MB update

Literally hundreds of random people world wide as the trial was ongoing were all CoTH posters? Wow. I thought CoTH was pretty niche.


Open carry or even concealed carry can be ok but once it is out and pointed at someone, that alone can be enough for aggravated assault.

And yet, MB was found straight up NOT GUILTY on that agg assault charge, for the record.


Yes, maybe another hour or two when Chicago kicks in.


Nearly bled out. Flat lined twice. Surgery. Pain meds. Induced coma. Canā€™t imagine what nightmares she had or how much or not she was in touch with reality for a while.

:musical_score: Itā€™s beginning to look a lot like YouTubeā€¦ā€¦


Do some people copy and paste old arguments? Or do they have them so memorized that they can just repeat them by rote?

Itā€™s beginning to look a lot like Groundhogs Dayā€¦


I could be wrong but I believe the majority of these orders specify not speaking about the person publicly.


You forgot intubated.


The civil suit specifically asks for a permanent injunction against her posting about MB on the World Wide Web.

Edit to add:

ā€œ WHEREFORE, MICHAEL BARISONE demands judgment against LAUREN KANAREK for compensatory damages, punitive damages, interest, costs of suit; preliminary and permanent injunctive relief in the form of restraints barring LAUREN KANAREK from making posts about or referencing Barisone on the World Wide Web, and/or through any and all forms of social media, and/or otherwise stalking, harassing, and/or seeking to cause harm or injury to Barisone; and such other relief this Court deems just and proper.ā€


And slit stern to stern.


I am not a part of k klan and find use of that term to be ridiculous. I do not know them except through this forum. I wouldnā€™t know them if I ran into them on the street. I think the treatment of LK, RG, and LE to be deplorable and the twisting of the narrative to be potentially damaging to MB.

Iā€™ve always called RG a hero since the first. He took down an active shooter. Iā€™ve always said LE did a good job. Everyone lived. Iā€™ve also always felt sorry for everyone involved in this. Go back to the first forum and see where I was aghast at people bashing LK and MB and protesting that their families would be reading this.

Youā€™d think that even in advance of the civil suit, sheā€™d maybe consider complying. Or at least stick to the facts, maā€™am. But, nope. Speculation that he has ā€œdone this beforeā€ (and will do it again), calling him a murderer, etc, etc, etc. Le sighā€¦


Itā€™s pretty remarkable, isnā€™t it?


Youā€™re entitled to your opinion.

And thatā€™s all it is.


Agree. I was appalled at the trucks of armed white guys in the back having lived through Jim Crow but the video showed clearly Kyle was defending himself. I was corrected on my first impression and sent to the Law of Self Defense podcast and YouTube which though sometimes annoying is clear on the legal issues.

Except for Ahmaud Arbery though. He saw a black guy attacking a white guy and I saw a cornered black guy who tried to get away b it was trapped and was defending himself. The jury saw it like I did.

Edited for typing error.

Some of these posts are sounding more and more familiar with their rhetoric and incorrect assumptions.



Letā€™s please not bring Kyle Rittenhouse into this, other than to mention that you can carry a gun and still argue self-defense. Discussion of that topic beyond bolstering an argument that pertains directly to this incident belongs in the CE forum.


Now you have finally said something I agree with!

You can not forget intubated. It is being blamed for all dental issues.

If the law enforcement did a good job none of this would have happened at all. They were begged to help before all of this happened and they did nothing. So no, LE did not do a good job just because no one died in the end.
And that is ignoring how inept their crime scene work was.


I am sometimes mistaken but Iā€™m not lying. I donā€™t know how yā€™all complain about LK lying on social media and then continue on with your own tall tales and fabrications.

I believe the jury got it right. Plus, itā€™s the only verdict that protects all parties and letā€™s them all move on with their lives. Itā€™s up to them if they do.

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