MB update

I have found this bit of testimony from both of them rather troubling.


Maybe HH yearns to go the way of RND? Certainly posting that way. Ad hominem attacks, nonsense sentences etc.


Well, the 12 jurors in the criminal trial have indicated by their verdict that they believe the former, and there was not enough evidence of self defense offered for the judge to permit Bilinkas to argue self defense to the jury, so there’s that.

So, the biased judge showed bias and tied the defenses hand in an attempt to prevent an acquittal
got it.


I still think back to LK taunting RC on Facebook, asking her if she knew where her gun was. I personally think the gun at that point had been stolen from the office and was in the possession of “other parties” besides RC or MB. Those other parties were determined to have had access to the office.


But, but, but
 no evidence supporting self defense was admissible under the standards of a CRIMINAL TRIAL and the standards are different in civil trials and the tenant/client/victim’s own actions can be considered
 and so on and so forth and bored to death already.


Yeah, wonder what the new 6 person jury will think?


You are still under the mistaken notion that repetition creates reality.

You continue to not recognize or acknowledge that what happened was clear to us, the jury and the YT commenters. You can think you’re right all day long but the truth remains that inevitably a new jury will see through all the tenants lies and escalations too. They will consider the addicts behaviors abhorrent.

You don’t recognize that from the start each juror will think about what they would do in such a situation as MB was forced to be. Help by authority asked for but refused numerous times. That jury too will consider if there was a bias.

You are so blinded that you can’t see the comments of people stating it was MBs castle that was being violated. That her behaviors were astronomically inappropriate and uncalled for. That a very successful man was driven to madness. In your preaching and posturing you forget the dynamic of that jury: a group of suburbaned professionals who have worked hard to buy their OWN home.

Odds are you probably feel good about being ready to die on this hill forgetting that YOU will not be sitting in that jury box but that a group of citizens who won’t have the stomach to tolerate LKs behavior will.

Yes we know how you would vote your verdict but your odd blind devotion doesn’t enable you to consider that based on observations of public opinion, and the comments they’ve made, MB will prevail.

And not only that
 it’s not even close.


And the verdict does not have to be unanimous among the jury in a civil trial, correct?


And by extension something, somehow, was said to a reporting agency because why else also mention negligence and endangering 12 year olds. Wasn’t it said in the trial there was a 12 year old removed from the property for his safety because of LK’s behavior?


It’s fascinating, in a staring at a train wreck kind of way. Especially considering how little she learned having her FB posts read back to her in the criminal trial.


Please “show receipts” for my “questioning your honesty.”

I do think you admonish me on a regular basis, and have not seen you admonish those you agree with for comparable statements, but I don’t think that would be interpreted as “questioning your honesty”.

What are you talking about?

Correct. They need 5 people to agree.


I posted about one of the most traumatic experiences of my life and you said “Sarcasm?”


They can’t help it. Blinded by agenda so recognizing someone may be sincere doesn’t occur to them. Maybe because they’re not.


The hypocrisy is just astonishing.


I believe the judge stated that self defense was taken off of the table because MB would be required to testify that he defended himself. Bilinkas obviously waived that off.


Responding to my response to add a thought

Since the CPS report was confidential LK didn’t have access to the substance of that and she didn’t talk to them. Of course, I guess all of that could have come from a recording
but since CPS was doing their interviews in the office, and there were “no recorders” in the office (only the locker), that couldn’t be the case.

So, how else was LK to know about negligence and child endangerment


Since you want to continue to lob complaints against me
 I do admonish you because of your absurd assertions and convoluted arguments. The reason I most admonish is because you LOVE to assert your opinions with certainty. Scroll up to see why that is problematic when you yourself admit to not having followed the case until relatively recently.

I also take issue with your feigned innocence when are called out for your cherry picked arguments. I wholly believe that you are posting with intention.

I also wonder at how you can defend one “victim” with such veracity and then discount another so easily. It confuses me.

That’s all.


It was a successful defense in part in that Kyle Rittenhouse was in legal possession of a firearm in Wisconsin. In New Jersey, MB was in illegal possession of a hand gun, that was illegally transferred to him by RC, who illegally brought the hand gun into the state of New Jersey, which is why she was charged with a felony. New Jersey has some of the strictest gun laws in the US.