Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

He tried, and the police wouldn’t take his complaint. That’s what (one of the many reasons which) makes the police so suss.


It certainly ain’t me over at YT. I have one YT log in, which I use because I want my Bigfoot and scary stories searches to be saved, and that’s it. I’m not creating any multi-YT accounts over there, and the one I have is under my real name, so, no comments on Laughing Hi-Lina for me.


I haven’t posted a thing under these videos so it’s not me either. It’s just the public. They see it too - what we saw.


I have no YT account. (Do most people who do not actually post things there have an account?)
I actually almost never read the comments when these things happen (the format there is frustrating to me) but for some reason I did read some and these made me laugh.
This sure sounds like a Kanarek, claiming all the old stuff that is so made up it is funny.
The comment about them never being told to leave had to show its face. Clearly this person has not bothered to read the texts that are now public, where Robert Guy Goodwin, Lauren Kanarek, and Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) discuss all that, the eviction, etc.


Poor Kirby trying to type English and stuff.

It’s like the Bad News Bears in social media training.

I always enjoy when someone blames others for doing stuff (like posting comments in social media under aliases) because they themselves are doing that very same thing: Projection


Kirby Kanarek embodies every “math is hard!” Barbie meme that exists.

  1. Lauren Kanarek only paid $5000/month for a minimum of 2 horses in training and parked her butt in residence at a BNT’s business. Then she added more horses and didn’t pay more money.

  2. The Kanareks complain that MHG “didn’t pay any money!” (she generated it, but let’s set that aside for the moment) so exactly how did he “relieve wealthy women of their assets”?

  3. Plus the unlicensed Mope on a Rope that Lauren dragged along with her. He cost Michael Barisone money for messing up the house.

ETA: I fixed it, with thanks to KM.


The unlicensed mope on a rope. :rofl: :rofl:


OMG too funny! You know it’s a Kanarek when they attack the women!


The desperation with this family is almost sad. Do any of them believe their pathetic posts will change anyone’s opinion? I don’t understand why they keep digging a deeper hole.


Wait, so, the mother is now not only trolling YouTube to make comments but also trying to disguise who she is by changing her user name (but failing by still having her email visible)? Am I getting this right?

Words fail. As bad as we thought it was that both parents came on this little forum, now parents are engaging in YouTube commentary battles?

Truly unbelievable. Holy heck. I mean that’s not even checkers at this point, let alone chess of any dimensions whatsoever.


This is why stuff like this happens.

What Are The 12 Laws of the Universe?

The 12 universal laws are irrefutable explanations of how things operate in this time-space reality. These laws cannot be created or destroyed. They merely describe how things are.

Where Do 12 Universal Laws Come From?

The 12 universal laws originated from Source (also known as God, the Universe, Higher Power, etc.).

Just like physical laws like the laws of gravity, these universal laws were not invented but rather discovered by humans through their observations and experiences.

The laws of gravity existed way before it was discovered by Isaac Newton.

Why Are The 12 Laws of the Universe Important?

The 12 Laws of the universe describe the way things operate in this time-space reality.

These universal laws are always working whether you are aware of them or not, so not understanding them puts you at a disadvantage in life.

They are sort of like the rules of the game, so to speak. If you want to win the game, you must first learn the rules.

Understanding the laws of the universe helps you to not only survive but thrive in the universe.

How Many Laws of The Universe are there?

There is a total of 12 Laws of The Universe that are universally accepted to be true.

There are many other laws that are in play at any given moment. However, not every law has been given a name yet.

What is the Main Law of the Universe?

The main law of the universe is the Law of Divine Oneness.

This law states that everything is connected and nothing is truly separate from each other.

This law helps you remember that no matter what happens in this physical reality, you are never separated from God or from each other on a spiritual level.

The Law of Divine Oneness brings inner peace and relief to any earthly problems because you can stay grounded in the knowledge that all is well on the spiritual level, which is the truth of who you are.

1. Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of Divine Oneness states that everything is connected. It is the first and most foundational law of the universe.

Everything in the Universe is an extension of Source energy which means nothing is separate on a spiritual level.

You practice this law when you exercise compassion and consciously recognize that ultimately we are all one being.

2. Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration states that everything in this world, whether tangible or intangible, is made up of energy that is vibrating at a specific frequency.

This means everything that you see, like your phone, your pets, your friends, and everything that you don’t see, like your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, is comprised of energy that is constantly vibrating.

This may sound strange on its own, but when you pair the Law of Vibration with the Law of Attraction, you now have the formula of what it takes to attract your desires into your reality through vibrational alignment.

To manifest your desire using the Law of Vibration, all you have to do is identify the vibration of your desire and then raise your vibration until you become a vibrational match with what you want.

By the Law of Attraction, your vibration will attract things, people, situations, experiences, and outcomes with the same vibration into your life.

3. Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence states that your external reality is a direct reflection of your internal state.

This law makes it easy to assess the alignment of your vibration.

If your life appears to be out of order, it means your vibration is out of alignment with the loving energy of the Universe.

If your life appears to be thriving, it means your vibration is in alignment with the loving energy of the Universe.

4. Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction states that which is like onto itself is drawn.

This law applies to everything that exists in the universe from tangible things like objects, people, and situations to intangible things like thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

This is why people experience phenomenons like a lucky streak or a downward spiral .

It is no coincidence that when things get good, it gets better. And when things get worse, it gets way worse.

Because these phenomenons can all be explained using the Law of Attraction.

It all comes down to your energy. Your energy is constantly attracting situations, events, and experiences that are a direct match for your energy.

By applying the Law of Attraction to your own life, you will have absolute clarity over why situations occur the way they do and more importantly, what you can do to shift your energy and change the outcomes you receive.

5. Law of Inspired Action

The Law of Inspired Action states that inspiration will come about when you are aligned with who you are—an extension of Source as stated by the Law of Divine Oneness.

Practicing this law is all about slowing down, getting quiet, and creating space for divine guidance to come forward.

When we let go of our need to control how things will work out and are instead open to all possibilities, it makes room for new ways of achieving the goals that we might not have considered otherwise.

6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that energy is constantly evolving or fluctuating.

This law makes perfect sense because the Law of Vibration states that everything is energy and the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like.

Your energy is always moving towards high vibration (positivity) or low vibration (negativity).

So it is your job to monitor your vibration alignment and direct your focus towards better-feeling thoughts when necessary.

7. Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect states that for every cause there’s an effect.

In life, our thinking is the cause and our experiences are the effects of our thinking.

Attempts to change our experiences are merely a band-aid solution because all negative experiences are merely the effects of our thinking.

So if we want to change our experiences, we must begin by changing our thoughts.

If you have read my book Feeling Good , you will know that prayer is one of the most powerful tools for shifting the direction of your thoughts.

8. Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation states that you reap what you sow.

What you give to others shall be given to you.

What you without from others shall be withheld from you.

If you offer your highest and best to everyone and everything in life, you will be rewarded with the highest and best.

9. Law of Relativity

The Law of Relativity states that everything is relative because we all perceive reality in our own way.

This law explains why two people can go through the same situation but have two entirely different experiences.

Understanding this law helps you prioritize inner peace over defending the truth because “truth” is relative anyway.

10. Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity states that everything in life has an opposite.

For every problem, there’s a solution. For every obstacle, there’s an opportunity.

This law is what gives birth to new desires when manifesting.

Every time you experience something you don’t want, this law points out that the thing you do want exists and is just waiting to be manifested into your life.

11. Law of Rhythm

The Law of Rhythm states that cycles are a natural part of the Universe. Just like the four seasons, your life has seasons too.

Surrender to the flow of life and let your inner wisdom guide your thoughts, words, and actions.

12. Law of Gender

The Law of Gender states that life works best when your divine masculine and divine feminine energies are in alignment.

The divine feminine represents the part of our consciousness that connects us to qualities like intuition, feeling, emotions, creativity, and spirituality.

This feminine energy is the exact opposite of the divine masculine which connects us to qualities like logic, authority, confidence, objectivity, and action-taking.

One thing to note is that one is not better than the other. Both the divine feminine and the divine masculine need to work together harmoniously to create solutions for the highest good.

However, society has traditionally favored masculine qualifies over feminine qualities.

This is why we must restore our connection to our divine feminine to restore balance in our lives.


#8 is my favorite for situation!


Yes, sad isn’t it?

You would think that at least Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) would see how horrible that is.


I personally believe that regarding #8 (according to Wiccan ideals) that whatever you put forth into the universe is returned to you threefold.

LOL It’s the ultimate treble damages!


Good of Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) to test the waters before making her long winded but inaccurate posts.


I’m betting she was using voice to text. And just rattling out her thoughts, not saying “period” when she gets to the end of a sentence or pausing so the app realizes it is the end of the sentence, and just spewing out a word salad but not bothering to proofread her comments before hitting send.


Stop. You cannot be serious. Is this a test post to see if the fake name worked or something? And, why would you not remove a test post?

This is - honestly you couldn’t make it up.


The Universe. It burns.


How do they come up with all these alters?
I am one of those people that has a hard time coming up with names for my pets, I can not imagine having to re-invent myself over and over and over again on so many platforms.


I wonder if after all of this Rosie wasn’t put down. With those bites, the hospital would have reported it and the police already saw her bite another person, plus lk said she was on restrictions.

Do you think that’s why they couldn’t discuss the dog at trial? Because it had bitten mb and was subsequently destroyed, making things look less like a one sided attack?