Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

So if the Judge denies the motion to limit the deposition and they ask for Summary Judgement, what happens if that is denied too? Does that mean it just goes to trial?

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Yeah, but it’s no longer mandatory for RCC followers to abstain from meat every Friday. That was the Second Vatican Council of 1966. A lot of people still follow the rule anyway, or at least a lot of businesses accommodate it, just in case. Old habits die hard.


OK. I interpret this as saying you are not willing to pin yourself down by saying you are certain that collateral estoppel will not be used, that it’s complicated, and that LKs side may well attempt to use collateral estoppel.

That’s my position as well.

Can you respond to the other poster’s question as to what the maximum sentence MB would have received if convicted? It’s relevant for how long he can be held in a psychiatric facility based on the NGRI.

It changes every year. Some years they fall on the same day. Other years they could be a month apart. Our family has to adjust Easters accordingly.


Isn’t that the truth.


No, it proceeds as it would have proceeded. Summary judgement is a “this ends here” judgement, without it things continue as per the process.


Thank you!

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Going on the record that this is your interpretation of what I said, and not what I actually said.


Oh, I know. I was simply noting that this year, they’re a week apart. Honestly, shouldn’t Easter Sunday always be after Passover?

Again, from my comfy seat on the sidelines. I just like snagging the goodies after the holidays when they’re 50 - 75% off!


I wouldn’t have.

But based on free speech principles, I really doubt that anyone can obtain a court order preventing someone from posting about them on SM.

In my state they passed a law stating if you kill an animal with your car you can eat it. It is famously called “The Road Kill Bill”.


I tried the peppermint frosty. It wasn’t pepperminty enough for me.


Soooo… I screenshotted and highlighted the last page of GAS’s letter. Because it’s interesting to me. Maybe one of the legal minds could take a look and share their reactions…

My take is that GAS is quite desperate to prevent Bilinkas, Deininger and Silver from questioning LK in depth, under oath, about anything having to do with provocation.

It seems to me… if I am reading this correctly… like he is saying that IF this attempt to limit questioning during the deposition is contested, and the judge rules in favor of the defendants… then GAS wants the judge to temporarily limit questioning regarding provocation ANYWAY, because GAS then intends to file a Motion for dismissal/summary judgment with respect to LK having any comparative fault, and MB’s counterclaims.

Apparently the idea is that the April 13th partial deposition will happen, then there might be hearings on a GAS motion for dismissal/summary judgement regarding comparable fault and MBs counterclaims… and then, if GAS and LK lose on that… then Bilinkas, Deininger and Silver can all depose LK AGAIN and actually ask her questions about provocation?!?

But… GAS is claiming that this isn’t a delay attempt of any kind?!? REALLY?

This is ridiculous. Of course this is a delay attempt. LKs deposition was supposed to be COMPLETED by March 30th.

And last thing… WOW. GAS really does not want LK to have to deal with any questions regarding provocation.


Easter is always after Passover. The Catholics go by the vernal equinox. The Orthodox go after the Jewish Passover.

The simple standard definition of Easter is that it is the first Sunday after the full Moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox . If the full Moon falls on a Sunday then Easter is the next Sunday.

Easter as it’s commonly celebrated in the United States falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon of the spring equinox (always between March 22 and April 25), while Orthodox Easter is celebrated on the Sunday after the first full moon after Passover (between April 4th and May 8th.)

Determining Passover

The festival dates are usually determined by the 15th day of the month of Nisan, which is on the first night of a full moon after the Spring equinox . The holiday can be seven or eight days long with one or two seders. Typically, the holiday is seven days in Israel and eight days everywhere else.


Scrollin’, scrollin’, scrollin! Keep those mousies scrollin’! Rawhide! (In other words, no need to respond, ad infinitum, to the endless circular arguments and repeated false assertions.) I’ve caught up on the thread rather quickly by following my own advice. :slight_smile:
ETA: close parentheses

In other news, I am so amused by today’s filing that I am giddy with excitement to see any response from Silver, and/or Deininger. :wink:


Fair enough.

Have you declined to answer the other poster’s question on the maximum time MB would have served if convicted rather than found NGRI on the two counts? That seems an easy question. I think I know the answer as a non lawyer.

I meant it should always be immediately following Passover. Still, very interesting stuff.

Tossing in a screenshot so everyone can play along (or not).


Im not Lazaret, but ekat provided the answer above.


So is the question asking Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) why they are ingoring their subpoenas but they keep not answering those either.




Oooh, is this a fun guessing game where you try to discredit me with googling?

Another attorney answered your question already. Not choosing to accept the answer doesn’t make the question valid.