MB update

It was a tire on his bike.

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Where has ANYONE here posted “tall tales and fabrications”?? I can accept “speculations” and “theories” - but I can’t recall anyone stating anything that stands out as an intentional lie (other than LaLaPopRider).


Correction: he CLAIMS to have stopped an active shooter. Given the complete lack of credibility he demonstrated under oath as a witness, why would you choose to believe this particular claim?


You are mistaken. LE in Uvalde waited an hour and waited for a specialty unit, used hand sanitizer, while kids and teachers were shot and then bled out. They may have still messed up the forensics when they finally entered.

LE in this case risked their lives and kept everyone alive. The first 3 on the scene searched and handcuffed the conscious individuals and saved the one that was bleeding out.

I bet Uvalde would hire them in an instant.

I don’t know how some continue on that LE is supposed to wait for backup before stopping active shooters.

I’m not even blaming Uvalde police though they had the wrong response. It’s an unthinkable situation no matter how often it happens. I think they will all do better next time assuming they continue on with a career in law enforcement.

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And again, the only people claiming MB is the one who removed the gun from the safe, took it with him to the house, and pulled it out and pointed it at someone are two addicts who can’t seem to stop lying, even under oath.

The self-defense theory is at least as plausible as the conflicting tales LK and RG have spun.


How? Other than not securing RG and letting him run around all nilly-willy?


Huh? I thought the testimony by the cop was that RG was sitting on top of MB who had his broken left arm pinned underneath him and was dazed and disoriented and completely docile during their interactions….


Ah…if only there were video clearly showing whether MB was the attacker or the victim. And why don’t we again? Become someone claims to have conveniently turned the cameras off moments before the incident, and because police never secured the footage before allowing JK and RG back on the property. Such a shame.


Hensley found the magazine. Hensley watched his sergeant place it in Fellini’s trunk.

That is precisely the point of the comparison. Ignoring for a moment that we have no way of even knowing whether MB is the person who removed the gun from the safe and brought it to the house, there is plenty of precedent, including Rittenhouse, to say that carrying a weapon does not nullify a claim of self defense, particularly where someone is walking into a situation where being attacked by an aggressive dog and / or two unstable people who have made threats against them.


Simring did say that MB took the gun from the safe. The question is where did he get that information from? You would think MB told him that before the loss of memory kicked in.

Both LK and RG said that MB put both hands in the air. No gun mentioned and why else do you put both hands in the air? Unless someone is pointing a gun at you?


That was hearsay. There is no way to verify the accuracy of his statement. He could have misheard MB during his interviews or miss spoke during the trial. In fact, I do believe some news sources reported statements from the defense attorney that the amnesia covers time from before CPS arrived.


And yet someone was. Two counts of attempted murder and gun charges. NG on one because the prosecutor did not prove the case to the jury beyond a reasonable doubt and NGRI on the other because although the prosecutor proved beyond a reasonable doubt that MB shot LK, he was in a delusional state and could not be held criminally liable.

I can name two now how say they posted on YT and bragged here. Can’t remember if there are any others.

Think those two were using hundreds of alters during real time while the trial was live and happening?


Not the question though. @Virginia_Horse_Mom is asking if any charges came about from LK shooting at RG.


Heymer said no “weapons, anything that could hurt me.” So unless MB could, while handcuffed, get the magazine out and throw it at him or get the Ruger again, reload, and keep shooting then nothing that could hurt him,

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Ok. Since you stopped reading my posts, I will stop responding to your questions to me that you don’t really mean because you don’t read my posts.

I understand that. But others have brought additional comments and arguments with regard to Rittenhouse to the table that I, a leftist anti-racist who is an advocate for gun control, find really distressing. Prefer we stick to the Barisone issue.


I didn’t say hallucinations. I said delusional state. The defense mental health experts prevailed by describing a delusional state. No evidence was presented at the criminal trial to lead to a scenario of self defense so it can’t be used as an alternative sequence of events by the defense.

I don’t know how creative a civil suit can get for alternate scenarios. I would guess a lot more creative.

This was actually discussed in earlier threads when a few of us were trying to understand how a defense of self defense and insanity would work together.