MB update


While everything you say is true, it’s the kind of response that gets provoked so the threads can get shut down.


She is definitely trying to have that happen!


I think I am being pretty staid. No?


See my post to Angela. I didn’t do the reply correctly to comment on your post.

Yes, but it falls into the debating the poster and their motivations category. The mods don’t like that. As hard as it is, we need to remember to talk around the nonsense not to it.




Interesting. I had asked on the previous thread (I think), when those posts wer made regarding the missing gun, and was told they happened after LK was discharged from the hospital.

So are you saying she posted those taunts BEFORE the shooting?


Thank you for explaining.

Your statement was that when caught up in a no knock raid, the first question the police asked was “What is in your pockets and will it hurt me?”

This struck me as odd, and I was asking if it was sarcasm.

If it was not sarcasm, thanks for explaining. Even if it were sarcasm, I don’t consider use of sarcasm “dishonesty”, so I was not “questioning your honesty”.

Agree. And I have several times made the same point as Suzie.

What do you do when someone points a gun at you? “Hands up, don’t shoot.”


They were after the shooting…but considering that LK claimed to have a recording of the event, and at trial proved to have access to the office, and it featured claims of the murder plot and them all going to jail…it was clearly a taunt about her winning in whatever plan she cooked up. I’ll dredge up the text so you can see what was actually said and why it makes sense to conclude she had stolen RC’s gun.


It’s like the single point of testimony when they both gave the same account.


I wholeheartedly concur!


As I recall, the defense was not permitted to argue self defense because no evidence supporting self defense was provided. Not from MBs testimony, and not from anywhere else.

Even accepting MBs amnesia on the day of, he could have testified regarding a lot of stuff regarding the days prior, including the chain of custody of the gun, why RC was asked to drive to HH that weekend, etc. He chose not to testify regarding the stuff outside the window of amnesia. I assume that’s because testifying would have exposed him to cross examination.

Changing the subject back to the title of the thread…I know we’ve talked a little about the process of this upcoming hearing.

I also have read all the law, but law is not exactly what I’ve been thinking about.

Can you give any insight into how they actually determine MB’s risk level? I know it’s up to the psychiatrist evaluation, but, what are they looking for? Because my gut says not many patients say, yes, let me out please, I’m itching to go on a rampage.

  1. do you understand what a no knock raid is? If you did, you probably would not even open this line of questioning, I am a privileged white lady and I am forever traumatized by it, I cannot even imagine what it would be like to be a POC or poor. I am lucky to be alive.I would never be sarcastic about any of what I went through. And there are countless people of color who don’t survive… because they aren’t given the benefit of doubt when machine guns are pointed at them.

  2. yes, that is what I was asked. For the record, I had pot in my pocket. No sharps, nothing that could hurt a cop. I had a dime bag in my pocket. DA wouldn’t even prosecute… DAT was thrown out.

Not that this matters, but… They also had a machine gun pointed at my French bulldog.


In my experience, they do status exams, a lot of interviews and general observation.

It’s pretty hard when you have active delusions to hide those. The brain can’t tell the real from the vividly imagined. When I’ve spoken with people having delusions, even when they can understand why I’m there and the stakes involved, the delusions start creeping into the conversation in a few minutes. And there are also physical manifestations too. Tics, pressured speech, stereotypy movements. It’s pretty obvious.

And in my experience the “foreseeable future” is 3 to 6 months. So they ask, will this person be a threat in the next 3 to 6 months? If not, he should be released.


For the privileged white folks im the back - a DAT is a Desk Appearance Ticket. It’s a misdemeanor. If THAT is thrown out?


DATs are often dismissed.


Yep. So the no knock raid that I got caught up in led to a thrown out DAT.


It’s plausible