Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I thought MHG called the police while Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin were doing their trip away from the side of Lauren Kanarek at the farm.
Wasn’t she saying that Jonathan was making a scene or something?


I QFPed your post as I found it interesting and wanted to see it again! :grinning:


I’m mostly a lurker on these threads, but this recent discussion got me to thinking… What if the defense somehow managed to flip RG? That would bring everything crashing down as clearly he is privvy to just about everything that happened. And while he seems very unflippable at this point, I thought awhile back someone mentioned the Ks possibly throwing him under the bus to protect themselves. All these things they are doing remind me of a certain former president, and we all know that person has no problem throwing people who were once loyal to the lions. I guess it was just a thought as I recently saw Michael Cohen singing like a bird on the news the other day…


Nno…not quite.


Yes but JK insists she wasn’t there. Hmmmm…how did he know.

As far as RC committing to care for LK’s horses, didn’t she leave fairly quickly?


Unless they could pin several felonies on him that the state wouldn’t negotiate. Would the pro Kanarek local legal system charge him?

My thoughts only with nothing based on known facts.*


Or, pretending to care or be sincere about something when one actually doesn’t and has an ulterior motive. Such as, pretending to care about participating in the topics of these threads when actually wanting to insert disinformation into the conversational stream. That too is disingenuous.


Today is the day scheduled for the motions. The motions calendar shows “paper” as the courtroom, so if the motions calendar is right, there will be no oral arguments today.


Yes really. Disingenuous/dishonest are synonyms.


Synonyms of disingenuous



Definition of disingenuous

as in dishonest

Synonyms & Similar Words


Antonyms & Near Antonyms

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MHG called 911. RC promised JK and RG that she would personally take care of the horses. RG and JK did not know at the time it was RC’s gun that MB used to shoot LK.

Edited to add that one cannot go back and retrieve a verbal gossip means of communication. I don’t believe there were ever listening devices planted in private areas.

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I so can not be the only person who when looking up a definition of something does not bother to go deep diving into the synonyms, I just take the definition at face value because heck, it is the definition.
But then, I do not have a Google Law Degree and I do not go looking for reasons to be that offended.


The way I read it in these particular posts, the meaning was insincere, not dishonest. YMMV.


But they knew that, per the transcribed eavesdropping… It was RC who was supposed to kill her…??

“lets get Ruth to do it…!” Or something?

I mean, LK was pretty clear in her posts she feared for her life… And her horses welfare… But somehow that didn’t stick after she was actually shot, allegedly by the guy she feared… But we now trust the horses safety to these people we feared would not protect them from harm, ie a dryer fire…


You will find that the frequency with which I post that position is strictly less than the frequency with which you or someone else posts that there is no evidence that MB shot her.

You act like you want to do what is right but for some reason on this point you just stomp your feet and shove your head under a rock.

Everyone on a every side of the situation admits there are recordings. The evidence has recordings. But you base your theories on the case that there just are not recordings. So strange, so very strange.

Would you like me to paste the part of the text messages where Lauren Kanarek talks about placing bugs? Will that prove it to you?


A $5,000 sweep found nothing. I don’t believe LK or RG or even JK on the day LK was shot by MB could get into private areas unseen. Every person in that barn, whether staff and boarders, was on high alert.

This has been explained and it is a very simple explanation, but I guess you are ignoring that too. Maybe google it so you can read it there and believe it.

Both Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin and Lauren Kanarek admitted under oath that they placed recording devices.
There are texts in the latest filings between them talking about placing recording devices.

There is proof of some huge number of recordings in evidence.

It is so weird the facts that you ignore to make your story work for you.


I know what lots of words mean without having to google them, @SillyHorse, including “disingenuous.”

Then how could LK be quoting and posting on social media almost exact conversations that she was not part of?


I would assume that if someone wanted to tell you that you are lying they would just use the word lying, since we have no issue using that word here.
So likely the use of the word disingenuous meant what most of us think it means.

What is your thought on the texts in the latest filing?
What is your thought on the whole Kanarek family, one by one, approaching Mr. Tarshis about the case before the criminal trial?
Why not talk about the current filings and all the stuff in there?