Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Hey @AbbyGRP, can you send me a PM? You are not accepting PM’s right now. I have a question to ask you, if you do not mind.
Thank you.


Regarding the latest filings by Weaver to reschedule several motions until April 28, I have two thoughts.

  1. Perhaps the elder K’s have advised the court that they are out of state until then and cannot possibly comply before they return. (Isn’t end of April when things are pretty much winding down in Wellington?)

  2. Is it possible that Weaver wants to see if the info gleaned through LK’s deposition negates the need for the material requested in the subpoenas? In fact, didn’t the original requests say that the materials must be handed over or the info contained on them provided via deposition? Or am I misremembering?


The judge doesn’t see the results of the deposition.


The court on its own, reschedules cases all the time. Could be anything. Not necessarily anything to do with these particular litigants.

Judge could be having a medical procedure.

Judge could be filling in for another judge.

Maybe work or an upgrade happening in courthouse.

Maybe overscheduled.

Judge is backlogged.

Law Clerk needs time off for some reason.

Just a few reasons why.


Ah, that answers one of my conjectures. So if Weaver doesn’t see the depositions, then I am betting Stone will argue that all the info Deininger and Silver asked for was provided during LK’s deposition, therefore there is no need for the items requested from JK and KK. Which D and S will have to object to, which will lead to more decisions by Weaver as to which side is right. So more inevitable delays. :roll_eyes:

My guess is the judge feels he sent a message with his handwritten note and expects the lawyers will work it out and GAS will get his client’s parents in line before he has to rule and maybe have to give out embarrassing sanctions. There are quite a few judges that use the threat of “and no one will be happy if I have to make a ruling” to push things along….


Discovery and depositions are things that happen in order to obtain evidence. That evidence is then later used either at trial or in support of some later filed paper, most usually motions.

They are also used so that each side can see where they stand in regard to the strength or weakness in a case.

In my upcoming in person deposition coming up, the nursing home attorneys will try to confuse me, discredit me, weaken my assertions in the case. They will suggest, imply and try to present I was not close to my dad and I’m only on a money quest. They will try and intimidate me, scare me and I will then proceed to have their souls for breakfast, face to face, looking them straight in their stupid eyes while I devour their lungs, raw.

Stuff like that.


Sure, once I’m done work in a few hours I can do it.

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Would that be a legit reason to delay a legal proceeding? Elective snowbird travel in the winter?

Particularly since they’ve already been ignoring/delaying for months and months?


I will be doing my century ride before this darn thing is settled…5 years +/- :laughing:


We expect to hear all the details about that amazing ride when it happens. That is so exciting!


Wow… so all along while having the minions accusing people here of commenting on the YT videos about the trial, it’s KK doing that? Hysterical. No, I don’t think JK and KK posts were all LK either. Their writing styles have maintained differences that would be tough to keep up, although it’s possible, I think at least at some point, that really is JK and KK. They’re not above being all involved in this shstuff.

Not moving the deposition to be after discovery is produced seems weird. I’m wondering if we’ll see that date get pushed back as well.

I see the obsession with MB’s relationship with MHG continues. It’s bizarre that LK, KK, and JK are all so sure that MHG was fighting for MB’s attention with LK. She was a low level ammy, why in the world would she be anywhere near MHG on MB’s priorities? It’s like some weird 12 year old’s fantasy that the ex Olympic rider notices her, gives her discounts on riding, and trains her to the Olympics.


I don’t know any real BNTs who teach outside the 8am-5pm window, except on show days. Even my trainer who, while highly skilled with an excellent track record / is not close to having a BN, only teaches during those hours. You either make it work or you train with someone else.


Well, it looks like RCs attorney is still in it. Wonder why he hasn’t withdrawn, if that settlement happened already?


You nailed it. It all comes across like a teenaged rider’s big dream…

But LK is a 40 something year old woman. There is no universe in which she gets a spot on an Olympic team. This is literally an absurd fantasy.


So maybe I had a daydream along those lines many, many years ago…. But in show jumping, not dressage :stuck_out_tongue::grin::horse:


I also don’t understand their fixation on MHG. I also (and I think I’ve said this before) don’t understand why they get so caught up on what MHG was or wasn’t paying when it came to her horses being on the property.

MHG was MB’s SO, therefore she was treated differently by him. Your student and your SO typically are not on the same level. It’s not at all outlandish to not charge you SO for things (such as board) as you would your other students or boarders. It’s just two different types of relationships.

I get that LK wanted the “name on the door” but if she felt like she wasn’t getting that, then she could’ve taken her money and horses elsewhere. Simple. When you’re not satisfied in a training program, you find one more suitable for you.

Granted, it’s not uncommon to ride with a BNT’s assistant trainers if you’re in their program, and some of them are still quite good.


Plenty of room! Come on up!

This makes 2 hills—I may have two more……


Really? All three of mine do. All FEI riders of different disciplines.

Yes there is an exception to every rule.

There is also those who fail to be good after being good, if they get into drugs and then steal to support their habit.

As I have said before the only way I can see LK to redeem herself is before doing anything in the future, she stops and thinks of being kind first.

So are Narcissists capable of love. Is a Narcissist truly able to love 5 horses, a bitey dog and their slave… I mean laundry doer and horse leg wrapper?