MB update

That’s helpful. Thank you.

I’m hopeful that time, the conclusion of the criminal trial, and the support MB has around him has him in a place where it can be determined that he poses no risk.


Your know what I find compelling? @ekat told us about her kid’s struggles. I talk about my struggles. So many other posters talk about their struggles. And a handful of posters just sling manure, it’s curious!

Edited to get rid of extraneous “Kat”


You’re right, LK and RG probably had it the whole time.



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Here is the text of the FB comment. Remember, this was not posted to LK’s page, it was posted as a comment to something on RC’s FB page. It always struck me as odd to describe someone purposefully lending of a gun to further a murder plot as someone whose gun went missing…especially since we know now through testimony that the gun was taken from the car and put into a safe so it could not be endangering children. Bolding mine.

“ In America, it’s forbidden 🚫 by law to knowingly lend your gun to a person to commit two murders. Surely, a nurse with a PH.D would know that. Just bc mB is whispering with you doesn’t mean the forensics lab can’t HEAR YOUR CONVERSATION.

You are not the barn manager. You’d show up once every few months. Also… remember when DD had that throat problem? Remember when you wanted to have a say in the treatment? Do you wonder why I even know about that? I’ll tell ya. MH and MB told the WHOLE BARN you have NO SAY and you think you’re a bully. Michael made sure to let everyone know- HE IS THE BIGGER BULLY. In any case, any barn manager (since that’s the story you’re going with - even though many people from Newbern can account for your whereabouts during ALL the times you were NOT in NJ- making it impossible for you to have been “barn manager,”) is negligent at best for allowing your pink and black 9mm Ruger to just go missing -especially with two 12 yr old children running around- and reckless negligence plus aiding abetting plus conspiracy to commit murder at worst. FYI- MH hates you. Just ask her. If I had a penny for the amount of times she has said “Ruth is so old, anyway. She ll “kick the bucket soon so I’ll have full ownership of DD,” I’d be billionaire from pennies.

Given I don’t care at all about your moronic deals with criminals- you should ask yourself- “how does Lauren know all this?” Did I make this up? Pretty detailed a story to make such stuff up. You hitched your old wagon to the wrong trailer. When MH wants you out of your deal with her… what do you suppose her limits are to get you out of the picture? 🤔 Hint: she is stupid. Stupid people who have no limits are a danger to themselves & others. Do t you know that “DOCTOR 🤣🤣🤣 Ruth???” Laughable.”


Me too please

Can you please justify your arguments? Really looking forward to the justifications.

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I really am not familiar with forensic psychiatry, but a few thoughts:

I think the fact that historically, MB was non-violent, lacked a criminal record or history of psychiatric hospitalizations, will bode well in his favor. If he were, for example, a chronic, paranoid schizophrenic with a history of hospitalizations and/or a propensity towards violence, his chances of rehabilitation would be low considering the nature of the illness and the fact that it is difficult to rehabilitate and chronic. Since his major mental health issues seemed to be triggered by a specific stressor, I think that will be taken into consideration since realistically, his condition can be managed minus that specific stressor.

I think compliance, his willingness to participate in the hospital’s treatment and take recommended medications, will make a huge difference in getting released.

If he is aware of his condition, and is willing to seek outside treatment for it, then that will make a huge difference and lend to him getting released.

If he can care for himself outside the hospital, and the resources for continued treatment are there, and the strength of his support system is adequate, then that will lend to him getting released.

They will have to consider if his condition can be managed in a lesser setting, and have to consider the need for hospitalization as well as its availability.

His social behaviors are always going to be monitored inpatient, and if he is behaving like a civil person without any incidents of violence towards himself, patients or staff, then that will lend to him getting released.

He may not be cured of his disorder, but if he can be managed in a lessor setting, that is generally the route they will take assuming his compliance, which I think is there.


Legal peeps, since the FTB campaign could have potentially led to someone taking their own life, could the AK people tell the judge that continuing this campaign against MB could be detrimental to his wellbeing when he is released? Can the judge order it to stop with legal consequences if they don’t? (Sorry if already asked)


I’m sure gag orders will be made.


Cool! What kind of gag do they use? :grinning:
Edit-I am being facetious


Thank you for that insight! I appreciate it.

Obviously it’s impossible to know what’s going to happen. I just like knowing more about what gets them to that decision.


The judge doesn’t have any jurisdiction over anyone but the person subject to the Krol hearing. So no, he can’t order that.


Hopefully some legal mechanism can be put in place by someone.

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In Canada, (well in my province), you can go after a person assets forever if you have a judgement against them.

The person with a judgement against them would not be able to own a horse in her own name as it could be seized and sold at public auction.

Inheritance/lottery winning can be seized.

Depending on how a trust fund is set up it could be seized also. The trust could be in her name and JK has conservator status like Brittney Spears father had but if the money is actually LK’s money it could be taken.

Any US lawyers know if this is true in the US?

Sometimes fighting for “principles” is needed/required for healing and the actual money is not as important.


I said you overplayed the drama a long time ago. I didn’t call you a Drama Queen or any other name. Thanks for an immediate example of how you overplay the drama.


I’ve attacked no one unless you count me saying this thread has disintegrated into a bash LK, no new information mess just like the others.


Right. And no one can know without knowing how MB is behaving inpatient, which is protected, but gauging by the updates, it seems like things are going well. Time will tell.


Huh, I’m not seeing any drama, just your usual smug twisting of things. In case there’s any doubt, I’m not directing this at erinmeri.


After a couple postponements, I bet that hearing date cannot get here soon enough for MB and his loved ones. Hopefully he can stay strong these next few weeks.