Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

They probably sold RG off as some master of all things to convince Barisone to accept him as a guest.


Poor RG.



Re: Budwiser horses: Just the collars weigh over 50#. Glad it looks like everyone is alright.


Honestly I couldn’t read 99% of that text.

“to meet him and Justin…”

Why Justin, unless it was SOP for JH to train some clients? (Which I assume it was since that is how many, many programs operate - even those run by not-BNTs).


That stood out to me as well. I think the LK and JK both really over-inflated RG’s “value” as a groom/handyman to make his presence on the farm allowed.


I have to say the last parking ticket I got (knock wood) was when I was called for jury duty, and they made us sit there in the court house for a very long time, waiting for our turn to answer questions from the attorneys.

Looking back on it, I wonder if it was planned that way to rake in more parking fines. Lol.

I was not picked for jury duty, and to this day I think it was because I said I could not find someone guilty based solely on witness testimony without any physical evidence. Coincidence? Hard to say.


There is exactly, precisely zero probability that “I knew about GAS’ letter before it was filed.”

As I am a Coth poster with no relationship to the Kanareks or their lawyers, please explain why you think it “now seems fairly likely” that I knew about that letter before it was filed.

Or, drop the insinuation that I’m an insider. I’ve said many times that I’m not.


There had to be a reason. I wonder what it could have been?

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Were you not picked because they filled jury before they got to your number or were you excused by one of the attorneys. If the latter, I would guess your answer was why.

**I went through jury selection and jury duty this time last year, that’s the only reason I know the procedure.

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No, @smoofox , I don’t. I address your (g) arguments as I understand them. I don’t need to create straw man positions and attribute them to you.

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G stands for general, not great. Hope this helps.


The shoes the Budweiser horses wear are made by a friend just about 20 miles south of me. Or at least they were. Will retired about seven years ago, after making shoes for Budweiser for over 20 years. Kind of a cool story - small time guy makes good with an amazing design for draft horses that got picked up by Bud. Will sold the business to a younger guy, but I don’t think younger guy managed to maintain it.
Back in the day Will also did the circuit between the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago and the Detroit Zoo, trimming all kinds of critters. On those trips he also did the horses of a famous musician (“Cat Scratch Fever”) who had a veritable wet bar in the trunk of his car. Oh the stories Will can tell!
Back to MB; I just sent him a letter. It’s tough not talking about how awful his situation is. What a bizarre, sad episode in one man’s life, all due to the actions of one spoiled person with some disorder of some kind. To think of the destruction she’s managed to create honestly makes me ill sometimes.


Can we not just ignore? Credibility is gone. Stop lending it to them.


Another straw man! You do stay in character!

I never said (much less had a mini-crusade) suggesting “that JK could not have said such a thing”.

I said that it was an incoming text and could have been from either JK or RG; the author was unknown because of the redacting.

Yes, that’s how I’m using it. You (general).

If you think @smoofox s arguments are great, please let her know.

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ehhhhh not really


I have a number of posts on this. In one of the other ones, I think I did say that it could have been RG or JK; it was not clear which one.

The point is that @trubandloki had no way of knowing that it was from JK in particular.

Your quoting my post also shows I never said trubandloki was LO. I said she (TL) had no way of knowing the author of the text, given the redacting, unless she was an insider like LO who had access to an unredacted version. Since TL is not LO, TL had no way of knowing whether the text was written by JK.

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Obviously that was not a straw man… just an observation of your recent focus that we have all seen - and continue to see right now. Your repeated posts about this are not my “straw man”.

Even if JK never said the exact words (being so very credible and all) - he was in the conversation plotting and likely agreed.



The latter, I believe.

They asked questions of a group of potential jurors, and I was excused after that round.

Frankly, I was quite surprised by the number of people who said they would be able to convict someone without any evidence other than witness testimony.