Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Oh yes, you win the internet today, that’s perfect.

that's perfect


That would be my guess as well. Friday was the first day he could consider them, which doesn’t mean he did.


I just started reading the new GAS filing and the first paragraph has me scratching my head.
GAS sounds very stuck.
The last sentence of the first paragraph, GAS feels constrained to respond.
Maybe GAS has read the texts too.



LK was passed to DK when it was determined there was no room at the current location for any of LK’s future horses, so she was “referred/passed” to DK. DK in turn passed her to MB.

How else would you like it said? This is common terminology!


Why do IM and you even care about this detail again, and why is this a point of argument?

Are you all trying to prove that LK was a desirable and special client?

As far as I can tell, in 2018 she was an adult ammy riding 1st level, and she had a few nice horses, but nothing spectacular or eye catching to people who are on the hunt for FEI/Olympic caliber mounts. She had a budget of roughly $5000 per month to spend on training board and lessons.

If we are going to be honest and objective, all of this makes her similar to MANY MANY other adult ammy clients up and down the East Coast who are dabbling in dressage, hunters, etc etc. There are plenty of people who are already riding at 2nd or 3rd level, and in their twenties, and have more potential than LK did. There are plenty of people in their 40’s or 50’s, who are also riding at 2nd or 3rd level, and who have more cash to spend each month than LK seemed to.

Anyways… I find this whole thing weird. It seems like the people posting on this thread who are sympathetic to LK are trying to say, “LOOK LOOK! Trainers really wanted/still want her!”

I think that’s puffery ar best. But even if it was true… guess what?

Most people don’t want LK as a client now. She’s literally notorious in the dressage community. And… that’s no one’s fault but her own. If she had stopped with all the $hit posting after her shooting? There probably would have been a lot of people who would have reserved judgement on the whole situation, and felt sympathy for her because she was shot.

But she has been waving her own special little bat guano crazy flag online for the last few years. And… she’s now having to live with the consequences. Oh well.


I thought she called out Barisone for inappropriately using his connections to get her preferential treatment. That’s a bit different.

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Both. They’re arguing both. :joy:


Seems an odd word choice.


It seems like he wants to make it clear he is NOT actually JK and KKs lawyer.


Yes, a very odd word choice.

The second paragraph has a blatant lie in it too.
GAS fits right in with the Kanarek family.

The filings by both Mr. Deininger and Mr. Silver very clearly said they were looking for things that were in addition to the items provided from the prosecutor’s office. Both included an explanation of why and proof of the existence of the items. But here GAS is saying that they both said they got everything.

I am learning that some lawyers feel telling a blatant lie to the judge is just OK.



To me it reads that constrained means forced.


Dang! It sure took GAS long enough to file this. Is he that busy reading all the documents LK & family have generated via SM?


Looks like checkmate to me.


It appears GAS is not aware of the transcribed document Seeker/KK crowed about here. It is perfectly acceptable and logical that the defense wants to see her transcribed document to verify it against what they have, and if it doesn’t match or a recording doesn’t exist, what will Kirby do?

Regardless, just turn over the dang document!


I would think that if the Kanarek family wanted this civil case that they filed to move forward they would put half as much energy into answering their subpoenas as they are into not answering their subpoenas.

Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) will you tell me on the 8th why you are refusing to cooperate with discovery? Will you also tell me why your lovely wife, Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) is also refusing to comply with discovery?

Kirby’s transcripts should be so easy since you have had them handy so recently to send to all those places that Kirby and Lauren posted about sending them to. What is so hard about providing them? Why would you not want to provide them? If they are what you say they are (exactly as the recordings are) why not just hand them over?
It certainly makes it seem like you are trying to not move forward with the civil case.


It’s all very weird indeed.

Most other first world countries have no guns and good free healthcare, so does that mean if we’re in one of those countries we are now Canadian? I mean, I’ve tried poutine and I LOVED IT, so I’m happy with that if so. :slight_smile:


None of this document, or GAS’s previous document explains why Jonathan and Kirby Kanarek blew right past the court-ordered deadline in mid-December to respond. Of course, Bruce was still representing Lauren at that point, but Jonathan and Kirby still should have responded back then, even if it was their own attorneys filing a motion to quash.

That is what I do not understand. Why wait until motions for contempt are before the court, and then feel “constrained” to respond? It’s very odd.


It’s not condescending. RB passed her along to DK because RB does not have a facility of her own. She’s more of a traveling trainer.
My personal feeling is RB also recommended LK go to DK because RB is a no nonsense person and was displeased with LK not showing up for lessons and shows.


You are 90% of the way to being Canadian, in that case :slight_smile:


I am incredibly offended by the post saying RG went to Islamabad with zero documentation of proof. Do you realize what a slap in the face that entire post is to survivors of actual 9/11 (several members here) as well as those with family members who went to the Middle East, fought, were maimed, some gave the ultimate sacrifice while RG did what exactly?

Next they will say he was on the chopper that carried Seal Team 6 in to kill Bin Laden!