Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Agreed. And If I was a resident of that jurisdiction, I would be shocked, dismayed, disgusted at the half-assed job the PD did regarding the crime scene investigation. I mean, this was NJ in 2019 - not Mayberry RFD in the early 1960’s!


Let me search through my old pictures and see if I see anything. I don’t recall seeing it but it’s certainly possible.

Before anyone says having photos of her is creepy, they are pictures of her riding when she had the same trainer as me. I always took pictures so I could send them to the person riding. Which I did. They’re in my old Facebook messages, not saved to my phone.

Edit: apparently I took a jumping video in slow motion and the sounds are hilarious.


Yep. Last cold snap saw a few on the ground. They come back as the day warms up. :lizard:


I recall a tattoo behind her ear but I can’t recall what it was. She always had her hair down or had a helmet on, even when not mounted.

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I suspect you would only recognize RG at this time.

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Yep, all my pictures are her in a helmet so I have no idea what is or isn’t there lol

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[quote=“CurrentlyHorseless, post:501, topic:782326, full:true”]

Agree that it ended in tragedy for both sides - which the Kklan decided to compound by filing their lawsuit that they are now not cooperating in.

And there has been previous speculation to why MB didn’t secure contracts with her. There may have been existing contracts from when they were in FL and he erroneously assumed they carried over. He may have tried to get her to sign contracts but she and Daddy decided to play their game of Dodge-Deflect-Deny-Deceive, so no contracts were signed. And we all know what happened when MB tried to get her to sign a contract in Aug 2019 - she had a total meltdown. It was as though the expectation of accountability released the Kraken.


And maybe why BN no longer represents her? :thinking:


Have you read what he writes?

If he is the one who drafted those motions that both Nagle and now GAS have seen fit to send to a judge, I am in now way surprised that Lauren was left without well-crafted documents.


I am agreeing with eggbutt that most dressage people do not know who they are. My friends knew of the shooting, but didn’t initially connect the people that sat down at the table with it. And my friends were there because they paid to go in there, which I guess anyone can do.

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None of my old pictures and videos show what it could be. Didn’t consider she’s wearing a helmet and wouldn’t be able to see there.

Thank you.

And I was agreeing with you.

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Ha-ha, good point! :laughing:


Did the tables have assigned seats? Or was it just random seating?


Oh for Pete’s sake. Enough with the imaginary doxxing. Doxxing is bad for whoever it targets. The only safe thing about it around here is how bad horse people are at it. I include the ones here doxxed on other SM. Going by the guesses about my identity, no one is who anyone says they are.

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Google this: Shannon marcus dressage new jersey


??? You’ve lost me! How is asking about Lauren’s tattoo attempting to dox anyone?


So I was 2000 miles away but I know my friends before they went were debating whether to spend the extra money to go into this area. And they decided to go for it. I have been to shows there but just sat in the stands. I am assuming you just find a seat(maybe you can pay extra to get prime seating?) Any way they were joined by the K, as my friend said to me later, you know “the crazy lady that got shot.”


Thanks for looking. I’m just being a bit nosey because it’s been bugging me……