Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

The court documents are “twisting the truth” then? People here are commenting on events publicly available. Martyrdom doesn’t look good on you.

As you don’t white-wash, would you care at all to be honest (at least with yourself) about your daughter’s actions? Surely you can’t approve of such actions which didn’t ‘bring joy to others’?


Fitz explained why I’m asking. Its because all these issues have been raised in Lauren’s suit. Apparently you have been rather naughty and the court is considering motions based on this illegal behaviour of yours and your family’s. Just asking you why.


Here are just a couple of screenshots from previous threads to help jog your memory.


Yes, that’s all part of the illegal wiretapping fraud. You participated. Why’d you do it?


I certainly dont need advice from someone as miserable, malicious, vendictive as you are. If you were showing me in kindness with a loving spirit how to cope with this garbage that might be helpful and appreciated. I havent seen those types of behaviors coming from you probably because .im sure your life is perfect…you husband is perfect, your health is perfect and your children, finances, lifes work, relatives are all the embodiment of perfection. You feel it is absolutely great to beat the… out of those having difficulties because you simply cannot imagine anything less than perfection. Just my perception…maybe not valid.

It is also possible that you are someone full of fear about being publicly called out for participating in some highly inappropriate discussions here and .there…fear is a strong motivator. You may not be the only one here with that monster hanging over your head.




No i did not say that

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Hey @Seeker1 have you guys continued to inappropriately approach people at events like you did with Tarshis? You know, while there’s a case on and all.


I never said that. You are a liar.

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I beg your pardon?

You didn’t post the things I just included in the screenshots of your posts from previous threads?? Really??

Wait, I’ll include them again in case you missed them.


Woah. That’s some word salad. Nobody’s being VIndictive, Kirby. We are discussing legal filings and what they reveal about the lack of legal cooperation your family has made on your suit. Its curious, and its legal to discuss. Its also heartbreaking and awful to read what you and yours have done. Good luck while you negotiate your way out of this; it appears more and more that your family was campaigning to ruin a man long before your daughter was shot, and that you’ve broken some pretty serious laws before and after. Good luck.


This is my personal philosophy…

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Yup. I guess it was a mistake for your daughter to threaten me.

Show you kindness? Actually, I am. I’m not nearly stating everything I could be saying. I think you should thank me. So, thank me.

As you feel only your daughter has faced adversity its a shame that as a parent you need me to help y’all through it. Given my perfect life I would have zero skills at this adversity stuff.

I’ve already been called out publically and I stand by every word. So there’s that.

Maybe you can spend the rest of the night praying for me.


@Seeker1 please see the posts you made previous regarding the recordings and you making transcripts. I’m unclear why you are calling these two posters liars when your own posts are reproduced for your reference right here.


I don’t think anyone cares what you tell yourself to make you sleep at night. The rest of the world wants you and yours as far away from them as they can get you. what you’ve done is monstrous and your justification for it is nauseating.


It’s a bit of a head scratcher. Lol.

Also, I wonder if Seeker1 has had any luck with her alias convincing the people on the YouTube comments of her views.


You mean @Seeker1 = Clara Dobson?


You can roll you nastiness in brown sugar and molasses and it is still just nasty, rude, cruel verbal diarrhea sans facts or with twisted facts designed to provide entertainment for you and your friends… i dont see long term joy in that behaviour. It is not sustainable nor productive in a happy and well balanced society. Or maybe you just love tearing down because you are so miserable. Im sorry you are unable to experience the true joy of making situations better rather than worse.

Yes, thank you. I didn’t recall the alias off the top of my head.

