Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Kirby Kanarek, you are not showing your loving and caring side with this post. Did you forget that you are loving and caring for a bit and just roll back to the person who approaches a witness before a trial or who threatens others with illegal transcripts?


So much “pleasure of hate” thrown at the posters here and Mary Haskins Gray. MH moved on from the nightmare that the Kanareks caused. Interestingly, MH was never arrested for “threatening to kill” LK. It is extremely obvious MH is the person LK has always wanted to be. Obsession is not healthy and the Kanareks are clearly obsessed.

I can’t wait for CH to hit the thread this morning defending last night’s inexcusable rants.


When someone is confident of their case or their family’s case they don’t feel the need to go to a horsey posting board at 3 am to scold a bunch of people who have nothing to do with the upcoming case.

It shows they are worried about the case’s conclusion and maybe even all the nasty little truths to come out at trial.

And they should be.

And, if in their desperation, they suddenly turn to target someone like Brock, they probably have sealed their fate in the world of dressage.

But thank you for showing us the new target is A. Brock.


No. You have lived for a very long time with a man, your husband Jonathan Kanarek, and your daughter Lauren Kanarek who think it is funny to ruin the lives of others and it is worth laughing at making someone homeless.
It takes quite a bit more than a bunch of strangers on an internet forum simply discussing a court case that you are part of to scare you, I have no doubt.


These are things that Mary Haskins admitted in public on the stand. I am fairly certain Brock confirmed but you can watch both of their testimonies to see who said it first and exactly what Brock said. Remember I am the only person who sat at the trial day in and day out for the whole thing except for the one hour when the doctor went through the gory and i mean (GORY) details of her injuries and suffering in the hospital.

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Really? Whereabouts in the video of her testimony in the trial?




Oh poor Kirby Kanarek. Her husband, Jonathan Kanarek @Inigo-montoya, and her daughter, Lauren Kanarek, must not have mentioned to her what they said in their texts to each other.

It is right there in writing. You can read it Kirby. They were discussing ways to destroy Michael and his business. And that is likely just a small sampling of the texts that do that.

No one is making that part up, you are just denying it and so much other stuff.

Shall we pray for you to understand, Kirby?


go look it up yourself lazy bones

Really? After I was kind enough to post all those screenshots for you that you seem to have either missed or forgotten already?

Bless your heart.


Bless your heart too. Goodness knows it needs blessing.

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Why, thank you.


Not sure if you have a heart to bless MHM.

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Thanks for your… concern.


So, when you sign into the forum almost every day are you reading other threads and ignoring this one?
Learning about how the horse world works, maybe?
Getting some training tips for Lauren?


I wonder if someone can’t find a competent attorney to take her on as a client. I suspect seeing that Jonathan, Kirby and Lauren Kanarek approached a witness and tried to discuss the case is reason to decline to represent one or both of the parents.


I’m sorry I started this whole thing and kept everyone up all night (I say in my wee mousy voice)!

Talk about March coming in like a Lion……

@Seeker1 you are right. My post about boobs and eyelashes was rude—it doesn’t make it untrue, I just shouldn’t have typed it out loud!

P.S. For the record, Lauren did post that her implants saved her life. So she had them before 8/7/19.


And yet the barn where LK ended up - and by all accounts has been treated well at - is one with a close connection to Ali Brock. Kind of pokes a hole in KK’s argument, doesn’t it?


No. Mary Haskins admitted no such thing. Neither did Brock. And many of us here watched the trial over and over again while discussing at great length the testimony and whatnot.

I have no doubt Lauren suffered. But everything that happened, including this conversation, were the direct result of a customer being asked to leave numerous times because they were unwanted but refusing to do so.

The texts shown so far are damning to your position. The texts show a concerted effort by multiple person to punish, destroy, plot, harass and alarm people at Hawthorne Hill.

Just because you are no longer wanted at a horsey barn that doesn’t give you the right to engage in a plot. It doesn’t give you right to file fake allegations, take it to social media, stalk property dressed like a ninja.

All of this, EVERYTHING, happened solely because your daughter couldn’t leave. It all happened due to her jealousy wrapped in malignant tendencies.

Yet here you are, puffing away as if we are too dumb to see what happened trying in vain to make us feel bad about stating the absolute truth.

Well you won’t lady. I don’t regret a word. I don’t give a fig about your attempt to guilt us. The truth is the truth.

The civil trial is just another attempt at the grift put in action long ago and this toxic greed will forever taint your family.



The writing style is very controlled…. Until it isn’t.

Also…. The late night/early am timing of posting? That’s unusual for KK I think.