MB update

Well, to be fair, it’s nobody else’s business outside of MB and his connections.

It just seems like the whole process is taking a staggeringly long time, even if the August 29th date is correct. More than four months since the verdict, after waiting two and a half years for the trial. Unreal.


Yes, I do know this.

Well, technically if its prejudicial value outweighs its probative value, but ok.

We’ll have to agree to disagree here.

Of course.

Has anyone implied that is a possibility? I mean, personally I don’t think that amnesia and delusions was a “route”, I believe the testimony of Dr Simring and Dr Hassan. So, if it’s real, and he doesn’t remember, he certainly isn’t going to make something up.

All I have said is it is just possible that evidence exists that didn’t make it into the criminal trial but just might make it into the civil trial, in different circumstances with a different judge, that might tip the scale of preponderance of the evidence towards MB. It is certainly not impossible.


I completely agree with you.

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Does anyone know who the center was named for? Was it the designer Ann Klein? I feel like the first name is spelled differently, but I won’t swear to it.


The designer has an e on Anne.

Now I’m curious about that too.

Edit: the Wikipedia is interesting.

Then there’s this:



When you say imaginary scenarios I see projection.

The ones that drove him over the edge were the drug addicts.

Of the party’s past acts that may be examined LK is in a far, far more vulnerable position.

I’m feeling good about this. Even better than last time when I was also right.

But hey, if it comforts you to cling to your stuff, no sweat off my back hair. You do you.

I predict the civil case will be devastation for one of the parties. I don’t think she’ll handle that very well.


There are no hard and fast rules to amnesia. Memories can sometimes be recovered.

For all we know, he could have TBI. I have TBI and I’ve been able to recover memories even though my memory specifically was affected.

Who knows how his treatment will progress. Every case is different.


Indeed I suspect if MB regained memory of the event it would be a very bad day in LaLaLand. That testimony would be the stuff of nightmares for her position.


You know that statement is really shaming to people with TBI who work hard to recover their memories, and often do, sometimes only in part, often over months and years, and those who try and try and never do. Losing the memories can be traumatic in themselves. Anoxic brain injury is devastating and can kill off brain cells and brain tissue. :brain: that plus impact trauma MB absorbed can easily account for memory loss; it wasn’t a “route” his attorneys chose to keep him out of prison it’s apparently what happened to him. As a neuro scientist this statement is partially shaming g and upsetting to me.


I agree with you completely. :100:

I’m not surprised at this though.


Have you ever studied the pleasures of hate? There have been articles, essays and books written about it. Perhaps the best example in particular is how the KKK take such pleasure in their hate. The enjoyment they get from dehumanizing jokes and comments. From a social standpoint, these threads that continually repeat the same themes of hating LK, RG, her family, the Judge in the case, the Prosecutor, ridiculing witnesses, and even posters here who have a different view - are very similar to hate groups. The KKK uses many disclaimers to excuse their hateful comments. They appear to take great enjoyment in repeating their hate. Similar to the posters here who have repeated the same hateful comments over and over and over, some admitting their hate for LK, one admitting hers and others’ comments have been mean and nasty. There is apparent delight in expressing hate over and over and then using disclaimers to excuse their words and behavior.

I know my words will be meaningless to those so entrenched in repeating hateful comments they can’t see what many, who don’t normally comment, see and read when we wade into these threads. I know my comments will be met with derision, jabs and insults from the usual parties. It’s not a good look for the dressage community. But perhaps that’s what the dressage community has turned into. It only takes a few to infect the whole lot.

Maybe try to be a better person than those you condemn, set better behavior examples for the younger folks in the horse community. Let this tragic event serve as a vehicle to strive for better ways to communicate and resolve issues between trainers, students and other people involved in the community. No one has won or will win anything in this Barisone case. It’s tragedy all around.

Peace out.


I decided to just address this part of your comment in particular.

It seems like you are referencing “Joey” with this statement about people who sent him “grudge information” right before the shooting.

Is that correct?

If so, are you trying to allege that Joey bears some responsibility for sending MB over the edge, and somehow she is partially to blame for the situation that unfolded in August of 2019 at that farm in NJ?



I’m pretty sure he read his PI report as well, since he mentioned things from it in those 911 calls, and Dr Simring testified about the impact it had on him. Just saying…


[quote=“hut-ho78, post:1646, topic:774547, full:true”]

I just wanted to revisit this.

Wasn’t MB charged with attempted murder when he allegedly fired a gun towards RG at the house in NJ in Aug 2019? Yet they didn’t even have definitive evidence of a third shot.

But LK fires a gun at RG while he’s on a motorcycle, apparently nearly taking out one of his tires, and you just think that’s… not a big deal?

It seems to me like RG is lucky to be alive.


Just want to be sure I understand… you’re going to compare a public message board with members voluntarily participating in the civil discussion of a public criminal and civil trial to one of the most violent terrorist organizations on the planet?

Perhaps you should research the Tulsa Race Riots, the killing of 14 year old Emmett Till, or any of the countless violent and heinous killings on behalf of the KKK. What a spit in the face to those victims and communities. What an insult to the lives lost. I’ve read some absurd things on this forum but your persistent attempts of comparing the KKK to this discussion are appalling.


I find your attempt to preach kindness to us while you support someone like LK who has been so unkind to so many people for so long incredibly disingenuous. And ironic. Add ridiculous and condescending as well. Surely you must be kidding!

I’m sure I speak for many when I say I’m just fine with my actions and words.

And I’ve never once tried to Finish The Bastard so there’s that too.


Why would I be singling out GirlJoey or any individual? I referenced “people.”

I suppose all of the information sent to MB from all parties has been pored over by now by both civil teams.
What happens if information sent under these circumstances turns out to be false, defamatory, and inflammatory? Is that grounds for further lawsuits? Would libel be included for that?

I thought Judge Taylor commented during the PI testimony that MB had not had time to read the PI report.

[quote=“Virginia_Horse_Mom, post:1821, topic:774547, full:true”]

I believe the information about the bike incident came from an LK FB post where she bragged about shooting the tire on RG’s bike so he couldn’t ride it as she had concerns for his safety. So it was the shooting of an inanimate object.

How on earth would you come up with shooting at RG on a bike? I don’t remember her stating he was on the bike at the time and there wasn’t even a bleeding out gunshot victim next to the bike to indicate a threat to any person ir a struggle for life recorded on a 911 call.

You folks seem to be posting in desperation because little else would explain posting the bizarro things being said tonight.

I’m not sure why you would think people are “sending” things to any team from here unless you yourself are doing so. Projection on parade.

As to the validity of any information sent it would be up to that legal team to decipher what is valid and what is not - from ANY source. That’s their job. In this regard I’m sure LKs team is overwhelmed by 19,000 pages and more of inappropriate, demeaning and false comments and posts by LK.

The sheer volume of her venom is staggering. And everyone sees it.

So what a strange comment for you to make.

Your libel comment is so LKesque that I busted out laughing. I would have thought you people learned about that by now but apparently not. So this threat goes the way of all the others, into the pathetic bin of desperate whining and idle threat.

I’m sure you think you are helping her. Newsflash: you’re not.