Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Yes, that happened to me a few times yesterday.

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You might want to change your password.

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I meant the posts not showing up until later. Also I don’t even know my password :joy:


They would know that…if it was true. LK has been passed to different trainers before for whatever reason. RB sent her to DK. DK sent her to MB. No clue who the other person is.

ETA: and there’s nothing wrong with that, trainers often pass clients to others for reasons such as lack of space or a lack of a facility to board at (which LK was looking for)


Considering she tried to call Allie out for supposed misconduct at some point I highly doubt that.


Scotch tape.


Which is why I said he must be paying close attention. Clearly you are not.


@eggbutt, I hope your surgery goes well and you have a speedy recovery.


I think you are very smart! Clearly Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) does not like being associated with what he said in those texts.
I have to imagine there are lots of much more ugly texts that will come out in the future.

It was the summer, so how is not having a back-up generator (because the place had power, so the generator was only for back-up purposes, which you clearly know because it is right there in the texts that you were part of) going to freeze anyone out? When you are making up things you have to try harder.

It was in one of the recent briefs that Lauren Kanarek is trying to put restrictions on the her deposition. That is beyond funny.


I only got dragged into it because I mentioned her current trainer was an up and comer (with a good reputation as well). Not sure why that sent them all into such a bizarre tizzy and accusations of me “denigrating” him. I believe I’ve been very even-handed in these threads over the years so not sure why I now get singled out as one of the ringleaders of the “I hate Lauren” club.

I don’t hate her. I don’t know her. I don’t wish to know her. I feel sorry for her. I hate how she has treated everyone involved in this mess. I hate how she treated everyone in her past. I hate how she tried and succeeded in ruining Michael’s life. I feel sorry for her and her family that she almost lost her life in the process. Unlike some others, I have never denied or diminished the immense physical and mental trauma she went through and is likely still going through. I have spoken up in defence of her current barn owner, who doesn’t deserve to be dragged into this mess when she has apparently not caused any issues for anyone there.

Because I’m Canadian (threw that in just for Hut and Inigo) my initial response was that when guns are easily accessible and tempers are running high, someone’s going to get shot. And bringing a gun to solve an argument is never a good idea. That was long before we knew about the dangerous dog, the “finish the bastard” campaign of harassment, the pleas to police for assistance, LK and RG’s history, etc.

Like everyone else, I don’t know what happened that day. LK/RG’s version of events is full of contradictions and holes big enough to drive a truck through, so aren’t very credible. MB had no memory of the events. The ear witness, audio recordings and police testimony are confusing and contradictory. There is no physical evidence whatsoever that proves or disproves how the shooting took place. It could have happened exactly as LK / RG claim. It could have been an accidental firing by MB while he was being attacked by the dog. MB could have been physically attacked by RG and / LG and he shot in self defence or the gun went off during a struggle. The gun may have been removed from the safe earlier and it might have been RG or LK holding it that day.

WE DON’T KNOW. And unless the missing videos somehow turn up, we will never know. No doubt we will learn more if the civil case ever goes to trial. And I don’t foresee any of that information helping the plaintiff’s side of the case. Time will tell. Since the plaintiff and her family don’t seem particularly interested in moving the case which they filed forward, perhaps they will decide to drop it and just focus on moving forward with their lives.


It is not the easiest product to find anymore. It used to be on the shelf everywhere, now I have to order it if I need it.


Of all the parties involved prior to the shooting there was only ONE party who felt the need to speak of guns multiple times in SM posts in all her glorious weapon’s hotness.

To me that’s telling.


Anybody do the LA Times crossword puzzle? Today’s answers to 22 down and 64 across are particularly apropos.

Does it still smell the same?

I definitely remember there was an odor involved. Lol.


Many thanks to you and all others who PM’d me well wishes for my “major surgery” post. That post was a sarcastic response (/s) to the two posters who rely on finding any Google information to support their narrative…since they use Google to become legal experts, I was hoping my pretend surgeon wasn’t a graduate of Google University!


We have a former family member who really was a member of a USMC elite team (Force Recon). He did one tour in Iraq and two tours in Afghanistan in a FOU (forward operating unit). Missed a land mine by a footfall but his buddy behind him stepped on it and lost both legs. Our cousin-in-law’s buttocks, back of his thighs, and the part of his back that was not protected by his pack was peppered with shrapnel and pieces of bone - some of which he still carries as there were hundreds of pieces of various sizes and despite multiple surgeries, the doctors couldn’t get them all. The concussion from the blast also resulted in several herniated discs and major strain to his back muscles. He suffers to this day and unfortunately developed an addiction to pain killers, which was a major factor in his deteriorating marriage to our cousin and eventually led to divorce.

He was intelligent, kind, and a gentleman through and through - truly one of the finest young men we have had the pleasure of knowing. Duty, honor, sacrifice - he lived it and breathed it. It was horrible watching him deteriorate as he became addicted to drugs.

Unless RG developed his drug addiction because of similar circumstances, I would say he is not worthy to shine that man’s boots.


In the words of Christopher Schellhorn - “Objection, Your Honor. It’s hearsay.”

(God, I can’t believe I am quoting Schellhorn!) :roll_eyes:


[quote=“trubandloki, post:2124, topic:782326”]

Drugstores sometimes carry it but I’m not sure how available it is in every store. Amazon also carries it.

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SmartPak carries a “drawing salve” that is pretty darn c close to old school icthamol

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Agreed. Coming from a military family, and married to a (retired) USMC officer, I laughed at that whopper. Sure, that’s how it works. When a major event occurs that might involve military action, each Marine stops what they’re doing and calls their CO for orders. All the Marines do that. Every one of them. The CO is really good at handling a whole lot of calls and texts. :roll_eyes:

(Maybe next we’ll be told RG was a member of Seal Team 6).