Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit



I edited my comment. I didn’t want to appear unnecessarily contrary.


I just checked the site and there are no updates yet. Come on Judge W, decide already!


Caught up on this thread again.

OK. I’m going to go on record… I think the Kanarek family has many issues. Obviously RG does as well.

But I no longer believe that JK, KK, and RG make a habit of posting about LK on these various SoMe platforms (Facebook, COTH, YT).

This latest account involving “Clara?” It’s too much. This is ridiculous.

Kirby has a lengthy enough public professional resume, and two adult daughters who seem like halfway functional people. I have a hard time believing she went on YT, created this account and commented, all while the subpoena motions are still hanging out there.

I think it’s LK. I think she has access to mommy and daddy’s email accounts or something, and is literally impersonating her own parents defending her on SoMe.

Other people have mentioned previously that she has used RG’s Facebook in the past, and impersonated him talking about her. If that makes sense.

If this is all what I think it is… essentially LK behind most of these accounts… This is a case of profound narcissism, if ever there was one.

Last thing… I sincerely hope Deininger and Bilinkas ask LK about EVERY.SINGLE.ACCOUNT. during her deposition. “Have you ever logged on to COTH and commented using the IM account? How about the Seeker 1 account? How about Facebook? Have you ever used the Jim E Stark account? How about YouTube? Have you ever used the Bob Abooey or Clara Dobson accounts?”

I really hope they ask her about this. Then… I hope they ask KK, JK, and RG about all the same accounts and comments during THEIR depositions.

Why drill down on these details during depositions, and pin down specifics? Because MBs lawyers can present this information to a jury as evidence that LK is pathological in her use of social media, and how she obsessively tries to defame and harass people. Only obsessive people with completely unhealthy fixations would create multiple accounts and impersonate others in such a manner.

Anyway… this is all just my opinion. This latest “Clara” account? It’s absurd. It’s time to just call utter BS on this nonsense. Maybe I am wrong and it really is Kirby… but I doubt it. Only a crazy reckless person would be on YT right now spouting nonsense, while awaiting a judge’s ruling on a potential contempt issue. I don’t think KK is that nuts.


There’s the “cool quarter million” question.


Post numbers are pretty meaningless unless to yourself. By this I mean you can use your own post numbers to keep track of where you left off reading, but one person’s post numbers are going to be different than another’s depending on who/how many they have on ignore.

So my post # 3407 (which is the last number showing for me) is going to be a different post than your #3407, so it wouldn’t refer to the correct post anyway.

Edit to make a little more clear.


Yeah that’s fair I would likely scroll around to find it if I had the general area. Old habits on CoTH die hard!

It’s not a full handwritten letter. It’s handwritten comments by the judge on the last page of the most recent order.


It posted on Friday 2/24 so look to that time frame for commentary on it.


I can see this being the case. It’s also entirely possible LK invented that KK email account and THEN posted. This way she’d get all the notifications of replies so she could respond 8 months later.


Maybe all those IM and Seeker logins people notice here aren’t actually JK and KK themselves checking stuff out. Maybe it’s all LK.

Maybe logins happen to not only check on PMs but to make us notice and talk about them as a profound narcissist would like to see us do.

Attention is ambrosia.


I find this K fixation with whether or not MHG paid board on ANY of the horses she had at HH that summer STUPID.

To me, it reveals how UTTERLY CLUELESS the Ks are when it comes to high end horses, BNTs, and people who compete at the upper levels of any equestrian sport - dressage, jumpers, eventing, etc.

MHG was acting as assistant trainer to MB on some sort of significant level. She was capable of doing training rides on some of the client horses and young prospects. Also, it sounds like she was plenty capable of coaching lower level adult ammies. Heck… if she was in my area, I’m the sort of person who would be happy to ride with her occasionally. I’m schooling 2nd level with one of my horses, and the horse is on the younger side. I’m sure we could both learn a lot in a lesson with someone like MHG, and she seems like a pleasant professional and a nice rider who could hop on my horse and demonstrate something if needed. People like her are often a great coaching fit for amateur people riding at 1st or 2nd level.

Also… she was in a serious long term relationship with MB in 2019, leading up to the shooting. It’s rude to question their business arrangements. Utterly rude. And weird. It makes LK come across like a jealous wannabe girlfriend.

Anyway… OF COURSE MHG wasn’t paying the same rate of board as other clients. That’s not how things work in situations like this. It’s totally normal. Most people who have ridden for awhile and trained and boarded at any number of places involving multiple tiers of trainers and staff realize that.

LK and her family’s refusal to understand this makes them look like lower level beginners, who just stepped up from low end lesson barns, because they don’t seem to grasp how things work at the upper levels of sport. Seriously. If they really were whiny and resentful of MHG’s arrangements in the lead up to the shooting? That’s bizarre and dumb and delusional. Why would these people think their opinions with respect to MHG’s business arrangements with MB were of any concern to anyone? LK was just s client. She should have stayed out of it.

I’m an adult ammy client. Have been for years at a few different places with top tier trainers (not dressage - different discipline). Never once have I been jealous that an assistant trainer, full time employee, or working student was paying a different boarding rate on their horses than I was. Or had some other form of compensation that resulted in reduced horse keeping expenses for them. That would be a bizarre and stupid thing for an amateur client like myself to fuss over. Purely amateur clients are different than Assistant trainers, full time employees of the farm who also keep horses there, and working students. DUH. And any of the BNTs I’ve ever ridden with would have looked at me like I was an idiot and a PITA if I had fussed about this differentiation in business arrangements with respect to boarding fees, reduced lesson rates, etc.

I seriously don’t understand why LK still doesn’t “get it.” And why she is still going on and on about this. All it does is make her look like a psycho client that no one worth training with would ever want to deal with.


I guess I can see why you would think that but the Kanarek family has done enough outside of social media that I have no doubt that Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) would actually jump on to support Lauren Kanarek.

Think about what Mr. Tarshis said in one of the newer filings, about them all walking up to him one at a time at that dressage event, while trying to get him to listen to their side. It was Daddy (Jonathan Kanarek), then Mommy (Kirby Kanarek). Lauren was last to approach him.

Plus, if that information gotten about their posting ID is not them, I would think either Bruce or GAS would have said so.

I don’t doubt that at times Lauren Kanarek uses their accounts for things. I just do not think it is only Lauren Kanarek using their accounts.


Yup. It’s COMPLETELY possible she invented multiple email accounts in order to create multiple log ins.

It’s totally insane. But… I suspect that this might be going on. I really hope the attorneys ask her about it during a deposition.


All along I’ve kind of gotten that same vibe. It’s there, just simmering under the surface of the rantings against MHG.


Oh yes. Even her father (Jonathan Kanarek) says stuff that makes it seem like Lauren was a jealous wannabe girlfriend.


I understand where you are coming from, Trubs.

Maybe you are right. But… this latest YT account? It’s just nuts. So completely bananas.

What 60 something year old parents of a 40 something year old spend this much time on social media defending their offspring? Most normal people would find much of this situation embarrassing. Utterly embarrassing.

I have to think @Inigo-montoya and @Seeker1 are pretty thoroughly embarrassed by all the public revelations with respect to their offspring’s behavior problems and dysfunctional conduct.

ETA: per @MorganSercu, the elder Ks are actually in their 70’s. Which almost makes their behavior on social media seem weirder to me. :woman_shrugging:


What 70 something parents of a 40 something daughter walks up to someone at a dressage VIP tent and try to discuss the upcoming criminal case?

This family is not normal, or at least not normal for what most of the rest of us see as normal.

I think, at least right now, @Inigo-montoya is embarrassed that his texts that show he thinks it is funny to make someone homeless and other things he was involved in with the Finish The Bastard plan are out in the public.
It is not just their daughter that has dysfunctional conduct.

Edit to change 60 something to 70 something.


[quote=“trubandloki, post:3878, topic:782326, full:true”]

He DEFINITELY came across like that during the 48 Hours episode. I found it utterly cringeworthy. A very icky icky vibe.


70-something, but the point is the same.