MB update

[quote=“hut-ho78, post:1826, topic:774547, full:true”]

As for the shooting at the bike incident it was both posted by LK to play it off as funny and in filings made with the court by her opposition.


Did you literally just compare this thread and the posters involved to the KKK? That’s, uh, interesting and insulting toward various populations to say the least.

Then you’re speaking for those who don’t normally comment…and then saying that CoTH is a representation of the dressage community as a whole? Really big leaps and stretches here. A vast majority of the dressage community, especially those at the upper levels aren’t even on here.

I wouldn’t say “it’s not a good look for the dressage community” because this isn’t the dressage community. Now saying it’s not a good look for the dressage community of CoTH, that I can see.

I also think people relentlessly defending the poor behaviors of those involved in the shooting should look at themselves. It speaks volumes when people endless justify bad and downright criminal behavior. I think that’s not a good look, personally.


I’m not threatening. It’s a question.

Nope. The report was received on July 31, 2019. He didn’t allow the actual report into evidence because it was a preliminary report that the PI hadn’t corroborated all of the findings.

Additionally, MHG testified that she included a copy of the report in her SS complaint. And, she testified about their reaction to the report. Her exact words were, “ we were horrified these people were living on our property and we’re unaware of these things…”



No that is no question. That is a not so veiled threat. The subject of our(my) comments being actionable under libel laws has been repeatedly brought up. Instead of issuing threats and then not having the cajones to admit they’re threats perhaps try this forum search feature.

I’d answer your threat to give you an answer but I choose instead to make this a teachable moment for you. So in the search area type libel and then go look.


I’m not threatening anyone. It is a just a question.

Not believable in light of this exact topic being discussed previously numerous times.


Way too many posts to try to get through. Is there a new date for a hearing?

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Aww, you have/had a French Bulldog? Would love to see a pic if you care to share.:slightly_smiling_face:

ETA: Sorry about your horrible experience.


LK only spewed the libel and defamation threats when she was feeling threatened by the truth. If she was going to go after GJ she would have by now. She can’t because GJ is telling the truth and she knows it.


Wow. KKK? Seriously? What’s next from these people? How nice it is for some to compartmentalize facts and completely ignore years and years of disgraceful behavior by Lauren Kanarek and defend her every move. How easy it seems to be for them to ignore all her teams’ actions leading up to 8/7/19. I believe the information publicly introduced so far is the tip of the iceberg of unacceptable and possibly illegal behavior by these folks.


For me there was that time I was trying to make a roasted chicken and it looked like a bad humor video of someone wrestling a huge turkey. That darn bird kept trying to slip away from me and I was chasing it far longer than a human should have to chase an already dead bird. I believe I used the term “finish the bastard” more than once that day.
I guess I can not say that I never tried to Finish the Bastard because of that day.
(I over cooked it, I over cook everything, so in the end I did Finish the Bastard and beyond.)

Edit to fix bad typing she =/= should.


LO posted on the Go Fund Me that it is the end of August.

LK says August 29th, no idea if that is accurate (that whole lying on social media thing and all).


Not a legal or financial professional, but judgments don’t include enforcement measures, so either the loser of the case (the debtor) willingly complies with the terms of the judgment, or the winner of the case (the creditor) has to pursue other means such as filing a lien or seizing the debtor’s assets. Or they can have the judgment renewed.

Also, according to this article, the debtor has to file a financial disclosure statement with the court that lists the following:

  • Cash
  • Checking and savings accounts
  • Investment accounts
  • Business ownership shares
  • Trusts and inheritances
  • Safes, vaults and other secure storage spaces
  • Real estate
  • Personal property, including homes, vehicles and jewelry
  • Property transfers, as properties transferred for prices below their fair market value may indicate fraud intended to circumvent debt

Or the judge can order the debtor to appear in court for a debtor’s financial examination, in which they have to provide the above information. If the debtor doesn’t provide the information or appear for the financial examination (if so ordered to appear), the judge can declare them in contempt of court and issue an arrest warrant.

And has been mentioned previously, it is believed that she doesn’t have much in the way of attachable assets - no property, no vehicles, no jewelry, etc., and no wages. She does co-own the house in FL with her father but it is protected against seizure by FL law. And the money she receives from Daddy to pay her monthly expenses is likely in some sort of protected trust.

So since her financial disclosure statement will no doubt list a big fat $0.00 next to each item, MB will unfortunately be trying to get blood out of a turnip (as the saying goes). And I have no doubt that JK knew something like this would happen one day with his wayward daughter, which is exactly why her money is tied up in a protected trust (and also to prevent her from blowing through it to sustain her “lifestyle”). :roll_eyes:

Edited to add that the debtor can file an appeal within 30 days of the judgment, and I will bet dollars to donuts she will take advantage of that provision if the judgment goes against her.


Hopefully the judge will order no contact and no internet discussion so regardless of any appeal, lk can’t continue her diatribes against MB on the internet without penalty.

Edited to add: her dad may be smart enough to tie up funds to protect from garnishment, but he was pretty stupid to buy her a house so close to MBs house.



There are several ways to get money. They are not always successful. The first step is to get a judgment for money from the court called a Money Judgment.

That MJ then gets taken to the county clerk of that jurisdiction who registers it. It’s good for 10 years and is renewable for another 10 in most jurisdictions.

Once this is done any incoming money to the judgment debtor is grabbed. This can be from a tax refund or lottery winning or a number of things. Tax refunds include city/state/federal. It can also include a property sale.

The judgment creditor or their attorney can also get Information Subpoenas from the court which are then taken to a bank. The bank is named on that subpoena. You can get any number of them. Once a bank is served the Infornation Subpoena ($3) and accompanying withholding/restraining notice they look for accounts in that person’s name. Any account found is frozen (certain exemptions exist) and the assets given to the judgment creditor.

Another way is to involve a Marshall who can attach and garnish a paycheck or account.

Once any monies are paid a Partial Satisfaction of Judgment or Full Satisfaction of Judgment is issued and with a Certificate of Disposition ($15) the county clerk is notified as to the change in monies owed.

These were another part of my job as vacuumer and cover all $ judgments from Small Claims to Landlord/Tenant to Civil judgments.


A frightening experience for sure! But a “machine gun”? Was this in the U.S.? In what jurisdiction are the police allowed to carry machine guns? :open_mouth:

The folks on here more directly connected to LE can clarify, but I thought the standard patrol rifle carried by police was an AR-15 (or similar), and they are not fully automatic so cannot be considered a “machine gun.”

I also cannot imagine the citizenry of any jurisdiction being okay with their LE personnel using machine guns, as they are much harder to keep on target - the risk for injury or death to innocent bystanders, etc., would be ENORMOUS.


I’m not sure what Heymer knew from the dispatcher, wrt the suspected shooter.
What we heard in the 911 call is not necessarily what Heymer or other officers knew
Point being, he was pretty unsafe about entering the scene, taking the word of who was the shooter, allowing one party to wander the scene etc from one of the parties he encountered.


One jurisdiction uses Glock 22s for handguns and: The rifles are Colt M4 Commandos and can be adjusted specifically for each officer’s preference or assignment.

In googling I came across this horrifying information. It’s a lot more than machine guns.


Look, I very much appreciate the valuable input you have had on this topic.

But many of us would appreciate it if you and several other posters could refrain from interjecting “race” into the conversation. I get it that race relations in this country have taken a big slide toward the negative in the past decade or so, but the topic at hand HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE. So please end the insults toward those of us who may be “privileged white folks” (just like the protagonists in the topic being discussed).