Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Oh, they were just going to go to the show and worry about moving out tomorrow.




Honestly, at this point I just have Tom Petty’s “I won’t back down” on a loop in my head. While contrariness and contortion are CH’s tools of choice, she’ll never concede on any point which she simply chooses to :notes: “stand my ground” upon.


@trubandloki @smoofox @CurrentlyHorseless - First, thank you CK for noting the different people in the texts, I hadn’t noticed that on a quick glance. Also, thank you for pointing out that names weren’t fully redacted. I looked at the uploaded file while zoomed in - below is what I see in the texts. It does look to me, based on my opinion, that the conversation happened between RG and JK, since LK didn’t read the texts till 9:32:39.

All texts appear to be on 8/5/2019

8:55:38 - text from Rosanna Williams - read at 10:19
9:15:32 - Group text - From RG (Guy), to LK and JK (Dad) - "Fire marshalls and building marshalls are coming tomorrow. Seemed happy to fine him. Stop construction and I’m [unreadable to me except the word KICK] - read at 9:32:39

9:15:32 - same as above - [My guess based on the pattern: repeated probably cause group text of 3 people]

9:18:22 - Group text [again of 3 people] - From ends with “ad”, based on line 752 - “Haha… [Can’t see how many …] maybe they’ll be homeless” - read at 9:32:39

9:18:22 - same text as above [see my duplicate hypothesis] - To ends with “y”, based on line 751

9:19:48 - (another 3 person text) From [can’t read, but based on trial testimony, RG dropped off the letter to the inspector/fire marshall - someone please correct me if I’m wrong on that] - To - “Dad” [based on bottom of line 749] - “Lol I hope so. I even told them about the downstairs apartment. They claimed to move out so now they can’t move back in” - read at 9:32:39

9:19:48 - duplicate text

9:23:08 - [can’t read From or To - guessing its RG or JK based on text content] - “I told Lauren that we should give a date after the show that we will move out. Rather than go through the whole process of eviction. It is not going to go well after this and more, we need to get the horse out of here” - read 9:32:39

9:37:08 - From LK - circled post referred to in filing.


I can’t figure out what possessed that horse to make a left turn.


From this horses viewpoint it’s more like a small child who keeps asking -
“Why is the sky blue”
with a side of I have to have the last word thrown in.

You know those kind of small humans, the ones where you wait until your at the right point in the ring to dump them in the mud puddle. Yeah those ones.


I was in fourth grade. There was a phone call and then we spent the next few hours on lockdown, huddling under our desks. When they started to give us details we cried. Parents were calling wanting to come get us. People called loved ones. It was terrifying.


Do you think he was maybe a younger horse, and his gear was too heavy for him to stand up in it? I kinda got that feeling. Poor guy gave it a college try, with it on, but got up pretty easily once they had gotten it off him? Is it a horse collar? Or called something else?


I only watched it one time but I think the announcer said they were going to demonstrate a docking maneuver, which I assume is backing the rig up (since it was right up against the rail on the right side). Obviously there was a miscue and the off-side leader turned right and then continued turning right into the horse behind him (I think they call that position the “body” horse - someone please correct me if I am wrong). The horses were all going “WTF” as the leaders pushed into them and that one horse got knocked off balance and went down. There was a bit of chaos for a moment but the asst driver got there really quickly and got the leaders pulled away so the rest of the crew could continue sorting things out and helping the horse that went down.


Oh, thanks, that makes sense. I was pretty uptight watching it, and didn’t know what a docking exercise even meant. I was watching it like 🫣 so missed a good part of it. The guy looked ok as he was headed out. Thank you for the splanation. :+1:


They are trained to stay down until the handler directs them to get up. It’s a safety feature in their training.

My first reaction when I saw the video was that I had enough trouble driving just one small pony. But he was batsh!t crazy.



Not erinmeri, but he was able to get up once they got the yoke (collar) and other pieces of harness off of him. He could have gotten injured a bit from being knocked down and stepped on, and having the extra weight on him might have been an issue. (I think the collar and harness weigh around 130 lbs.)

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My daughter had a driving pony. I was always pretty spooked driving him. Through no fault of his own. Just didn’t care for the disconnect of not being able to feel what was going on. And saw some pretty scary pony wrecks in OHSET.


That makes sense. He probably couldn’t get enough oomph to get up with the yoke on if they weigh that much. Thanks for the info​:+1::+1:

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A little self-reflection is in order here.

Taunting and smearing can be disguised by deflection, obfuscation, false claims and trying to appear above such things.

My life is currently being messed up by such tactics - so I am well aware of them and all their degrees of presentation.

You have been struggling to say “nothing” about that text by diligently trying to deflect it away from good old credible JK - even though you just admitted above that it had to be from him or RG… ummm what? That trio (LK,JK, RG) would have all been delighted if that had happened nd were apparently in a 3 way conversation - they made their intentions very clear… that is nasty.


I don’t drive, but they were supporting his neck on the last pass, after all the other horses had been cleared off, and it looked to me like they were spooling some line that they were pulling from underneath him. I thought maybe he was stepping on some tack that pulled him back down.


Playing on a tablet or dancing on a table?


Cant be a whole lot worse than the Kale I just added to my soup. I usually adore Aldi veggies but this kale is something else


Ponies can be scary, and it’s a big adjustment to go from riding to driving. I actually felt more comfortable driving a pair of Percherons (birthday present from DH) than I was driving my Hackney nut. The owner of the Percherons said casually just as we were driving out onto his land “Oh, by the way, they haven’t been out all winter. They may be a bit fresh.” Yeah, no kidding. But it was a blast.



I’m not sure if you accidently put “S” for “C” in the below or meant what I have put in bold below:

Okay and just because I can’t let go of a good conspiracy theory, ponder this:

Thomas Marvolo Riddle
I am Lord Voldemort

But kind Lar O

It’s got to mean SOMETHING, right? (Just kidding, REALLY!)

And for CurrentlyHorseless—

Tammy Wynette - Stand By Your Man (Lyrics) - YouTube

Off to work on more conspiracies…