Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

In my worthless plebeian opinion, I would think that any and all questions re provocation should be allowed. If they ask the same questions that were asked at the criminal trial, then they’ll just get the same answers, right? :woman_shrugging:t3: Some might see it as a time waste, but that’s their choice.

I think it best to “start fresh” or “blank” and just allow any questing as it pertains to the incident/case.


So they seem to not want Lauren to be questioned a second time on anything she answers under oath at the criminal trial.

Are they worried she will contradict herself or get caught in a lie?

Also… her prolific social media posting? It all goes to the issue of provocation. If they limit everything to what was covered in the criminal trial… I’d imagine that will limit various Facebook and COTH posts from coming into evidence.

I find this motion pretty audacious. She’s the one who filed the suit!!! Shouldn’t she be prepared to answer questions during a deposition?!?


I am looking forward to Mr. Silver’s and Mr. D’s reply. March looks to be a very expensive month for many. Come on Gofundme!


Sure you would. In my opinion you are doing dirty tactics today.


It seems like GAS wants oral arguments about this if they object to his request.

And the deposition is apparently scheduled for April 13th. I thought it was supposed to be COMPLETED by the end of March though.


To grant the Motion by LK to limit deposition questioning unfairly affects the ability of the civil jury to render an accurate decision. For this current jury not to have access to this information provided in a current deposition with ALL their questions answered is unfair and unduly prejudicial against the Defendants.

The civil jury will not have access to the entire criminal trial deposition, evidence or testimony. Plus, new evidence has come to light regarding the Finish The Bastard plot.

Nothing should be off the table and LK can answer as she sees fit.


I disagree (shocker, I know).

You (general), don’t actually answer the questions with specifics. You tend to respond with meaningless generalities or snark.

I think I know the answer to the question of the maximum time MB can be committed to the psychiatric hospital, but know you don’t want to hear from me as a non lawyer.

I expect the lawyers to decline to answer the question, because they tend not to provide the answers that they know you (general) don’t want to hear.

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It seems that certain parties want to distract from the ongoing legal issues.

In fact… it seems like they REALLY want to distract.

It seems like Lollypop is REALLY stressed over her deposition.


I bet they are scared witless


Another delay?


What dirty tactics are those, KM?

Another accusation as a meaningless generality, with no specifics, true to form.

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Not at deposition, I don’t think. I can’t imagine why the judge would limit that line of questioning, especially for SGF as they weren’t a party to the criminal case. It’s directly relevant as to what happened and got SGF could or could not be liable for LK’s injuries.


LOL. Well, while that’s a good way to remember, seals are not “sealed shut.” They DO have ears. They just don’t have an outer ear flap.

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Seeker1 did the cutesy nicknames bit quite a lot.


“To requestion plaintiff on these issues amounts to attempts to annoy, embarrass, or oppress the plaintiff, in contravention of 8.4:14-4.”

annoy, embarrass, or oppress the plaintiff.

Oh my. Follow the yellow brick road.


Thanks for your response! I find it a really strange line of argument that SGF, in particular, should just rely on Bilinkas and Deininger’s questions during the criminal trial.

SGF should have the right to vigorously defend their client from the claims in this civil suit.


The judges I’m used to wouldn’t grant that. But…who knows about NJ courts.


I’ve only gotten to page 6 of 212, and I am already rolling my eyes so hard I’m about to give myself a migraine.

Perhaps GAS also has not watched the trial, so he is blissfully unaware of the fact that Judge Taylor would not let MB’s attorneys ask most of their questions regarding what led up to the events that day.

Maybe GAS and KK should sit down for a little viewing party of the relevant videos from the trial so they can both get up to speed on the actual testimony. They could share a big tub of popcorn.

Once again, huge thanks to Ekat for posting these materials for the rest of us. Thank you very, very, very, very much!


Posting due to edits I want read.


Is this actually likely to be persuasive? A plaintiff doesn’t want to answer certain questions during her deposition because they will likely be annoying, embarrassing and stressful?

Uhhhhh… she shouldn’t have filed a civil suit then.