Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

By watching the trial. With an open mind.
Try it.


All of the subterfuge that we are aware of by JK screams total desperation to me. Almost as though he either knows or suspects what happened at Hawthorne Hill that day is not what his daughter and whatever have said. He seems to be a completely panicked father who can’t bail his child out of her latest muckup. I doubt he ever considered anything other than a slam dunk guilty verdict on all counts so the suits would be smooth sailing, without all the evidence of their conspiracy coming to the light of day.

Karma says checkmate.


If I was a juror for that trial, and I was now finding out all the stuff that the judge did not let me know, I would be really annoyed and upset with our justice system.


I watched the trial. I found the verdict reasonable, both on the finding that he shot her and the finding that he was insane when he did so.

I was asking how those of you who think there is zero evidence that he shot her can think the jury was reasonable in going with NGRI instead of NG.

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Because we know far, far more that (which) the jury didn’t know at the time.


It seems like this lovely advice from Mod 1 would also apply to rehashing the verdict once again too.


Because it was obvious he was an emotional wreck during the trial to the point of shaking the entire time RG was in the room. Perhaps they wanted to be sure he received state paid mental health help for what LK did to him. If so, what a travesty the mental health facilities in NJ are so lacking for the patients they house.


This is the most ridiculous part of your narrative — that the jury did not think he shot her, but found him NGRI instead of NG so that he would receive “state paid mental health help”.

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I suspect her attorneys feel the same way. At least as far as the panic part goes.


Another thing that shocks me is that the K Klan appears to have zero sense of self preservation. In the horse world, no one wants a horse that has zero sense of self preservation and will injure itself rather than taking an easier path - something as simple as stopping. (Please dont confuse this with the horse who gets injured even while around no sharp objects.) Its the horse that is committed to fighting for no apparent reason. I believe there is an argument with these types of horses for both nature and nurture. With the K Klan it definitely appears to be both - nature and nurture.


A friend of mine uses the expression, “I would not know him if I tripped over him in line at the food stand.”

I think that would apply in this case for most people, including those who have been discussing the case online for years.

That goes for LK herself, and especially for her parents.


Who are Shannon and Marcus in Exhibit J? Where the horses were headed?

My friends went to the same event in Wellington when K’s were there and did not know who they were until they ended up sitting with them. The conversation was interesting.


On that note - inquiring minds want to know why her father - who manages her financial and legal affairs and who is an ATTORNEY for God’s sake - didn’t ensure there were well-crafted contracts in place? If for no other reason than to try to make sure his impetuous (and tempestuous) daughter wasn’t getting in over her head?

One would think an ATTORNEY would have made more effort to safeguard the interests of his daughter, ESP. when he (apparently) has some sort of guardianship/stewardship over her financially. :roll_eyes:




You mean the ones who got banned for bad behavior?


I do not remember their full names. People made some guesses here. They are trainers that Lauren Kanarek was discussing taking her horses to.


So, I’m going to ask for those who know her….

Does Lauren Kanarek have a dragonfly tattoo behind her ear? I’ve seen something behind her ear on some pictures that have been posted…

@Omgitsme any idea?


It was a fault on both parties that they had multiple, sloppy, unwritten agreements. It ended in tragedy for both sides.

I’ve followed this since the beginning. I’d recognize LK and RG only because I met them before. I haven’t a clue what any of the others look like.