Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Most of us don’t “experience joy” when someone is in pain, much less in causing it. Yet your husband and daughter got a big chuckle out of making Michael Barisone homeless. How do you explain that? If you feel the need to preach the wisdom of kindness, maybe start in your own home.


I say deep seated because you engage in this behaviour so persistently, copiously, frequently, and joyously. You post funny faces and happy faces when you think you have really made you point to hurt my family. You would have thought i tried to kill your first born child with all the hate you spew. But no that was Michael that tried to kill my first born. Who experiences such joy in hurting a mom whose first born child was mutilated for life by a crazy angry man with an illegal gun…sick sick sick. But do i hate you? No… i pity you. Anyone who does that is truly derranged. Hope u get the help u need.




I keep thinking if Kirby thinks the direct pointing out of the facts in the court documents here is painful, just wait until they come up in court. Those attorneys will be relentless. Fact after fact, event after event, you and your family will have to account for. It won’t be sunshine and flowers for you. Good luck when you go to court.


Do u think i am expecting sunshine and flowers? Just shows how out of touch you are.

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Is that why you are ignoring your multiple subpoenas in order to delay the proceedings?


Behave yourself!

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What gives you the right to ask me moronic questions or any questions for that matter. Who the feck do u think you are?

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The very words you might have told your daughter at any given time.


I’m fine, thanks. I must be living rent free in your head if you’ve memorized the emojis I have used. It’s something I picked up from your daughter reading posts about getting “solid gold”.

None of us have done a thing to your family. The FINISH THE BASTARD plot was all Kanarek. Your familial wounds are self inflicted.

I’m terribly disappointed you haven’t started praying for me yet.


I know I’m someone who is discussing the topic of the thread on the BB. Isn’t that what you’re doing here?

And which of my questions are moronic, exactly? :thinking:


I am behaving myself. I’m not the one who plotted to FINISH THE BASTARD.


No your buddy mh stated she wanted to kill lauren

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Twist twist twist…your full time job

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Let the gaslighting begin. Where are the “bombshell” recordings and transcripts we’ve all been waiting years for? If they’re so clearly damning of MB and MHG, why not release them?


But u are the one who always fails to mention that mh threatened laurens life and then alleged talked michael into trying it.


But u are the one who always fails to mention that mh threatened laurens life and then alleged talked michael into trying it.[/quote]

She did? When? Where is the proof?

Did you give proof to SS? Let me see it.

What would your family do if you run into MH down in Florida at a horse show?


At the risk of repeating myself, how so?

By posting screenshots of your own posts on previous threads?

Here, I’ll add them again in case you missed them the previous two or three times.


Any chance you’ll turn over evidence of that in the civil suit soon? Like those subpoenas have requested? Or, no?

Just checking.


Pesky little one party recording laws.