Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Someone criticized my daughter for running around with big breasts and big eyelashes. They need to change that to A big breast (singular) and big eyelashes. Fortunately she still has 2 eyes and all of her limbs. Truly never in my life have seen more mean spirited people who take such pleasure in their sadistic cruelty.

I personally like my pleasure to come from building people up…making them better people, helping them, looking for the good in them and things around me. True joy comes from this. You should all try it to see the difference between true joy and a twisted, sadistic version of pleasure many of you have demonstrated here. There is no comparison.

Im sure you will make more smart alek comments and continue to try to outdo each other to provide your uniquely twisted sadistic form of entertainment for each other concerning my family’s misfortune. Sometimes the wind can switch directions and the black evil you spew from your mouth comes back in your face immediately directly affecting you or later it can come back to haunt you in quieter and more subtle ways…

I have not seen that most of you have the maturity it takes the make a situation better by trying to find common ground, getting new laws passed governing the barn owner arrangements with horses and students. So many incidents with no path to good solutions. Come on you guys need to spend you time creating enforceable standards that can be passed by the legislature to prevent or deter these incidents from happening. You are addicted to Pissing people off. What brings a person to these depths. That is the sad and scary part about this Chronicle of the horse cesspool. Seems like you are trying to outdo susan wachowich. She loves being hated,. Is that who you want to be… sad…terrible sad…

Try getting addicted to SOMETHING positive and watch how much happier you will be.


@Seeker1 I can empathize with you being in that position…but I wonder how GirlJoey, whose child actually died, felt with the online campaign of terror your daughter put her through…it was horrendous




Perhaps you should pass that advice along to your family members.

And while you’re here, whose idea was it to approach Mr. Tarshis at the dressage event last year a few weeks before the start of the criminal trial? And to what end?


Oh you mean when mary h and ally brock were calling all the local barn owners to tell them not to take lauren so she couldnt move her horses out. At the same time mh was threatening to kill lauren! are we talking about the “kill lauren” plan as mary haskins mention in the court documents?


Perhaps you should too


Are you threatening MHM’s family memebers?


What in the world makes u think that it is any of your business?

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What about the stalls that were all arranged for her horses at a nearby farm with another trainer at the top level? Why didn’t she just move there?


Yes you have. You’ve met your daughter. Your daughter has a history of doing bad things to people. But no worries, you’ll get to hear more at the upcoming trial in case you missed anything.

Too bad your angelic disposition was not a trait your daughter inherited.

Let’s see your daughter threatened me, my home and my farm. She demeaned my profession. Your husband and yourself have said nasty things to me and others here. Surprisingly, your opinion means nothing to me. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Yet here you are again in true gaslighting fashion making us the bad guys. This ploy doesn’t work anymore.

What laws would that be? No illegal wire tapping or recording without consent? Already there. Don’t harass people? Already there. Don’t coerce people? Already there. All things your daughter did. As for SW I don’t pay attention to what she does. Unlike your daughter I don’t run across social media all day picking fights.

Heal thyself. Y’all are broken.

Whatever you put out into the universe is returned to you threefold. There is no escaping that universal code.




The topic of the thread is the legal proceedings, and the legal document describing that interaction has been posted as part of them.

Surely if you’re going to join the discussion here, it would be to discuss the topic of the thread, correct?


We are just reading about you and your family in court documents. I agree what we have found is pretty nasty, but its what your family has said and done, not us. Sad to say.


I should give that advice to your family members? Do you think they would take advice from me? :thinking:


What makes you think we are not going to discuss illegal acts that appear in court documents that are publicly available online? On a case YOUR DAUGHTER CAUSED TO EXIST.


Seeker1, no smart alek comment from me, and I’ll say that NO mother ever should have to bear the trauma of seeing their daughter in Lauren’s condition.

However, rail as you might against posters here, and preaching the love and light you espouse is failing to hit the mark because -:

It was your daughter (who having not practiced what you preach) conducted a campaign of terrorizing, taunting and a mission to destroy another human being.

It has never been established with actual FACTS nor EVIDENCE that Lauren was shot by MB.

Lauren could have left,


My understanding is that Girl joey by her own admission had been tormenting lauren repeatedly and publically… so lauren got angry and said some things she shouldnt have. However…no one brought a gun to these discussions and tried to kill someone. Allegedly Girl joey and Lauren both said they were very upset but would never commit violent acts to settle a problem. Michael…on the other hand…mot so much.


It was not a sound situation

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Your facts are once more flawed.


No she could have…she had no place to put them after mary haskins and ally brock called all the reputable local barn owners to disuade them from taking her. Mary haskins admitted this during her testimony.