MB update

Really wish she had. Really wish he hadn’t shot her. Bad deal all the way around. Tragic.

I hear you. Plus there is the fact that the house is in Florida.

I curious about hearing from one of the knowledgeable professionals who have been following this discussion how it might play out if he was to prevail with his counterclaims, and she was to ordered to pay something in the neighborhood of $100k to $200k.

Would she have to sell what she could, but keep the house, and then just be allowed to declare bankruptcy and walk away? Or, could they garnish distributions from her theoretical trust over time?

Essentially… how might this work?


Really wish she had moved when it became apparent she was no longer wanted there.

Really wish she had not organized and perpetuated a campaign of psychological terror against MB and MHG.

Really wish she and her manservant had not beaten MB to a bloody pulp.

And yes, I really wish she had not been shot in the melee.

Very tragic indeed.


Keep up @hut-ho78, this has already been discussed uptrend. Heymer (1st on the scene) testified he found nothing on him. Who is wrong?


Since you have responded to me, what does Seeker have to do with anything other than doing exactly what most mothers would do - defend her daughter in all circumstances. So, again, what IS your point?

Oh, I stopped reading your post after the mention of Seeker. I assume it was just more of the tired same.


Oh… I think someone wants the thread to be locked.

It’s a good thing no one has attempted to draw in or bully Seeker. I hope she’s having a quiet summer afternoon somewhere, doing something relaxing.


Really wish she hadn’t plotted and executed a plan to finish the bastard.


Could he get awarded … Whatever… That she pays when she eventually has money, say from an inheritance?

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It seems like that might depend on whether or not she ends up declaring bankruptcy?

Did OJ ever formally declare bankruptcy? I know his Florida house was always protected, but not much beyond that about how it all played out over the years.

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Wow. That’s pretty rude and disrespectful for what we know MB was suffering. And flies in the face of the evidence presented by three medical experts in the criminal trial, none of which testified one single word about him having hallucinations. If called upon again in the civil trial, odds are good that won’t come up there, either.


A money judgment is typically good for 10 years and can be renewed for another 10 years in my state. NJ may be similar. But since it will be in NJ and she is in FL that judgment should also be registered in FL and that’s done by filing a civil case but it should be a simple case.

I believe it’s highly possible that inheritance may be exempt from judgment. Not sure.


Hmmm, 2nd shift is pulling out all stops to close the thread.

When in doubt, grasp, rinse, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.


Are her horses in her name or JKs?

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Before the shooting, no less.


I think I checked into this in NJ and found it wasn’t. Perhaps I’ll look into FL.

Edit to add: unless the inheritance is buried in a trust with a spendthrift clause affecting distribution to the trustee…dang it, beneficiary, not trustee…


I’m backing up a bit. Do you think that her comment on YT about “…he’s done it before and he’ll do it again” was referring to him being “mean” to his students?

Other people thought that my trainer was “mean” whereas I thought they were sarcastic and pretty funny! And I deserved every word of it! But then I never thought I was god’s gift to the equestrian world!

Oh, nevermind, he never really trained her……


He just might get that injunction that stops her from calling him a murderer, like she was doing last night. I feel that might be important to him going forward.


If they are not incompetent they are very corrupt. It has to be one of the two, or some combination of both.


I’m disappointed that you are being so condescending today. That’s not your typical style.

So I’m curious. Were you privy to all the sidebars that happened every single time Mr B tried to question the discrepancies between RG and LK’s 2019 statements to the police and what they testified to in court?

Were you also present for the preliminary hearings where evidence was ruled upon? Can you please enlighten us as to what rulings were made and what was excluded?

Additionally, do you have access to MB, Mr Bilinkas and Mr Deininger’s files? Care to share what evidence they may have discovered since April 14th?

Finally, could you please describe the different standards between a criminal case and a civil case and how that might affect the introduction of evidence?

Thank you.


No. It is in direct response and confirmation to another poster who told LK to expect him to “do it again”. That other poster is talking about the shooting. LK is in effect saying that she believes MB has tried to kill/killed someone else before but was never caught. The context is in the screenshots of the conversation on YT.