Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Probably something like the psychiatrist did, highlight the most damning 100 or so social media posts, texts, etc.


I rode on the hotel shuttle van with him many years ago, when the National Horse Show was at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. He was showing his saddlebreds there at the time, I believe.

I think he still rides reining horses now, although I believe he’s around 90 years old by this time.


Wow. Major flashback.


What does asking about a tattoo have to do with doxxing?


I can understand why they didn’t allow self defense and how they got to NGRI, but I think it was more of a compromise than some seem to think. There is absolutely no conclusive evidence that MB actually fired the weapon.


Indeed it is hard for MB to claim he didn’t shoot the gun if has zero memory of the event!

So all he could for the purposes of that trial is say "I didn’t go there with murderous intent and IF I did shoot her, because I had no murderous intent it must have been either self defense or I snapped.

He had no other choice. But the civil case is different. The civil case allows for deeper digging into how and why the shooting happened so that it can assign % of culpability.


I think it was being hinted that asking if LK had a dragonfly tattoo was linked to the poster Dragonfly90…


Makes total sense. After all I owned a chain of restaurants in Los Angeles.


There is something there, but I can’t tell what it might be.

ETA: click on the pic and open, it’s cutting some of what’s there off.


I almost didn’t recognize her without the caterpillars on her eyes.


Stop being disingenuous. I have made clear many times how I reached my conclusion.

And yes, I believe that most of us do not know that any one particular person fired the trigger. We know someone was shot, but we are not convinced that a specific person shot someone. We don’t know that Barisone did or didn’t shoot her.

I personally do not know if Barisone shot her, and if he did, whether he shot her during a struggle, or whether she was shot under different circumstances . Whatever she and her spouse claimed was impeached and holds no water for me

What else?


Even if the jury believed RGs statement that he perceived that MB aimed at his head, the jury acted appropriately in not finding the charge proved beyond a reasonable doubt given that only two shell casings were found, ED said he heard 2 shots, and RG was not actually shot.

Actually the picture I saw wasn’t clear but it looked like filigree type work like you might see in butterfly/dragonfly type tattoos. The screen name just prompted the curiosity.


I’m not being disingenuous. Stop accusing me of being disingenuous.

If the jury had your view, that it was not clear beyond a reasonable doubt that MB shot her, the jury should have found him straight NG on all 4 counts. They didn’t.

@CurrentlyHorseless will you please explain to all of us reading this thread why you are almost fanatical in the frequency you argue this same argument of what you insist the jury thought when they rendered their verdict? Why do you continue to harangue us about your belief there is proof Michael Barisone shot a gun? What difference does it make at this point in time other than giving you something to post since you clearly don’t seem to be able to comment on the shocking exhibits filed this week. You always fall back on your thoughts on the verdict. No one but you cares.


The sheer number of Kanarek unforced errors are jaw dropping. For the most part, all they had to do was shut up/not approach witnesses/not contact the judge. All things that take zero effort and would have helped them enormously.


Does anyone recall a post(s) about this time last year indicating another arrest might be coming? Was that around the same time as the Tarshis ambush?


@hut-ho78 was trying to pretend that when a poster, who once knew Laren in her younger years, asked if anyone here ever knew of a dragonfly tattoo behind her ear, that they were actually trying to uncover Dragonfly90’s identity. It was another faceplant for @hut-ho78 . Nobody bought into it. The poster was trying to sort out a memory of Lauren. Everybody was able to follow except @hut-ho78.


SO WHAT? And yes, you embody disigenuousness. It’s not an accusation, it’s an observation, by people who have that kind of vocabulary at their fingertips. There are alot of words to describe your inability to participate effectively in the conversations on this thread, and disingenuous is just one of them.


I thought she routinely claimed another arrest was coming, but specifically a year ago or so? Probably. Didn’t Daddio also suggest such a thing?