Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

If that’s the case, why did your daughter admit to it under oath on the witness stand?


Not true

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Did you watch the trial?


They aren’t my questions. As you rightly identified many posts ago, they are questions AmbitiousKate asked.

How is asking why you didn’t respond to subpoenas (as verified by court records) gaslighting?

How is asking why you called people liars for saying you said you transcribed the recordings when, in fact, you said that and your own posts were provided to refresh your memory instilling fear or misstating anything? You claimed you didn’t say that but then were shown your own posts saying exactly that. If anything it would be you doing the gaslighting by saying you did not say what can be proven you did say.


It’s not true that your daughter admitted her plan to “finish the bastard“ under oath on the witness stand?

Did you not watch the trial? Because the rest of us did watch the trial, which is how we saw that testimony ourselves.

The trial is still available online if you want to go back and check the video.


Hope u have had your enjoyment at my mutilated daughter’s and harassed family’s expense. So perverted…how unhappy you all must be. :disappointed_relieved:

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Stop please. U just cant harass enough can u? You enjoy torture. You could have a whole new career if u wanted. Be proud of yourself. You can be paid for that sort of thing…or maybe u are being paid the big bucks now. Wouldnt surprise me

Stop what? Discussing the topic of the thread?


Oh goodness…
You cant get enough…
So pathetic

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So you want a jury to come and defend you on a posting board you CHOSE to participate in?

In what court would this be filed? Minimal Court?


Your family put it in writing and that writing is admitted into evidence.

You don’t have a strong position on this one.

Or any one.






Are you suggesting that people should give up following this very public case? I don’t think that’s going to happen.


How does your family feel after plotting, conspiring, harassing, spying, walking around in ninja outfits in the dark, accessing a private office, filing false complaints with SafeSport, and causing a mental break in an otherwise productive member of society?

What was the goal of #finishthebastard? What did you think you would get out of it? Was Lauren so jealous of MHG that she would stop at nothing for MBs attention? Does she not realize that she isn’t near an Olympic level and would never command the kind of attention she was seeking? Was she trying to push herself into a position as his girlfriend so that she could have more of his attention? It really does sound like a jealous teen.

What was the end game of #finishthebastard?


Had to quote this post again to include the edit on the end.

Projection again? :thinking:


Too bad your daughter Lauren didn’t follow your maxim when she sent those vile messages to Girl_Joey WHOSE CHILD DIED.

Swell example you’ve provided as evidenced by your daughter Lollipop.


In what world does rendering your trainer homeless help your own aspirations?

I’ve been out of horses for a while… someone explain how that works to me.


I’m starting to wonder, Seeker1, if your family is keeping you at arm’s length to ‘protect’ you from certain facts. Almost as though you stumble blindly into a forum that contains a trail of documents which you appear oblivious to, and make profound denials and deflections so as to coccoon yourself in a set of beliefs that ring hollow and fatuous.