Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Its in the documnts that have already been submitted

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Grow up

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Can you please direct me to that document? Most of them are linked at the top of this thread?

If it’s already been provided, why haven’t you responded to the subpoenas asking for the documents? Why are there still contempt motions before the court? Maybe, if you already provided it, you should clear that up before the judge finds you in contempt. Just a suggestion.


Kiss my grits

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I can feel the love and light in that post right there. Thanks!


“fekking” “grow up” and “kiss my grits” ?

These are your responses to the questions posed?

I’m not feeling the love Kirby.


That was not negative…it was a nice way to ask you to stop trying to provoke me and mind you own business.

Those are nice ways of saying what you actually should be told based on your horrifying behavior


A) there is nothing nice in that phrase.
B) not trying to provoke you.
C) the court documents are pretty clear. You say you’ve already provided what the court docs say you haven’t. Just wondering where the disconnect is.
D) public record being what it is (you know, public) I get to keep following along, but thanks for the advice.


Will u be disappointed if im not scared?

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A. Nice is a place on a continum and subjective based on the circumstances.
B. I would love a jury to judge whether or not you and or you buddies are harassing, provoking, bullying, stalking, injuring my family in multiple ways for 3.5 years. No matter what you think, you are provoking us.

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Define horrifying behavior.

A plot/plan/scheme/determination to ruin a man’s life?
Asking questions of a willing participant in a discussion forum you choose to engage in? You are not a hostage here.


Am I mistaken or was there not an order for at least some of this family to stop disparaging MHG including doing so online? Honest question b/c I thought I saw that mentioned here more than once.

Asking b/c there is a lot of vitriol being spewed MHG’s way tonight. Could that not be quite problematic/have IRL repercussions?


You are “in writing” trying to do that to my family. No one ever had a plan to destroy michael. That is some baloney balinkas made up 100%.we were trying to help him rebuild the house that was destroyed hy the flood.

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A) is a nonsensical statement.

B) I’m good. I’m sure I’d be good in front of a jury. Never in my life have I had motions for contempt filed against me. Nor have I ever ignored a court order. And…I’ve never actually laughed at the idea of making someone homeless in writing like your husband did. As to the rest of your statement, I’m good on that too. Thanks for the input again.


Did you miss the texts between your daughter and your husband that discuss their plans? They’re attached as an exhibit in the public record.


We were promised bombshells years ago, but so far the only bombshells we’ve gotten have been from the other side. The exposure of all the lies, the scheming and plotting, the illegal recordings, the sheer glee and laughter in the “finish the bastard plan” with 2 supposedly grown men and your grown daughter trying to render MB and his family homeless. In writing no less.

What kind of law did JK practice where any of this was deemed acceptable behavior?

When will your family comply with the court? Your daughter brought the suit, why is she avoiding a deposition? Why are you trying to delay discovery of the recordings and transcripts you were all too happy to send to SS and Ann Klein?

Where are all the recordings now? Where are the transcripts? Why are you so afraid to produce them?


Hm. Casting this one is a bit tougher.

The late Kirsty Alley isn’t available to reprise her role as a mom who pays a lot of lip service to God, community, and personal growth to cover the crimes she commits to enable her entitled daughter in Drop Dead Gorgeous, but Dana Carvey doing a sloppy internet version of his hateful church lady might suffice.




In my opinion your questions have multiple purposes. Your questions are sometimes asked to distort the truth, gaslight in some way, manipulate, instill fear , subtly misstate, twist something into a tall tale, humiliate your target. I must admit that although you are very good at it, most see through your shenanigans. Give it a rest.

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