Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Not quite disgusting- but I still really want to know what you meant by this post. Are you saying that MB took LK on as a client because she was attractive? That’s pretty gross.


I‘ll ignore your various insults.

You mentioned LK being responsible for her own predicament. The only way I can translate into an aspect of the civil case is that you agree with @Ekat that MBs defense is going to argue that LK “drove MB insane” and is therefore more than 51% responsible for his shooting her while insane.

Do you agree with Ekat on that issue?

I think there is zero chance the defense would succeed in proving that LK was responsible for causing MBs insanity. I doubt they’ll try.

Another tack would be to claim she failed to mitigate her damages not because she caused the insanity but because she should have recognized he was unstable and backed off. That’ll be hard to establish given that others close to him, including RC didn’t recognize his delusional behavior, but I can see the defense attempting that one.

Or are you going with the claim she was the one who attacked him, and he shot her in self defense?

You can’t be more specific on the mechanism by which LK supposedly “contributed to her own predicament”?

But, sincerely, I don’t understand how any of those scenarios depends on LK being viewed as “vile” or “unreliable”.

But I understand perfectly if you want to decline to explain your reasoning. Speaking in loose generalities is so much easier than getting down to specifics.

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Omg. Thanks for the laugh!!

That reminds me of a story from many years ago about a person who was suspended, but still wanted to attend to watch a horse show. And somebody said the person was short, so he could be hiding in just about any trash can around the arena.

Even though I knew it was a joke, I still was a little leery of all the trash cans for the rest of the show. Lol.


You are horrifying. What is wrong with you?


To My Favorite Swashbuckler,

I believe you are referencing this portion of your post, which seemed to be ignored:

I’m guessing the real likelihood of a single juror finding her anything but vile, unreliable, and a significant contributor to her own misfortune is a single digit percentage.


A Former Elementary School Reading Specialist


Did anyone else besides me hear several people testify in the criminal trail they were aware MB was unraveling?


Sorry, Batcoach. I asked for examples of “outrageously disgusting behavior”.

And you show me a post that, in your opinion, is “not quite disgusting”?


Can the EIM meet beforehand to transform Mr. B? We need to change his name too.


And you continue. You knew what I said. You knew what I meant. I am so enjoying you outing yourself.


But this is a rather central question concerning the civil trial.

I was responding to a post of DreadPirateRoberts, and she seems not to want to bother to explain her reasoning.

Nice dodge.

I’m not out to prove what level of behavior you are capable of - you do that on your own.

I legitimately am curious why you posted it. The thread that it was in originally was locked so I thought I’d repost to give you a chance to honestly answer it.


Now that I think of it, I’ll bet Nathan Lane could do an excellent job as Mr. B in the movie about the case. And he could certainly hold his own in the musical version!


I thought Hank Azaria was funny too!


I did. Several people described him as a shadow of his former self, or words to that effect.

Mr. Tarshis, the Hay Guy, the lady from the town board, etc., etc.


Ali Brock, Jamie Dancer…


JH described him as “out of his mind”.


Including several witnesses for the prosecution.


Just bring a horrible person,

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Yep. MH described him being curled up in a fetal ball and non-responsive….


Why exactly do you care so much about everyone’s theories and reasoning? And why should anyone feel obliged to share their reasoning with you? It’s bizarre.