Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit


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I have the chorus of this in my head.


And Jonathan Kanarek owes his daughter Lauren an apology for not getting her OUT of that situation so she wouldn’t have been shot, instead of working with her to push MB to the edge. It is his fault as much as anybody’s.
*edited to correct typo


I was beyond teary- I was bawling and had to explain why to my husband! But, for some reason the Budweiser Clydesdales tend to make me weepy! Maybe it is just the sheer beauty of them.


Tangent. I find it kind of amazing the things that people can get a group of horses to do when they drive. And not just horses.

I will say that I’ve always been a little leery of driving ever since I was a little kid and I saw a young horse take off with my mother in a breaking cart. She eventually reeled the horse back in, but it was pretty scary, as I recall.


Well you might be just a horse, but certainly a wise one! Alas, this little human is likely to jump right back on and dig the heels in even deeper. Then she’s gonna spin you in tight little circles, on and on and on, all the while looking around at who or what to be offended by next.


No way man. LK would never tell RG to obey local laws :joy::joy:


Ah but that little human will have to catch me first, and they don’t need to include me in the spinning, they have proved that they can do that all by themselves.

I am however am just a :horse: of course.


Does anyone know of some good, legal reasons why MB hasn’t added JK and LK to his suit? Is there an advantage to not doing that?


This is precisely on point! This is why I’ve had 2 on ignore for so long. While it’s nice not to wade through the Bog of Eternal BS, it still clogs the threads with people kindly attempting to correct them over and over and over and over - always to no avail. I mean someone literally reposted the evidence and walked them through with typed out transcripts and still… :dizzy_face:

I glean we are still unaware that trubandloki is not guessing between two senders, that trubandloki, like so many of us, understand from only the filed documents exactly who sent that text. What are you all slogging through now - a quadruple down, or have we gone even further than that?

And not even the good sense to be embarrassed and just stop.

Man, that lack of self-preservation and attention to detail seems to be the common denominator in that self-selected group. Just, wow.


It’s just not wort discussing. Can we move on? Preferably to something not being argued by The Two?


Yes. Please.


I’m curious if there is a tactical reason or maybe this is coming, or thoughts?


Just heard this line spoken about the police failing to question Paul Murdaugh on the night of the boat accident in which Paul was responsible for the death of Mallory Beach, and it really struck me:

‘It was not an indication that there was incompetence because you couldn’t have that much incompetence.’

Food for thought when faced with what seems to be incomprehensible failure of investigation on the part of law enforcement.


The entire Murdaugh case is an example of how police work shouldn’t be done :woman_facepalming:. The trial isn’t that stellar either. I’ve heard lawyers describe it as a case to watch if you want practice at spotting where the objections should have been.


I am glad to hear that LE in Long Valley NJ condemn what happened in Memphis but I hope they used that same reflection on their own department to improve their service to the community and to keep residents and their officers safe.


I’m the same, was watching it with tears in my eyes.

At one yard I rode at for a few years, someone bought a young Friesian that came with a harness and governess type cart. First day there they hooked it all up and headed out into the forest, the horse didn’t look happy AT ALL. About 15 minutes later the Friesian came belting back into the yard, cart upside down behind it, riders dumped amongst the trees. Turns out the horse had only had a few lessons on the lines and the new owner had never driven a cart before anyway. Horse was sold on shortly thereafter, a nervous wreck that they had to push onto a trailer using a tractor. There’s a whole lot of “horse people” out there who don’t know anything about horses. :frowning:


That is a very good point.


I read this sentence and immediately thought “Wow, what a great husband. Buying her two Percherons for her birthday!!”

Then I read the next sentence. :grin: Still a lovely present, though. He’s a keeper!


Wow! So well said. Thank you for sharing that.