Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Hmm, some of us in the EIM are in their 70’s and we know enough to not make that kind of blunder (at least, I think most 70+ EIM members know that!).

Also, I tend to think that most of the IM posts really were/are JK, although there are some that make me wonder if he lays his phone down and wanders off, without logging out of COTH, And LK picks up his phone and makes a quick ranting post using his login persona.

And as far as alternate accounts - some email providers allow users to create up to 5 different email addresses. I can totally see how LK or someone may have used alias email addresses to create multiple profiles on SM.


I just can’t get my mind around the fact that it’s the entire fam damnly. Initially, I thought, well LK is unhinged, but that her parents defend her and run interference for her, and now just dive in head first to join her in her bizarre machinations, is incomprehensible to me.


Understatement of the year. :upside_down_face:


So, in a very annoying (to me) turn of events, the pending motions have been rescheduled for consideration until April 28th.

This is one of the entries. They say the same thing, just link to different motions.


I haven’t caught up yet, but this is another hill I may die on!

If they had just shut their mouths and opened their eyes and ears and LEARNED how things worked, they wouldn’t be screaming about “the name on the door” and feeling so slighted!

Entitlement is an ugly disease!


Wow. Two months out.
So strange for a judge that wrote that he is not going to accept anymore delays, but he is not giving an answer on some basic discovery.


That is very odd indeed.


I don’t think it’s strictly age related.

It’s more about how much someone is on social media or not.

Someone who spends a lot of time in book clubs or prayer meetings or soup kitchens might not be as familiar with the ins and outs of posting from different accounts.


Particularly if the father is a lawyer.

edited to correct spelling


hmmmmm I wonder what happened? Something must have happened.


Another Ex Parte note from the Kanarek family?

(No clue really. Just tossing out an idea.)


Must say that crossed my mind.


Move over a scooch. I’m on that hill too. They wouldn’t even honor barn hours. Sheesh, when I leased Mr. Fancy Packer at an elite H/J/Eq barn, hours were 8am-5pm, Mondays closed even if a holiday. The juniors were all in private schools or had tutors, the ams were Rich (and delightful). I used vacation hours to ride.


But the deadline for LKs deposition is still March 30?

Do we know when JK will be deposed?

Perhaps the judge wants to see the results of the depositions in order to determine whether the subponeas should be quashed or enforced.

Is that possible, @ekat?


Valid point. Maybe the judge wants to see just how uncooperative Lauren Kanarek is at her deposition so he can decide that the plaintiff’s side of this is the problem and toss their whole case out.


But why delay the decision on quashing the subpoenas, compelling response to the subpoenas, or holding JK and KK in contempt, unless the judge wants to see the results of the depositions before making those decisions? In his motion to quash the subpoena to JK, Stone said that the information sought could be obtained in a deposition and the subpoena was unnecessary.

Is that a possible explanation for the judge putting the decision on the subponeas another 2 months out, @ekat?

Also, can the judge “toss their whole case out” unilaterally, as @trubandloki suggests, or would there need to be a motion for summary dismissal by one of the defendants?

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And in Silver’s motions, he has pointed out more than once that material discovery comes before depositions. That’s the process. That’s why those deadlines are first, before deposition deadlines. So, that would be unorthodox, at best. Judges are supposed to rule on the motions and evidence before the court. Not a hypothetical of some future thing that may or may not happen.

Yes. Any Judge can move for dismissal on their own.


Ekat posted while I was posting. Ekat’s post is much better than mine so I will just say - read above!


My take on it is that there are people in this world who are producers and decent, mostly honorable folks who are reliable contributors to a stable society. And then there are other people who are poachers (leeches) and/or predators (or both). The latter groups of people are completely self-serving to the point where they will commit crimes large or small to feed their own id and self wants. They care not one whit whether their deeds are legal or ethical or if someone else is harmed in the process. IOW, they are sociopaths. Guess which groups the various protagonists in this saga fall into?

(When I say “feed their own id,” I do not mean ID as in “identification.” I mean the Freudian psychoanalytical concept - “the id operates under the pleasure principle, meaning it has no regard for reality, constraints, or consequences.”)