Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Did you read the filing wherein they identify a specific audio recording that was quoted nearly verbatim by Lauren on social media that was NOT handed over during the criminal trial? Wouldn’t that make you inherently unsatisfied that you had been delivered all of the audio and video recordings as a result?

The reasoning behind requesting transcripts AND audio/video from the senior Kanareks, as I understand it, is because of said omission and the ability to cross reference. That’s what they made it sound like in the filing and I think that is perfectly reasonable!

If I was in a similar situation and my attorneys didn’t do everything they could to ensure they had all recordings and transcripts so that I could be certain I was seeing every last one and be able to cross-reference them, I would be looking for a new attorney.

ETA: Not to mention, I would want to be certain that the transcripts were accurate reflections of what was said - particularly since they were largely done by a biased party and potential co-conspirator. [edited to correct sentence fragment.]


Well, I just spent the last few minutes trying to get through the jumble and web of posts on YouTube Barisone Trial chats (I can’t stand YT other than funny videos and the trial). What I found was months old posts that LK herself responded to months later; and a recent back and forth between Girl Joey and someone calling themselves Bob Abooey(?), who sounds an awful lot like Lauren. Go have fun with it. I’d rather stay here with relative sanity.

BTW, it’s hard to find a YT post that doesn’t bash LK so it’s weird to me you think someone here is posting all that negativity.


What would make you say that?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Some parties weren’t in the criminal trial. Are you denying SGFs right to Discovery?


For someone who unilaterally supports LK and JK who have said all sorts of outrageous things directly and overtly, you sure to seem to have a tendency to overly dramatize statements from everyone else putting the worst spin on them as if you’ve been victimized somehow.


Ridiculous. The movie in your head is doing you no favors.


I think she meant she thinks you are a lawyer, just a bad one. You’ve said how many times you aren’t? I lost count.

Yeah no, that’s not it either.


I have nothing important to add to this back and forth but if you haven’t seen Silva Martin’s most recent tictok with Boyd, you should.

And it was nice to see that MB was able to send LO flowers yesterday.


A random musing:

There are a few people here who seem to believe that merely discussing the bad behaviors of Lauren Kanarek makes you a hater, basher, or other similar inflammatory descriptor.

They also seem to believe that in doing so, you are either an undying supporter of Michael Barisone and you believe in his whole cloth innocence… or that you know he is guilty as sin, but you’re such an ardent supporter that you lie about said guilt and make up wild fabrications in that endeavor.

While certainly there may be some who fall Into such categories, just like there are flat-earthers, people who believe Xenu sent his galactic followers to Earthly volcanoes and their ghostly thetans haunt us humans, and people who believe COVID vaccines include Gates-manufactured microchips or make you magnetic, they are almost certainly few. People believe some pretty loony things, but most people are reasonable.

From what I can tell, MOST of us here have precisely zero idea what happened on August 7th. What we see is a total lack of evidence and two eye witnesses who are largely unreliable narrators. And the more that comes out via the criminal trial and the civil suit, the more questions arise about the behavior of those two unreliable narrators and their circle in the days leading up to, and following, August 7th… and about the claims they have made about those days/weeks/months.

Since we do not know, and since they are proving unreliable, and since what is emerging makes them look even more suspect, we look at the existing evidence and speculate and discuss possible scenarios. That is what people do. That’s what detectives do. That is what the defense’s lawyers are doing. Hell, there is a whole genre of true crime podcasts that do precisely this.

It doesn’t make anyone “bullies” or “monsters”, or whatever. And anyone saying so is taking this whole thing way too personally.

At the end of the day, I think most people just want to understand what happened and get to the truth. Right now, it isn’t looking so good for Lauren and her circle… but SHE opened that door when she filed her civil suit. She further chummed the waters when she went on COTH and YouTube and Facebook and wherever else and shot her mouth off. Her family members coming here and doing the same didn’t help.

Ultimately, by making a spectacle of themselves, they fed the interest in this whole affair… and that interest isn’t going to wane until this saga reaches a conclusion. And the fact that it DOES appear they behaved very, very badly - illegally, even - in the run-up to the shooting makes it all the worse.

Someone quoted the whole “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” thing. Never has that sounded more apt than now. I imagine it will only get worse as this lawsuit progresses.

Anyhoo… even their own texts admit they knew as much before August 7th. To quote one them: “I told Lauren that we should give a date after the show that we will move out. Rather than go through the whole process of eviction. It is not going to go well after this and more, we need to get the horses out of there.” Too bad they just didn’t pack up and leave.


Not going to quote the whole thing, but I can’t like your post enough!


Particularly for people who claim to have no connection to anyone involved.


On a scale of 1 - 10, this post is a 12! Thank you @erinmeri! Perfect, calm, unemotional logic.


I have an ex who worked as a repo man for a while. The company he worked for scrubbed a vast amount of information about him. I guess it was done to keep him anonymous from the people whose cars he was repossessing, to protect him in some way. Anyway. It worked, it’s still really hard to get anything besides out of date other records when you google his name.


Quoting this because cannot like it enough and it needs to be repeated! Great post @erinmeri!!!


So many people here told LK to shut up for her own good but she just couldn’t do that.

Maybe it’s an addiction to drama. Don’t know.

But yes, a most excellent post.


Soooo… anyone trashing LK in the many YouTube videos (which was most people) is suspect and or/may be “recruited”? Good heavens. There are far more people popping in and out of those YouTube crime threads than on all of COTH.

Please note that many posters here - like myself - are not part of any “bathrobe gang” as you dismissively refer to others. LK even brought up COTH a couple of times - oh noooooooooo!!!

… or I just could have kept scrolling and agreed with this ^ post.

Hush now. That goes against one of the favorite endless circular arguments that gets started that claims LK was not asked to leave, knew nothing about any upcoming eviction… and so on and so forth…


I wonder if “Lauren” ever regrets not taking that bit of advice. :thinking:

(Great post, and I agree with what all that you wrote).


Without intending to be political I just wanted to point out that a certain party to a court matter was just fined $110,000 for failure to comply with providing documents for Discovery. Again, this post is NOT about who the person is BUT RATHER THE RESULT OF DEFIANCE OF A COURT ORDER.