Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Has @lazaret answered the question as to whether she is certain that collateral estoppel will not be used in the civil trial on the question of whether MB shot LK? What post number was that?

You can be sure I’m not part of LKs legal team and/or “fishing for a way that would be successful regarding future claims of collateral

The pro-MB legal minds posting here have implied but not quite stated unequivocally that collateral estoppel is completely irrelevant in the civil trial.

“Talking around” a question is not the same thing as providing a direct answer to a question.

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Sorry i missed this question, i don’t know if that’s obtainable as i haven’t read those laws creating SS. They might be if there is a subpoena.


I’ve never had one and not interested in trying one.

I have had a peppermint Frosty though. Junior size (yes, I bought the little key chain). My carpool buddy and I have established Frosty French Fry Friday as our thing when we escape.


GAS is going to feel like Inspector Dreyfus vis a vis Clouseau.


The first answer you learn in law school is “it depends”.


They have it. Mr Deininger has submitted an almost entirely redacted copy as an exhibit a couple times.


Would that be a greater or lesser attempt than arranging for child protective services to show up on a false complaint? :thinking:



My personal opinion is that I do not see this as being successful. But I have felt I argued a brilliant motion and had everything be denied before, because as we’ve all been summarily told,

lawyers think differently

If you, a layperson, can see the reason it would fail, I see no reason why others would think differently.


Now that looks like somebody who could probably stand to eat something with a little mint in it.


I haven’t answered you because 1. This has already been explained; 2. I am not a mind reader; 3. As the filings show, there’s nothing that the plaintiff won’t try; 4. I simply have better things to do.

As for the assertion that I am pro-MB, no, I am pro-the law which is why I went to school for 6 years to study it.


My poor keyboard. I’m glad I work remotely so my coworkers didn’t hear me guffaw when I saw this.


Thanks for your response.

I, as a lay person, find the letter from GAS to be ridiculous on its face. LK sued MB, SGF, and RC. They should be allowed to vigorously defend themselves from her claims. That’s how the system works. If she can’t handle that, because being asked difficult questions during a deposition might be embarrassing, annoying, uncomfortable and traumatic for her… SHE SHOULDN’T have filed a lawsuit.

Good lord. Litigation is not for the faint of heart. She’s not entitled to special treatment.


I understand that, not having been to law school.

What I asked @Lazaret was whether a) she is certain that collateral estoppel will not be used on the issue of whether MB shot LK, or (b) she has the same position I do, as a non lawyer, that it’s very complicated and it’s not clear whether collateral estoppel will or won’t be applied.

The conservative, “it depends” position would be position b. I have not seen lazaret pin herself down to either a) or b).

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Depends on which church you adhere to. My cousin married a Russian an they do zero meat for 40 days then a week before no milk no cheese and the day of receiving communion nothing can pass their lips even water.


Don’t a lot of people do that all year, not just during Lent?

Hence the traditional Friday fish fry in many settings.


Ignoring the silliness of this sentence (though that is very hard), requestioning requires questioning and like has been said, SGF has not even had a chance to question at all, and Michael’s lawyers were very limited in what they could ask so… it is not requestioning at all.


And why would you have seen a protective order advising LK and/or her Klan to stay away from MHG and refrain from stalking her, harassing her, taunting her, disparaging her on SM and elsewhere? :face_with_monocle:


I have the little keychain, too! I hardly ever remember to use it, though. Plus I don’t go to Wendy’s very often.

But the money still went to a good cause, so I’m fine with that.


I was thinking the RCC (Easter is April 9, 2023), not Orthodox (April 16, 2023). Yeah, they split long ago (July 16, 1054 - the Great Schism. Interesting to see the changes in my comfy chair on the sidelines.