Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I totally agree with this statement. IF RG enlisted, got partially through basic training and his background check came back and they booted him based on his criminal history, I would give him kudos to attempting to become a Marine. Military service has turned around thousands of young men heading down the wrong path and I firmly believe he could have excelled if he applied himself and stayed away from drugs.

It would be very simple for him to produce documents proving the claim made by LK and IM that he was a US Marine and served in the Middle East.
I’ve never seen or heard RG make that claim other than “yes” on the witness stand when asked if he was a Marine. Any follow up to that would have been stomped by Taylor as not be relevant. His credibility is in the minus category at this point IMO.

Of course you should be careful using the word scumbag, which is in the same realm as punk and you might get some heat. /s


Thanks. That’s what I thought.

So IM’s comment to Trub on the subject was… incorrect. In more ways than one.

Shocker. Not. :roll_eyes:


The first Krol hearing was open to the media.

I with my little eye spied the same as @trubandloki on the text sheet in relation to the texts.
All you have to do is look.

@CurrentlyHorseless stop with the foot stamping and demanding a cookie. It’s old and tedious. Maybe some round penning would help you get that extra angry energy out of your system.

But of course I am just a horse.


I know. It is kind of a let down learning that I am not who they say I am. It was fun while it lasted (though I was not reading it in real time). Who knew I had so much control (for such a short time).


Her horses were moved long before she said anything about Allie. Allie could have helped with just a couple of phone calls. This tragedy and the public outing of sexual predators and child molesters in equestrian sports is a hard blow. All the money and effort into raising money for the Olympics and other show venues, the trend for the Olympics to want to ditch horse sports for their expense and unpopularity, and now huge setbacks in all sports including equestrian sports for predatory behavior towards athletes. Add in a murder or two and an attempted murder and it’s a mess. I do believe Allie and others have done the best they can to mitigate this disaster and others. She has personal feelings. She showed up as a character witness. However, that doesn’t mean she didn’t help behind the scenes to move LK’s horses and be willing to assist LO and JH with anything they needed to close down HH or to help MHG get her horses moved as well.

This was heartbreaking and remains so.

Plus IM/JK admitted it last night in his posting rampage.


Taylor had quite a tendency to do that several times.


So now RG was a contractor during the Middle East conflicts? Is that the new pivot?


You are wrong.
Try again.


OMG! Are you still accusing @trubandloki of being Lara Osborne???


I’m not sure how you can claim both of these to be fact.


Or Taylor is once again not following the rules.



On Exhibit J of Deininger’s filing, the “homeless” text is an incoming text to LKs phone on Aug 5.

The name of the sender is redacted.

Where did you find a record with the sender name unredacted?

Please tell me what filing and what exhibit, and I’ll look.

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You made a good point about not using the word scumbag, so I edited my previous post.

Here is a good resource to understand the details of various types of military discharge.

It’s possible RG tried to enlist, got through boot camp in whole or in part, and then someone in an administrative role noted his arrest record and they processed him out with an ELS.

IF that is how RGs time as a Marine went… I do give the guy credit for trying to enlist and turn his life around. It is what it is.

But… let me be crystal clear… IF this is the truth of his service, then there is zero chance that the story about RG phoning a Commanding Officer at 8:45 am on 9/11 to ask “where do you need me sir?” is true. That story is pure BS.


All sports have had outings of sexual predators.

What damages horse spirt is the treatment of the horses. People just won’t stand for animal abuse and this, rodeo and racing is where it’s at. Get rid of the bad actors in these sports first.

So don’t even go there blaming MB for this too. Especially since he was found not guilty.


On exhibit J of Deininger’s filing, the name of the sender is redacted.

What is the filing and exhibit number in which you supposedly saw the name of the sender?

We need to look back through all your old posts to see how you were able to influence all of us! Apparently they have thought you were LO for a while!


That is how I read it. Yes. Maybe @CurrentlyHorseless missed the post by moderation on that topic.
I can not imagine that @CurrentlyHorseless would be saying that again if they had seen the post by the mods, I mean, that seems like they are ignoring the direction from the mods if they are.


Just speculating. That’s allowed.