Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Seeker1/Kirby Kanarek was pretty heavy on Tarshis’ testimony and the negotiations of moving the horses by Jonathan Kanarek being a lie. I do think she went as far as to claim he committed perjury.


I would first believe Kirby was clueless about pretty much anything her husband said, did, or didn’t do or say, in genereal. Somehow I dont think she was privy to much, and I very much doubt she ever transcribed or heard text messages of her husband’s.


Do you remember the timeframe when KK was making most of her posts here? And on what thread? I am curious to see what she posted after their encounter at the show in Wellington. (I’ve tried using advanced search but am not getting nearly as many hits on her username as I expected.)


Once or twice to chastise us over Christmas before the trial and then mostly after the trial up until she received a subpoena about the transcripts and recordings. Mostly she’s only in one thread, probably the one about Michael’s initial Krol hearing, and just a few posts in the others…


I know what disingenuous means. It means dishonest.

I’m not dishonest, @Ambitious_Kate.

I posted a rather benign comment about friends crossing paths with the K’s that was QFP. Then came a comment asking if LK had a Dragonfly tattoo. My initial reaction was that there was insinuation I was LK or connected with her so I understand the doxing comment. If the person says it just reminded her of wondering about LKs tattoos I won’t question that. And I really don’t care! I did and still wonder why my comment was QFP. I think it is only the second time…does it make me special?
Years ago someone tried to say I was LK, but in such vulgar way it ended up with that person being banned. The moderator made it very clear that insinuation was false.
Dragonfly are wonderful as they eat mosquitoes and gnats! I love seeing hundreds of them flying around my front lawn.


The lengths JK has gone to manipulate officials in the case(s) is really troubling to me. He clearly has been deeply involved well before “the incident”. For me, the additional proof of his involvement leads me to double down on my opinion that evidence of what occurred that day exists, or existed, and JK/RG retrieved it the next day. Why else would the Kanareks be so consumed with keeping the truth from being known? It’s more than vengeance at this point, it reeks of survival IMO.


Yes - it reeks of desperation. Methinks he is worried about possible serious legal consequences for LK, KK, and himself


I’m not sure this has been asked or answered before…
The day after JK and RG arrived at the farm, then the barn (early?) ostensibly to care for the horses.
HOWEVER- They never went back again after that, because they accepted the offers from ____ (insert names of people working at the barn or having horses at the barn*) to do it.

  • aren’t those the same people who the Kanareks felt were plotting or knew of the plot,… to the point of planning to shake them down… to kill LK?

Outstanding question.


Well, no…. Not really.




  1. not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.

“he was being somewhat disingenuous as well as cynical”


Didn’t someone post that they had agreed for RC to care for their horses?

And I have been wondering for a while who was at the farm when they went back. I seem to recall something about MHG being there but that RG/JK didn’t see her. Does that mean MHG was in the clubhouse and that RG/JK never entered the clubhouse - they only went to the farmhouse and then into the stable area? Did anyone accompany them to see what they did? I’m assuming they retrieved the recording devices from LK’s locker, from under the bench in the barn aisle, and from other places they had hidden them (the tackroom?). And what happened to the one that was (apparently) in MB’s office? They would have had to go through the clubhouse to get to the office - yes? If MHG was in the clubhouse, then they could not have retrieved that one. Was it ever found, and if so, by whom?


Or from the office? When would that have happened?


Then how do you explain her too going up and talking to Mr. Tarshis at that horse event?


follow the leader.


LOL Here’s a tip: Google is your friend (but not for law degrees).



But that does not explain the whole part where she tried to have a conversation with him.


You? Light up my life.

I think Kirby is one of those women who does what she’s told by the power players in that family.


Is today the day the judge is going to look at the various motions regarding subpoenas? I’m sure this has been discussed before… but I am lost on the issue at this point.

Also… might it be another week or two before the judge rules and the e courts website is updated? Again… I know this has been discussed… but I can’t remember the details.

Anyway - thanks in advance to whoever can answer these questions. :slight_smile: