK, at what point if any would any legal fees be passed onto the client in trying to make this happen?

It seems that a situation like this could go on forever and rack up unnecessary fees for MB. I realize the amounts are probably insignificant to his other legal fees but could he try to recover them in the civil trial?


As long as this suit drags on, somebody has to pay insane jury Nagel, because you’re right. It’s very unlikely he’s doing this on a strict contingency fee.


Don’t forget, she spun around in circles too …


Most definitely. Attorneys fees are almost always a thing in civil litigation. Loser had to pay the other party’s fees.


Both parties are asking for legal fees in the original suit and the counter claim. RC and SGF are also asking for legal fees in their answers. Ironically, the more argument you put into those fees, the higher those fees go.

Civil suits are horribly messy.


Huh. I totally forgot about RC and SGF’s fees.

So if a jury finds in MBs favor with respect to his counter claims…

LK is going to owe his fees, but also almost certainly RC’s and SGF’s fees.


Anyone want to hazard a guess on how much RC and SGF have spent this far related to attorneys fees and LKs civil suit?


I wonder if the K Klan was surprised to hear MB’s lawyer testify under oath in court that MB is worth millions, based not just on his talent with horses but also his successful business practices over the years.

Maybe the Ks expected all along that MB would have to fold early due to lack of finances for a prolonged legal battle.