Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Why didn’t you ask @Inigo-montoya (Jonathan Kanarek) last evening when he was posting?
I think it is quite obvious if you just look at the documents, but if you are not willing to do that, then that is fine, I guess. You can keep wondering.
Jonathan did answer last night with his intent to explain to me why he thinks it is funny to make people homeless when he sees me on the 8th, so maybe I can ask him to explain to you the rest after that?


Like Schrödinger’s evidence?


Spinning gold out of road apples? I can’t even give credit for starting with clean straw with GAS’s plaintiff.


Did she?

According to the results on the USEF website, I believe there were only results listed for one horse prior to 2018.


Yes. Exactly like that.

Tapes/recordings/bombshell transcripts = Schrodinger’s cat (who may or may not have an apartment in Wellington).


I’ve known Trub for many years, and we’ve posted on various platforms/chat forums at the same time. That the Mods felt it was important to let everyone know Trub isn’t LO, is darkly comical.

Nothing against the Mods of course, just that they felt they had to address it because of unhinged, raving lies from a self-absorbed narcissist is insane.

  1. Apparently lawyers do this by writing letters on behalf of JK and KK… while also stating in the letter that they really only represent LK. But… they are kinda sorta making an argument concerning motions involving JK be and KK anyway.

  2. As far as Jonathan and Kirby not being his clients… at this point… I am beginning to wonder if the simple truth is that JK and KK can’t afford to hire their own attorney. And that’s why they keep on using their daughter’s attorneys to write these letters on their behalf fighting these subpoenas.

It’s a money saving strategy for the Kanareks, because they aren’t really all that wealthy… they are just trying to fit in with a wealthy crowd down in Welly world.

Honestly, if LKs parents are trying to mooch off her and use her attorneys on the cheap to represent them in this situation this far… that’s pretty crappy and not very helpful to LK’s case.

Honestly @Inigo-montoya … stop being such a cheapskate. Go ahead and pony up the cash to just hire representation for yourself and Kirby going forward. You are not putting your daughter in a good legal position with her case by trying to use her attorneys this way.


One night, 2 major lies. 2 major claims. One being trub, the other RG as a 9/11 hero. And that 9/11 thing was said in a way to demean others like myself.

Weird that Mr. I’m claims to know who we are but doesn’t know REALLY who we are or what we’ve done in life.


Stone requested oral arguments, in which he would have been able to respond to the defense lawyers in person.

Maybe the judge doesn’t want to go through oral arguments and invited his response to the other lawyers motions in opposition.

If it’s a simple argument — everything that exists they have already — short and sweet is more effective than 100 pages with salacious texts.

I think she bought two imported horses in 2018 from RW? I might be wrong… but I thought that happened that year.

Both of those horses seem very nice. But… neither seem like horses that an FEI or an Olympic caliber rider would be interested in if they were seriously pursuing a top tier mount.


I have posted this before. LK made allegations on the SS thread in H/J about “corruption at the highest levels of USEF.” It was just after the news broke about the Bob McDonald situation, and at first, I (and others) thought she was sniping at Debbie McDonald. But she actually had her panties in a wad because Ally Brock’s sponsors were also sponsoring some sort of USEF grant or program, and Brock had been named as either the recipient or the program head or some such.

Those posts were made about the time witness lists for the criminal trial were being determined, and many folks believe LK was trying to smear Brock ahead of time so her integrity could be questioned. I also think I remember something about Schellhorn asking Brock about her involvement with USEF - if so, then it seems apparent that LK was laying the groundwork for Schellhorn to go after Brock’s credibility.


My father fought in WWII, and those disgusting Stolen Valor lies made me sick to my stomach. I have brothers who have served as well [edit].


I think it’s more they know they have culpability and they believe not having an attorney delays them being impleaded into the case. Delay tactic.


So now you’ve decided to limit evidence?


You have no idea how much I agree with you!


See you on the 8th? :astonished:


Yes, that is what @Inigo-montoya (Jonathan Kanarek) said to me last evening.



I believe 3/8 is the next Krol hearing.


So if I say she deserved to be evicted but not shot and that makes me locked in servitude to a bad cause. Is this in comparison to everything you write to justify MB shooting her? Who is in a bad cause here? Perhaps you should do some inner reflection of your own.


Bilinkas stated “you were a Marine right?” RG said “yes.” Under oath.

If he served honorably, a lot of people owe him an apology for any slurring comments about his service.

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