Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

A place had been secured. Lauren refused.

Also, if everyone had been called, how did Lauren manage to be somewhere else now?


Also, since you’re here to discuss the legal proceedings, why haven’t you and your husband responded to your multiple subpoenas for the last seven or eight months?

Particularly after you described at great length on previous threads how you had transcribed and prepared the barn recordings in order to send them to Safe Sport and other places?


How so knights mom? And how would you know better than me? Was it your daughter…was it your barn. No.

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Starting to sound like Seeker’s response to everything her daughter has done is that her victims deserved Laurent’s campaign of terror

  • MHG said to kill her
  • Girl Joey was nasty first

Are you prepared to attribute fault to Lauren in anything? You come across as white-washing all and any of her actions.


What did we do?

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I’m going on things your husband and papers filed say. You?


What about your illegal activities? Why are you approaching witnesses prior to the first trial? Why are you transcribing and disseminating illegal recordings? Why are you refusing to comply with subpoenas? What’s wrong with you, Kirby? Why would you act this way?


I dont white wash anything. You just feel like being mean and harassing us because you seem to lack real joy in your life.

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What makes you think that what you are saying is true?

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So is that why your daughter attacked Girl Joey after the death of her young child?


The word ‘reputable’ is an excuse.

I’d have loaded my horses and high-tailed it out of there in 5 minutes flat if I genuinely felt threatened or unwanted.
I most certainly wouldn’t have had my elderly father and my boyfriend/fiance assist me to escalate.


Typical. Yeah, we’re the problem.

Actions cause reactions. Learn this fact.


Did it ever occur to you that is your lack of education in these matters along with some vicious spins that make u feel something is wrong that is not?

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Probably because all those things have either been admitted by you in previous posts or included in official filings in the legal proceedings.


Were I you, I’d put the keyboard down and retreat into bed. I hear Wellington weather is gorgeous tonight. You should enjoy it.


You have twisted the truth out of any ihave almost ever said

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How so, exactly?

Didn’t you post on previous threads that you had transcribed the recordings from the barn? And prepared those transcripts to send to Safe Sport?


Yes the stuff you almost ever said and the stuff you did say.


This is what makes @Ambitious_Kate think what she’s saying is true:

Breaking out her questions:

  1. Why are you approaching witnesses prior to the first trial?

She asks this based on sworn testimony by Steven Tarshis in the latest court filings. She’s asking why the three of you all approached him, a witness you knew was on the witness list, shortly before the criminal trial began. I think it’s a reasonable question.

  1. Why are you transcribing and disseminating illegal recordings?

She asks this based on your own posts here that you listened to and transcribed recordings made at MB’s facility in violation of NJ wiretapping laws. Another reasonable question. You were willing to talk about your transcripts before, why not now?

3.Why are you refusing to comply with subpoenas?

She asks this because you and your husband have refused to respond to subpoenas. What responses you did make were all way past the court deadline for a response. They were also not made by anyone who represents you. Because you failed to respond, there have been contempt issues raised twice now.