Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit


Definitely an overly broad use of the word “we” in there!


Hopefully this links works…. I believe they are on Spotify also if you don’t have an iPhone. Be aware that they are up to fifty episodes as of today but they are not all consecutive. The first several episodes posted in October, but then the podcast diverted to covering the Weinstein/Masterson trials.


It works well.

As a mother… that one makes my blood run cold.

If I was on a jury, and heard even a minimal INKLING about RG being an active drug user that summer, who also had a background involving multiple arrests for assault… and then I heard that he was trying to track down MHG’s kids, and LK was egging him on?

That alone would persuade me to find in favor of MB and SGF on everything. Because it’s really BEYOND chilling.

Every once in a while, something about this whole case makes me refocus more narrowly on what MHG’s experience must have been like during late July and early August of 2019… and my heart goes out to her, mother to mother. I would have FREAKED if I was on her shoes, and felt the need to get my kids far far away from the whole situation. But for her… that choice at that time would have meant ending her relationship with MB and really limiting her professional career aspirations… and that had to be an agonizing position to be in.

And all of it was because of a pathological and jealous client, who had fixated in a truly bizarre way.

It’s just awful to contemplate.

I’m really glad MHG has found a way to go forward from this, and found some personal happiness, and considerable success riding.


I’m going to 100% agree with this.

There’s a reason why so many of us and 95% or more on other social media finds LK/RG beyond redemption.


Don’t feel bad. We have all been there. It’s almost a rite of passage at this point when it comes to participating in the Barisone threads.


Awww. This is so kind of you. Thank you for the feedback. I’m glad we are having a more positive connection today.


Awww I want to hug one too!


Noooo it’s a traaaaap… you’ll get pulled into the murky water!



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Sea lions in real life are actually pretty amazing animals, and highly trainable. The Navy has used them for years in very specific capacities. My better half actually had experience transporting them by air once, in specialized kennels. It apparently was a very unique flight. He said there was LOTS of barking involved the entire time.

Here’s a link to more info for anyone who is curious…



I adore this!


What makes this situation so fascinating is that the Kanerwrecks are really their own worst enemy. They are horrible people who continue to show the world via participation here, SM posts, 48 hours, Wellington social events, etc. what they are made of. HH and CH’s trolling activities in hopes of a morsel of recognition doesnt help change anyone’s opinion.


I’m fact it adds to the appearance of plotting.


There. Fixed it for you.


I’m not a troll.

I’m interested in the legal aspects of the civil case, especially the comparative and contributory negligence issue, as I think that is the issue that is going to be contested.

I’m not looking for “a morsel of recognition”. I’m posting my opinions on the civil trial on a discussion board.

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You are not interested in the legal aspects because you keep ignoring the answers that people take the time to write you and then ask the same questions over and over and over and over again.

If you were truly interested in the legal aspect that is not how you do it. Oh, but you know that.







@Unfforgettable has deliberately changed my meaning. If she thinks saying “fixed it for you” makes it OK, it doesn’t.

Just another juvenile posting tactic that unforgettable apparently thinks is clever.

If you had a genuine response to my post, you could have posted it. But in the absence of a response with substance, you need to stoop to your little quip.

Stoop away, unforgettable!

This entire situation has shown that the vast majority of people certainly believe Maya Angelou was absolutely correct when she said, “when someone shows you who they really are, believe them”.


Eggbutt, I think I’ve agreed with all your Eggbuttisms but especially this one.

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