MB update

Regarding the drawings, I like the idea of them used as a fundraiser unless of course MB and LO did not want to use them for that.
If they did decide to go that route they could have prints made or even a book made of them - the kind the office stores produce. We had a book made of a deceased family member’s artwork so everyone could have a copy. It turned out very well.


That’s a kind of cool idea!


A book sounds wonderful.


I imagine time feels like it has stopped for him.

But man, the moment he gets to walk out of AK, when he gets to see his horses and family again, go to his favorite restaurant, ride with the windows down in the car with the radio on, all of those things, it’s going to be sheer bliss. He will have a new appreciation for life. He’s been through so much, he’s almost there, I know he can make it. The fact that he’s getting back to himself (according to updates), shows me he still has hope. If he still has hope at this point, he’s got this.


The scroll key is your friend.


You said that perfectly!


I have no idea how the civil jury will react to a whole lot of evidence they haven’t seen before and neither have we. I haven’t claimed to know nor have I fabricated scenarios that haven’t been testified in court.

I have said that full disclosure is a double edge sword and I think a quiet settlement would be best for both parties.

I don’t there is any credulity to attacking Judge Taylor for not allowing a self defense. I see you changed the subject here but I’ll take is back to it.

In a criminal trial, you can’t present an alternative scenario without evidence to back it up. Judge Taylor could not allow self defense because the only witnesses, imperfect though they were, and the evidence only allowed for MB to be the shooter, no one else.

Either you have no idea that the Judge can’t allow imaginary scenarios with no evidence or you seem to think you know evidence that was not allowed. Is that it? What evidence do you think Judge Taylor did not allow that would then have allowed self defense?

In a civil trial, imaginary scenarios with no evidence may be allowed or not. I don’t know. MB’s past will be allowed. His divorce will be allowed. More information detrimental to LK and RG will be allowed. I don’t know what information there will be not so I have a concept of where the civil trial will go.

I think people sending him grudge information on LK just prior to the shooting, as he didn’t read the PI report, may also be responsible for sending him over the edge and increasing the anxiety and distress at the barn. There was a lot of really bad judgment going on.


I was under the impression it was before the shooting, but my memory isn’t what it used to be. Does anyone else remember the timing of those posts?

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Wow, that sounds extremely horrible. I’m so sorry you had that experience.


Good job, @Knights_Mom. Maybe someone can make sure Mr. D is seeing this? :grin:


Always with the conspiracies.

What is the deal with that way of thinking??!! I have never understood it.

There is no duty roster. Strike one. I have not posted so did not get any notifications about a response to a post I never made. Strike two. I am not hovering. I am a night owl and was browsing through there a few times - that is all. Strike three - sorry to debunk that rather sad stretch of a “conspiracy”.

I can tell you where I found a lot more than “a couple” - that you (g) cannot dismiss so airily. I found them because they were referred to here. No one linked me to them. It is not hard to find them. I actually had the smarts to locate them on my own (astounding, I know) to see if LK was still her own worst enemy - and yes, she is. Sadly, she still seems not to understand that her posts do not do her any favors.


Was the August 29th hearing date accurate? Does anyone know?

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The GoFundMe just says the end of August. LK has said on SM it’s the 29th so take that for what it’s worth.


I guess you would call these thoughtful, kind comments that contribute to the greater discussion then?


I guess we’ll find out via the GFM after it happens.


Since MB said he remembered nothing after getting in his truck until I think he was at the hospital, I’m trying to understand how he could testify to that without perjuring himself?

No. The jury decided that he was not guilty due to not being able to form intent due to the insanity. I honestly don’t expect the civil trial to go much better than the criminal case. The civil jury might assign degrees of guilt, deciding that they both had a hand in the incident. But with LK being so unlikable, and with so much documentation showing a pattern of behavior on the K’s part? I think LK will end up with the burden of responsibility being more weighted towards her.

Look at the Depp case.


Not much. That’s why I asked.

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Ekat should know this: there are trial rules of evidence and admissibility in civil court. It’s not a free for all and anything goes. Especially old arrest records that didn’t result in convictions. You can’t put forth evidence that is unduly prejudicial. Admissibility will be decided before a trial. This is why Bilinkas was at sidebar so many times. He kept pushing the limits against what was admissible. It wasn’t because the Judge was a meanie or biased. Bilinkas was attempting to introduce prejudicial evidence and theories and breaking rules left and right. Most defense attorneys do this. Bilinkas had no evidence of self defense and that’s why it was dismissed. The Judge did his job.

The Judge in the civil court will follow the trial rules. MB can’t come in now and say it’s a miracle, I now remember everything that happened that day and it was self defense! MB and Bilinkas went the route of amnesia and delusions, kept MB out of prison, and now they have to live with that.


Maybe we’ll hear something aa the date gets closer. Or, like @Sdel said, we’ll just get an update after it’s over. :confused: