Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Full disclosure - I have a YT account. I created it years ago for sales horse videos etc. and now use it for concerts etc. that I watch on the TV.

Regrettably (for those who think posters here flock to YT to engage those commenting on LK threads) I have only made comments on some horse videos and nothing to do with any crimes and misdemeanors of any kind. I watched the trial videos and did not bother to engage in the comments - but reading them was like watching a 3 ring circus at times - with LK happily holding court.

EIA: Whoops. I lied. I noticed that I made comments on some videos that my dogs’ breeder posted - so not just horses.


Thank you, I will edit.


Actually, don’t. She was born in 1954 so she’s around 69; he was born in 1952 so he’s at least 70. We’re both right! LOL


@Virginia_Horse_Mom, I think the fact that Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) was smack dab in the middle of all of this makes it quite likely that he is more than willing to boast about his wonderfulness and defend his adult daughter here or on other social media platforms (but as far as I know, this is the only place we know he has posted, right?).

Here is a piece from the 01/18/23 Motion for contempt. Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin sending Jonathan Kanarek a video and then talking to him about it.
That is a person who is part of the mess and has a reason to try to make things go his way on social media.

Let me add, most fathers do not send an ex parte note to the judge on their daughter’s behalf either.

The Kanarek family does things their own way.


That’s possible. But certainly some of the Seeker posts did not sound anything like LK. Or at least, most of them did not.

Maybe there was some houseguest* activity at the time that explained the wildly varying tones from one Seeker post to another.

Ditto for some of the recent IM posts.

It’s hard to say whether there was houseguest activity, or just similar posting styles, apples, trees, etc.

*I’m using houseguest in the traditional BB meaning, whether or not somebody was actually allowed in the house.


Actually, that fact makes it easier for me to believe KK would make such a colossal unforced error with her real name showing up on her alias YouTube account. If you don’t do that much on social media, it’s probably easier to make that kind of mistake.


I have been taught that people are either good or bad. Let’s say non criminal and criminal. The Good Non Criminal will always make Non Criminal and good decisions in their life.

You can see this with MB and the letter from prison where all he wanted to do was help others in the prison. In his life he has made decisions to help other people. You see it over and over in his life.

On the other hand the bad criminal type always make decisions that are bad or criminal. You can see this with the Kanarak family. There is not just one thing with a bad decision. Every single thing they do is a bad decision. Over and over again all through their life.


Thank you, I had seen that already so was up to date there lol

I use YouTube a lot but also rarely comment on anything. That being said Youtube just came out as the MOST streamed video service in the world counting 2 Billion streams per month.

In the true crime world YouTube is very active. I laughed listening to a Murdaugh Murders podcast the one journalist made a comment that is seems YouTube commentators follow case to case to defend whatever loser defendant is on trial that day lol. Apparently that’s a thing. Hard to believe anyone would defend Alec Murdaugh.

Unrelated to this case but just some info on YT.


This is a tactful way of putting it.


Is “EIA” an Elderly, Illegal Addition? Lol.


I don’t believe this. I think people are complex, sometimes make lousy decisions, and that MOST people are redeemable. While I think some may fall on one end of the spectrum or the other, I don’t think anyone is “always” any one thing. Even the Kanareks. Most people probably have at least one good bone in their bodies…


I understood lawyers paid folks to influence social media in the desired direction. There is a FB group on Murdaugh which sure seems that way…


I wondered at the time why the defense didn’t call a forensic gunshot trajectory expert. I know that they had decided to go with the affirmative defense since MB has no memory of the incident. But still, wouldn’t that have been a good way to introduce reasonable doubt? He cannot have shot her at the angles she was shot, if the shooting occurred as she described.


That would actually makes sense especially in that specific case!

I’ve seen no evidence that @Inigo-montoya, @Seeker1 or LK are capable of feeling embarrassment or shame.


Valid point.
I should have said mad, he is mad that his texts are out there.
He can not pretend to not know or pretend to not be involved.


I’m kind of envious of that, tbh.

I’ll still think of some random moment from 8 years ago and then feel embarrassed about it :rofl:


From 28 years ago, even!


LOL…I’m thinking somebody either needs or had a positive Coggins (Equine Infectious Anemia)