MB update

Ahem. It is “Willy-nilly”. Carry on.


They didn’t know he was restrained when they ran in.

I don’t believe anything about my posts upset you in any way. You overplayed the drama long ago.

And really, that may have been just dumb luck that the first responding officer happened to be right up the street, and was there very quickly after the 911 call. If he had been 10 minutes away…


All good points. But it’s also pretty stupid as it shows a pattern that continues up to today.

Three years ago on July 24, she was posting about kings and queens and audios. Last night she was calling him a murderer.

If he gets his injunction, she will clearly deserve it.


Umm…that would have been information that 911 would have provided. RG clearly said he was restraining MB to 911.


My dad always said it backwards. Hard habit to break…. :slight_smile:


I’ve gone to look for LK’s comments after hearing about them here and finally found a couple. The only way y’all can know about them is to be either hovering or somehow notified in the YouTube comment chain that you received a response. Maybe you have a duty roster going with who has to watch all of the YouTube video comments. I don’t comment there so I don’t know if there is a notification or not.

Y’all do.

Wow…you really are grasping now aren’t you?

I can’t deal with this naivete any more. Y’all have fun with this poster and keep interacting with them all you want. It has become ridiculous.

Who is assigned 3rd shift today?

  1. the mere fact that RG was on top of MB didn’t tip them off?

  2. You upset me daily. I can typically refrain from responding, but sometimes you really take the cake. Your recent post about your supposed civil rights history laid bare against the words you used about Rittenhouse are upsetting. And the gall to turn around and virtue signal with Arbery and to paint yourself as an ally? LOL. Cool.


I used an example from the law of self defense except he used something else not real to explain NGRI. He said something about the delusion or insanity had to be so strong that the shooter didn’t know they were shooting at a person they thought it was something scary.

I don’t believe you thought it was disrespectful. With al the hateful comments that have been stated in these forums with no objection from you, your credibility has eroded considerably.

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Short-term gain for long-term pain, eh? Winners gonna win!


I absolutely find it disrespectful that you were making a mockery of a mental health issue in general, and Michael Barisone’s mental health specifically.

I guess it’s good I am not concerned one bit as to your opinion of my credibility.

Also: Branca did not watch all of the experts’ testimony by his own admission. Therefore, his conclusions were incorrect at best.


You really don’t know that alternate imaginary scenarios involving someone else did it offense can’t be used in a criminal trial without evidence backing it up? That is hard to believe.

Explains a lot.

Read up on active shooters and Uvalde. Oh wait. You don’t read my posts. Right.

Branca also chalked up the verdict to jury nullification. So that throws out the precious jury instructions and how that means the jury found X because they believed Y right there….

So Hut, when is LK going to appear on Law of Self-Defense?


Is this sentence in English?

Also, your snide little response shows you completely missed what I asked you.


When you say “honest question” it never is.

Thank you so much!

I was referring to the trial. Oh wait. You don’t read my posts. Never mind.

Loves the horses? Loves to collect them. Loves what they can get her.