Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit




I have not caught up on all the posts yet, but that is just hilarious in a bad way. Similar to the Jim Stark fiasco on Facebook.

Setting aside the KK propaganda, I’m sure most of the people making comments on YouTube are only going from what’s in the video they just watched. So it’s not surprising if they’re not aware of all the other background information.

And even so, most of them are siding with MB’s perspective. Good luck to the Ks with that civil jury, which will have MUCH more information at their disposal.


Lest certain people return to these discussions and try and misconstrue what I was observing, I don’t think it’s fair to characterize what I said as a “trap”. Nobody here lured them to another platform, and despite what has been implied here, I think it’s incredibly unlikely that many, if any, CoTH members (outside of, apparently, the Kanareks themselves) are posting on YouTube.

I was merely observing that in the past they have made giant missteps in posting on public forums and their statements with regards to transcripts and recordings and even video, for example, have found their way into the proceedings. If I had a vested interest, I might let them shoot their mouths off and see what other things they might say. That’s all.

Just an observation, and certainly not a “trap”.


Oof. Good point.


Good luck to the Ks with that as well.

I have a feeling they might find the crowd response there to be less polite than most people on this BB.


I just have to say, I read number 5 as the law of insipid action and immediately thought, ok, that’s probably me.


It’s owned by Google, so probably a lot of people who don’t post there have accounts that will work. Like me, for example.

Edit: correcting the autocorrect


My gut instinct is still that if that had happened to Rosie, LK would not have been able to keep quiet about it.

I could be wrong, but it’s not like she’s ever been able to keep quiet about anything else that she perceived as her unfair treatment, or whatever she wanted to call it.

That’s especially fresh in my mind after seeing the clips of her testimony in that recent YouTube video, where she talked about not getting the full attention of MB, or however she phrased it.

She conveniently omitted the part where she had a little problem actually showing up for scheduled lessons, according to the other witnesses.

Any busy trainer, BN or not, is not going to keep holding spots in their schedule for somebody who often does not show up for those slots.

I’m guessing the reason they were trying so hard to avoid discussing Rosie was to sidestep how she got involved in the fray that day in the first place. And the fact that Rosie was never supposed to be loose on the property anyway, according to LK’s previous posts.

I’ll say it again. Poor Rosie. If she was seized by the authorities, it was because her owners were so irresponsible, at the very least.


My thought is that she probably had clients paying for those horses, but whether she did or not, it’s completely immaterial to the discussion at hand. Her arrangements with MB were their business, not anyone else’s.

Ditto for MB’s previous marriage, his divorce, whatever. All those things are just more distractions the Ks try to throw into the conversation as a smokescreen for the actual issue, which is the behavior by LK and RG.


And if being divorced was the worst thing ever - it is worth pointing out that Lauren Kanarek is also divorced.


True. And didn’t it come out at some point that either LK’s ex or someone in his family had a restraining order against LK? Or something like that?

I’m guessing that was not the case with MB and his ex, or we would have heard about it at great length.


Also, and this is so strange to me, MB negotiated all of his life changes without orders of protection taken out against him. Many people end business arrangements or end marriages without it ending up in a criminal court. Prior to the appearance of the Kanareks, MB had successfully (far more successfully than me) negotiated the changes that life brings. Highlighting his past only makes the Kanarek crew only seem more culpable.

2 edits for typos


Any updates to the court cases? Theta over 2000 posts since I was here last just wondering if anything important has come up.

This revelation is just wild!

Why don’t they just wait until they have their day in civil court, where they can present their ever-changing narrative, as full of contradictions as it is? Oh wait. That’s right. They avoid subpoenas and keep delaying the inevitable.


Did you read the hand written note from the judge from last week?

This thread was started by @ekat. They very generously post everything that comes off the courts website in the original post. You might want to start there to figure out where you left off and what you have missed.


Yes I read all that from the original post of this thread and then stopped a few hundred posts in. Missed the handwritten letter. Can you direct me to the post number by chance?



It is in the original post, likely the last filing.


I don’t get this whole tangent of MHG paying Michael or not. Do you pay your fiancé or husband for anything? Why is MHG any of the Kanarek’s business?


What ?

Thanks @trubandloki