Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Are you able to share the one you mean? I don’t see a “top comment” - would just be interested in what it says!


The sheer numbers of non-horsey people who sympathize more with MB than LK should worry the K’s.
It’s likely reflective of what they’ll come up against in the jury pool, I’d think.


There are a few comments that are suggesting Lauren shot herself in order to be able to frame/sue Michael. And more than a few suggesting it was probably really self defense as well.


Has LL responded to any of those yet?

I don’t think she shot herself or that she was intentionally shot by anyone. I think she jumped him, RG and the dog jumped in and the gun discharged - perhaps while she was bashing him in the head with her phone. At most, it was shot in self defense.


Me, I think the dog attacked him and when he too k the gun out for the dog she attacked him and RG attacked him and the gun went off.


I think that’s why he took the gun in the first place—to defend against Rosie.


Lauren was clearly willing to use any opportunity that came up against Michael and the others on the farm. She claims she had a recording, so she knew about the gun/where it was at. And she had the opportunity to access the safe when everyone was kicked out by the BI and FM.

And clearly the idea that she’d be willing/capable to shoot herself isn’t that isolated of a thought. Besides, lots of people follow through with what are clearly bad ideas when they are caught up in the heat of the moment. There is a whole YT genre for that kind of video…


I think that’s Buckeye(??) she is posing with?


Would she be able to participate in beating someone like that after being shot where/how she was shot?

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Really impossible to say. Years ago I dated a paramedic and the number of people with absolutely critical injuries who were walking around like they were fine was kind of staggering. The human body has an amazing facility for survival.

I did notice that some of the testimony at trial did not seem to indicate that someone nearly a foot taller than her could possibly have shot her in the way that was described, especially if they were very close to her as she described.


I always wondered about her saying it takes 5-7 minutes for a lung to collapse……

I always wondered about why there were no timestamps presented for the phone calls too. I would think it would be super important to the timeline to at least be able to say for certain when ED heard the shots as compared to the 911 call. But maybe they were purposefully omitted because it there was a significant gap between the two….


Ding! Ding! Ding! This is one of the hills I may have to die on—that he was already on his back when the gun discharged.


There are extremely talented people here. It wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility for a “true crime” video to be made and put on Youtube.


Oh, like forensic evidence? :thinking:


The evidence screams he was on the ground


I too think he was on the ground when the gun went off.


Didn’t the firearm expert witness at the trial testify that the shot that went through the window was traveling at an upward angle from near the ground?


Ah, thanks.

The cops did testify that the trajectory was upward….however that line extended both directions forward and backwards and the gun could have been fired from any point along the line.

So, if it was fired near the front of the truck, it then the gun would be closer to the ground. If it was fired standing, it was fired closer to the house. Considering that Michael was already a foot taller than LK standing, it does not make sense that if he fired the gun, it was while he was standing.

Another option is that RG had him on his knees with his arm behind his back/around his neck, while he was being beaten by LK.