Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

:joy: :rofl: :joy: Wow.

I wonder if they witnessed the encounter(s) with Tarshis?


You’re welcome!

I have been in patrons tents (someone else paid) a couple of times (not in Florida). So my experience is VERY limited. (There should be like 10 verys there, not just one.)
My experience is they have some tables reserved for a certain level donor (typically the tables with the best view), with their names on the tables and the rest of the tables are open to whomever gets that table first.

Disclaimer, I have no idea what really happens at this specific event that your friends went to.
I do hope they had fun though!


Probably because I am Dragonfly. I love Dragonflies as they remind me of a lost love.
That stuff doesn’t bother me a bit. Especially today as I am flying on a cloud. My little horse just did his first half pass at canter and it was actually pretty good!


They had a great time!



Yes, dragonflies are magical IMO.


I’d know Daddio on the Patio having seen too much of him on 48 Hours.


They did not mention having observed K’s talking to anyone else…there was a brief conversation started about the incident of the shooting and coming trial(not by LK) and shut down pretty quick, and rest of time was normal nice horse talk.
I don’t want to go into details as I wasn’t present for the conversation but that was the gist.


I would probably mistake him for an elderly Joe Pesci and ask for an autograph! :sweat_smile:


The same thing might apply now to LK and possibly RG from the trial videos.

I’ll bet just about nobody at the dressage event almost a year ago would have recognized any of them.


Which is their own doing.



ETA everyone knows who LK is. I stated my name in the first thread. I’ve even posted screenshots off my Facebook. Nothing about any of that conversation is doxxing. Perhaps read the definition.


That’s certainly possible. I don’t follow her on any social media so no clue what she looks like now.


Not sure how they do it at those particular FL events, but similar events for a different sport do it much like you state. A limited number of tables with the best view, best table dressings, best service, etc., are reserved for high level VIP donors (say, Gold, Silver, Bronze). Sometimes the Bronze level tables don’t sell out so the event organizer opens them up for seating on an individual basis. IOW, if a Bronze table for 8 isn’t reserved at the $500 price, individual “patrons” can secure chairs at the table for say, $75@. If you buy a VIP table, you get to control who sits at that table - you get 8 tickets to give to your invited guests. If you buy individual seats at a table, you have no control who else sits at that table. It could be the K-Klan, it could be Snoop Dogg, it could be Tom Brady, it could be Donald Trump. (An acquaintance once had William Shatner sit down at her table! She said he was very pleasant, friendly, and quite funny!)


Um, isn’t that exactly what is happening? NOT GUILTY and confined to a state mental health facility for almost a year now.

Just think what that has cost the good people of NJ. He could have been ordered to obtain private treatment with specified periodic reports to whomever. The difference is he would actually be receiving top notch treatment at his own expense and healing at his own home. One advantage to Barisone having been punitively held all this time is Lauren and her family can’t get to him to cause him renewed harm.

But you keep doing you and, I promise, I will continue slapping back when you make absurd repeated statements simply for reaction.


Conveniently, the Kanarekians completely gloss over the fact that the testimony of LK and RG was not found truthful to the extent that a straight NG was found in regard to RG.


Is that like the Sleestaks from Land Of the Lost (circa 1974 - 1976)?


One of the things that I am getting from the filings is basically as clever as this family believes themselves to be, they put things in writing that would have been better discussed on the phone if they really wanted to get away with it. Not clever.

I was a Secretary on a Board of a privately held company in my early career. The Chairman was very clear he didn’t want the minutes to be detailed because they would be discoverable should there ever be any legal issues.


Marshall, Will and Holly on a routine expedition? LOL


A comment for all of us: