MB update


Everything about this post boggles my mind.


Your post is all over the place. The only thing I can agree with is that Uvalde police should have MOVED and didn’t and people died. Everything else is word salad.

AND you don’t blame Uvalde police? And they”ll maybe do a better job if they elect to continue in law enforcement? What??? What?!?!?!?’ This is so infuriating that I can barely form thoughts.

The least offensive (though also baffling) thing you said was that LEOs risked their lives at Hawthorn Hill,Which LEOs risked their lives when MB had been beaten and restrained and the empty gun was beneath him?


Police routinely ask if there is anything in the pockets AND if anything that can hurt is in there.


I really don’t care what you think of the term k klan.

I also will not be wasting my time reading your posts in the first forum.

Edited to fix the quoted part


TWO?? There are HUNDREDS of accounts posting all over those Law & Crime videos. Hundreds. Many of them simply move from trial to trial and follow along and comment - the same as some do for Barisone threads here.

Even suggesting that a lot of those hundreds of YT posters are all COTHers is one of the biggest WTH comments I have seen of late.

Have you read the YT comments? Have you seen LK in fine form - insulting, threatening, sneering and presenting her own Truth? Hinting at great revelations of some kind that will shock everyone? She did that before the criminal trial as well…

Even better - have you seen Bob Abooey (a LK alter) having a friendly little chat with LK? I stumbled on that the other night… so bizarre.

I have not posted there - but seeing the way LK swoops in to lecture someone about posting in a 3 month old thread when she apparently is closely monitoring responses and participation - and thinks she is a mod of some kind… is beyond sad. Who does that?

*edited because the word is revelations not relevations or even relations


And they went to great length to describe his delusions, which did not include hallucinations of made up characters, creatures or whatever a were rabbit is. It’s offensive that you went there.


I do not know these people. I am a Random Internet Poster. So, no to your questions.

That was not condescending. That would be counter productive to a sharing of information.

Then how can you be so certain as to what you assert?


Yep! I was caught up in a no knock raid. First question was “what is in your pockets and will it hurt me?”


I’ll have to go back to hear the verdict read. I thought the aggravated assault charge was an allowed lesser charge if the jury wanted to downgrade the attempted murder charge. I didn’t think it came into play unless the jury said it did.

I’ll listen again. I can’t remember if they read that one out and said NG.

Thank you. They did show her scars in court too.

You don’t know and/or aren’t familiar with actual police officers. Heymer is VERY LUCKY HE IS ALIVE. Heymer had no idea what the situation was and took RG’s word without question. Many rookie cops have been killed or taken hostage for making the same mistake. Absolutely unacceptable in every single aspect.


“Stem to stern”.

Does it matter in the big picture? Are they likely to be worth very much? Didn’t someone say they had some age and assorted soundness issues on them?


Law enforcement is not a nanny system. There has to have been a crime or one in progress.

But smart, since the internet is forever, and what she says now will always be there. So there may be some indication from things that she will have to stop, so she’s getting it out there now before a court orders had to stop.


Honest question for @hut-ho78. What is the motivation behind your participation in these threads? You seem to want to admonish people. You appear to enjoy rehashing old arguments. What is your end goal when you have a minority view? Do you hope to sway hearts and minds? Do you persist in the hope that some or any of the posters here will be cowed?

I am just genuinely curious why you are one of the most prolific Barisone posters and yet you rail against the threads themselves. Could you please take the time to enlighten me?


Here, let me help you:

Approx: 1:09

Judge T: With regard to count two, the lesser included offense of aggravated assault upon Robert Goodwin?

Jury Foreman: Not Guilty.


Nope, you are mistaken. Heymer said nothing of the sort during his testimony at the Miranda hearing.

But you go ahead and double down hoping someone somewhere will agree with you.


In the current market it could make a dent. Plus, according to her she really loves those horses, (no reason to believe she doesn’t) I think it would be devastating for her to have to sell them.


It is obvious the phrase is stem to stern.

Seeker1 spouted “stern to stern” over and over in previous threads. Keep up.

Edited spelling