Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Since JK brokers/contracts/negotiates everything for his helpless daughter, is it possible GAS has never even spoken with LK and is functioning solely on what he’s been told by JK?


Because he decided trubandloki was LO who will (presumably) be there.


Thanks, I thought I had caught up on all the postings, but I guess I missed that one!


I’d say nice try, but it isn’t. We don’t know if MB shot LK. We do know LK got shot. The circumstances as to HOW she got shot We do not know.

Your posting history is full of posts that are IMO disingenuous at best. You don’t follow basic facts and bias colors your posts.

I can’t imagine any legit reason for your continued strenuous postings in support of all things Kanarek. I can tell you it’s not working.


A whole lot of veterans signed up again or tried to after 9/11. If they couldn’t get on active duty, they worked as contractors. One of my old army buddies was killed by an IED doing that.

There was so much going on, it was easy to miss that post.


He also lied under oath.


Accusing a poster of being an insider (general or specific) is a way of discrediting their opinion as biased.

You hadn’t noticed that? It works even if the attribution is false.



So that is what @Inigo-montoya Jonathan Kanarek was trying to do to me last night? Discredit me?


If this was true, the “simple” reply for JK to the subpoena would be to respond on time and simply say I gave everything I had to the police and the prosecutor and they have since given it to you, not ignore the subpoena. That is the way you normally respond to a subpoena when you have nothing new to produce. As far as I know, that would not apply to KK as I have not seen anything saying that she gave the transcripts to the police and prosecutor.


My spouse served for over 20 years. He lost a very close friend years ago in an aviation training accident. The investigation into the accident revealed that some of the enlisted maintainers had ongoing drug issues, and it was a contributing factor in a fatal incident. It was a very very very sad situation. And an avoidable situation.

Anyway… people who do drugs while serving in the military? Absolute scum. They let down their fellow service members. People die in training exercises and in actual operational situations when someone else fails to perform their role in a responsible and competent manner. Drug users let down their fellow service members.

Stolen valor is bad. But… if my suspicions are correct, and RG was not honorably discharged, and he continued using drugs while he served in the Marines?

He’s a not a hero. His fellow Marines trusted and relied upon him. And if he used while in uniform, that makes him a weak, selfish, unworthy person. And it’s past time for the entire K family to be quiet about RG’s time as a Marine.

Last thing. Maybe I’m wrong, and this is unfair, and RG was clean the entire time he served, and he was discharged honorably. I’m sure @Inigo-montoya knows if that was the case. So what’s the truth? Will I-M come online to defend the honor of his future son in law, and definitively state what type of discharge RG had?


What is it you do constantly to JK, KK, HH and me?

Harass and annoy.

He was turning the tables to harass and annoy you.

But I’ve noticed you’ve kept up the stupid tagging.

Why is it you’ve never answered my question on how you supposedly know the “homeless” text is from him?

You continue to harass and misrepresent.


And prove their thoughts that Michael Barisone is guiding these threads based on you, being Lara Osborne, telling everyone what to post. Gosh Trubandloki, you’ve lost all your power and you’ve helped prove no outsiders or Barisone direct these posts.


I get that you’re trying to backpeddle but that’s not how IM represented it. He said on 9/11 RG “the hero” called his CO to see what he could do. I imagine by CO IM meant commanding officers and not correctional officer (due to all his arrests). IM then stated that this heroic phone call was more than anyone else did and that made RG better than me/us.

You don’t see a problem with that? You don’t see a problem with making up a story or misrepresenting facts to elevate RG while denigrating us? How would IM know if among us there weren’t heroic military personnel? Heroic police or firemen or anyone else who answered the call that day?

What do you say to THAT?


That’s not how it works; AND you implied that he was active military at the time.

Veterans don’t call CO’s either so another failure of logic.


I feel like this may have been discussed before, but I don’t remember the answer. Are the Krol hearings open to the public?

Or are they closed to just the person in question and the lawyers/judge?

Or somewhere in between, such that the Ks could show up?


I have looked at the texts. I can see “incoming” or “outgoing” and the “homeless” text is incoming.

The name is redacted.

You have no way of knowing who it is from, unless you are an insider, like Lara Osborne.

Your continued attributing it to JK is dishonest and harassing.

No, they discuss medical issues. None of the Kanarek’s are legally entitled to be there.


Wow. You are doing that twisting thing again. I responded to a specific comment by you. You said “accusing a poster of being an insider (general or specific) is a way of discrediting their opinion as biased.”

I was commenting on that.

To answer your question, No, that is not what I do to Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya), Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1), @hut-ho78, or you. Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek are who they are. I am not accusing them of anything. Kirby has said all along she is who she says she is, and there is a court document that says that Jonathan Kanarek is @Inigo-montoya.
I know others call you and Hut various people. That is not me. But fun time blaming me. Did you learn this fun blame thing from Jonathan Kanarek?

Is tagging stupid when you do it? Because we both know you have a long history of tagging.

I gave you answer about the text being Jonathan Kanarek. I am sorry you do not like it. Though again, I am not sure why you are asking me, ask @Inigo-montoya. He said we will talk on March 8th. So exciting isn’t it?

Reminder, I am the person who was called someone else all night by @Inigo-montoya, that person who you idolize (which is different than saying he is your idol) . So it is funny that you say I am the person harassing and misrepresenting. But, that is what we all expect from you, over and over and over and over again.

Happy Tuesday!

  1. @Inigo-montoya claimed in his post yesterday that RG called his CO on 9/11 and asked “where do you need me?” The implication is obviously that RG was still on active duty on 09/11/2001.

  2. Yes… many veterans do go on to work as contractors in a variety of roles. However, in order to get these jobs, they invariably must have received an honorable discharge from the military.

So… again… what sort of discharge did RG receive?

This isn’t a hard question. It’s really basic. And… if RG had received an honorable discharge, I think that it would have been mentioned a long time ago. In fact, I strongly suspect that Judge Taylor shut down Bilinkas’ line of questioning about RGs time in the Marine Corps during the criminal trial… in part because RG did not receive an honorable discharge, and Taylor didn’t want that to prejudice the jury when it came to a key witness. So he shut Bilinkas down FAST.