MB update

It’s ironic. On one hand, RG gets bashed for not working and being an addict and a possible Marine boot camp dropout then when he goes up against a much larger Olympic athlete, he is Superman.

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Bumbling cops and insufficient forensics do not fulfill preponderance of evidence thresholds.

Any jury who hears an itial search found nothing will believe that.


I assure you to us he is never Superman.



Heck, even I could have claimed to be a superhero if I had taken down a much larger Olympic athlete by cold-cocking him on the head - which many people seem to believe may be closer to the truth than the story told by two admitted liars and drug addicts with an agenda.


I don’t claim to be an expert on Superman, but I don’t believe he is generally thought of as someone with an extensive criminal history that includes multiple assault charges.


Well let’s be fair, apparently this one time, in NC, RG was faster than a speeding bullet.

I wonder why no one was charged with attempted murder for that whole thing?


Complete strangers AKA CotH posters who brag about it here. Right.


Except the jury believed the defense mental health experts and the state psych also said MB was faking being insane and faking amnesia.


That full disclosure of both parties is a double edge sword. While LK has had and continues to have her past drug through court and SM, MB’s was protected in criminal court. Not anymore.

Maybe they can try to claim self defense because he believed she was the Were Rabbit while he was in a delusional state.

Giving a man his due. He stopped an active shooter.

Right right. She keeps on mentioning his ex wife on YT, and speculating that if VK had testified at trial, there would have been some serious bombshells. And it seems like LK is alluding to some sort of history related to MBs marriage and divorce.

You know who else was once married? LK! I wonder if her ex husband, or people close to him would have anything enlightening to share about her during the civil trial? :thinking:


I’m disappointed. You are normally on top of things. Judge Taylor could not allow it because there was no evidence it happened. Imaginary scenarios have to be based on evidence. MB had the gun and had for several days. MB threw DCCP and MhG out of the office to retrieve the gun. MB went to the house. LK was shot.

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And where on earth would she have gotten these ideas? She was never around MB’s ex-wife. The office access she was talking about in her emails in order to go through his business records?


Paranoid much?


Be careful. They will call you part of K-Klan for suggesting they should all settle.

What’s a Were Rabbit? (Sorry, but that term escapes me…)


Oh - I think settling would be smart for a lot of reasons.

I think LK has more financial exposure than MB at this point when it comes to the lawsuit.


Tell that to Lex Luthor…


Except she apparently has no attachable assets. And as I said previously, even if MB prevails, he will get nothing other than vindication - although that could certainly go a long way toward helping him heal psychologically from the damage they have done to him over the years.